Elbit Systems US Subsidiary has been awarded a $26 Million contract to provide Integrated Fixed Towers System in Arizona.
Elbit Systems of America will install an Integrated Fixed Towers (IFT) system in the U.S. Border Patrol Casa Grande Area of Responsibility (AoR) in Arizona.
The project will be performed over a one-year period. To date, Elbit Systems of America has been awarded a number of contracts from CBP to install IFT systems in numerous AoR’s covering a total of approximately 200 miles of the Arizona–Mexico border, say the firm.
“The IFT system comprises a command and control center and a networked multi-tower, multi-sensor system that continuously monitors portions of the U.S. southern border.
Information from the towers is sent to the command and control center at a Border Patrol Station providing agents with long-range, persistent surveillance and situational awareness that allows them to dispatch an appropriate response.”
Elbit say that this capability provides greater safety for the agents patrolling the border in the Casa Grande AoR.
Ranaan Horowitz, Elbit Systems of America President and Chief Executive Officer, said in a press release:
“Elbit Systems of America is honored to have been selected by the CBP and the Tohono O’odham Nation to provide a solution to suit the needs of those living and working along the border in the Casa Grande AoR. This project clearly demonstrates our company’s mission to provide innovative solutions that protect and save lives.”
It’s just crazy that so many Americans refuse to support the securing of their own borders. Mexico has long since allowed and encouraged their own people and people from Central America to cross into the US. Now that an American President is finally saying enough is enough the liberal US media and the left wing Hollywood elite are calling him a racist.
America was populated by Immigrants and Colonists . They Slaughtered the Original Inhabitants.
Yawn total and utter lefty BS an idiotic comment that simply highlights ignorance. Every nation on Earth has history of things that by today’s so called enlightened standards would be considered unpleasant. So the Babylonian empire (Iraq) The Persians (Iran) the Greeks The Egyptian and the Romans just to name a few all went about invading murdering and enslaving entire nations long before the Spanish , French or shock horror British Empire ever existed but you never hear anyone saying anything about any of them it’s always Britain and The US that the leftist mob complains about. How about the fact that the native Indian tribes all hated one another and went about masacaring each other in attempts to dominate and control as much land as possible. Read the historical facts about planet Earth and its inhabitants and you might improve your level of understanding on these matters before making silly statements.
Secure borders are right and proper and good on the US for making attempts to do so.
America was populated by Settlers who built a country out of wilderness and later by immigrants who came PRIOR to the existence of the welfare state. There is a SIGNIFICANT difference between a immigrant in 1799 or 1895 and someone who can today and can benefit from Food Stamps, Medicaid, and numerous other state and federal programs.
Original inhabitants? You mean the PreAmerican Siberian immigrants. Those kind loving people who were busy slaughtering, raiding, raping, sacrificing each other to their gods, and even some memorable instances eating each other. The Natives fought wars and repeatedly lost them.
The moral of the story is clear when you have spears and bows don’t piss off people who just got essentially exiled from Europe with guns and cannons.
As has happened in every country with every every ethnic grouping since time imorial
That is true for every country where an indigenous population was overwhelmed by later people. England, Scotland, Ireland, Iberia, eastern and southern Africa( where Bantu people forced less advanced people into the desert areas of southern Africa, the Han people forced others into less desirable land. This is the story of humanity.
It’s interesting that we are outsourcing a critical component of our national security to a foreign people – in fact, the very people who are accused of promoting and hiding the non-white invasion. Not only will we pay our murderers for protection, but we will not get the protection when we really need it. Observe, Brits. Don’t make the same mistake.
A tad off topic but similar kit.
What happened to all the Base ISTAR kit from the camps in Helmand?
I hope the British Army retained the stuff.
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