Elbit Systems has been selected by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to conduct maritime demonstration flights in the UK using a number of its unmanned aerial surveillance systems.

The firm say that the demonstration flights are designed to demonstrate the advantages of using long-range unmanned capabilities in civilian airspace, with the ability to utilise multiple sensors on a single platform. Elbit Systems UK will collaborate closely with the UK Civil Aviation Authority, supported by additional UK companies, including Inzpire and Aviation Systems Group.

The solution will be based around the Hermes 900.

With a wingspan of 15 metres, the 1.2 Ton Hermes 900 Maritime Patrol is a long-range maritime surveillance system tailored for littoral and blue water operations, say Elbit.

“It features maritime radar, an Electro Optic payload, Satellite Communication, an Automatic Identification System receiver and an Emergency Position-indicating Radio Beacon receiver. The Hermes 900 Maritime Patrol enables persistent monitoring of vast swathes of sea and long coastlines with effective advanced search capabilities to support with valuable search and rescue work as well as the identification of potential hazards. Elbit Systems’ Skylark I-LEX will also be taking part in the demonstration flights.”

Elbit say they will support the MCA in their existing efforts, providing a 24-hour maritime search and rescue service around the UK coast and in the international search and rescue region through HM Coastguard.

Martin Fausset, CEO of Elbit Systems UK commented:

“We are proud to partner with the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency on this valuable demonstration of the wide range of unmanned capabilities Elbit Systems UK can offer. We look forward to providing the best possible support for the lifesaving work of the MCA. This is the latest example of how Elbit Systems UK is delivering proven technologies to support operational needs of UK customers.”

Maritime Minister, Nusrat Ghani said:

“Drone technology has enormous potential for our search and rescue teams, who save lives 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This ground-breaking project will not only hope to boost the capabilities of our already fantastic teams but will also boost our ability to spot pollution hazards and protect our precious marine environment.”

About the firm

Elbit Systems UK Ltd (ESUK) holds four wholly-owned subsidiaries as well as two joint ventures. In total, over 500 personnel are employed by the Elbit Systems UK companies, in high tech roles in the defence, aerospace and rail sectors. The two joint ventures were formed in order to deliver the Watchkeeper programme for the British Army and to supply and support three fleets of aircraft within the UK MoD Military Flying Training System (UKMFTS) programme.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Ian (@guest_491846)
4 years ago

Where will these fly from ?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_492407)
4 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Good question, I’m wondering too.

Maybe Park Aberporth and then over the Cardigan Bay ranges?

Just a guess on my part.

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_491852)
4 years ago

I wonder if this will include us? Interesting times!

Perhaps Taranis & Magma are purely demonstrators for the Tempest programme.

“The Australian military plans to begin testing the new drone in 2020 as part of a $30-million program. Australian and Boeing officials said some of Australia’s allies also are interested in acquiring the wingman ‘bot.”


Bloke down the pub
Bloke down the pub (@guest_491858)
4 years ago

Hope the programme runs better than Watchkeeper.

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_491882)
4 years ago

LOL, Agreed!

Grubbie (@guest_491859)
4 years ago

You seem to have no comprehension of what anti semitism means

Fedaykin (@guest_491861)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

This is neither the time or place for this debate.

Grubbie (@guest_491862)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

Quite, so why did you start it? I was commenting on the UKs strategic and technological needs.

Fedaykin (@guest_491865)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

You made an unnecessary comment about Israel, I reported it…end of story

Grubbie (@guest_491885)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

You are confused, you made a completely inaccurate and unacceptable accusation

Fedaykin (@guest_491886)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

Your comment about Israel has no relevance to the discussion about a drone for the MCA hence it was reported.

Grubbie (@guest_491898)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

It’s hugely relevant to UKs strategic position. I demand an apology for the false accusation.

Fedaykin (@guest_491923)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

What? Are you going to throw down your gauntlet and demand satisfaction?! Who is your second? Swords or Pistols?

The ‘OPINION’ that Israel is an Apartheid regime is of no relevance to the MCA trialling an Israeli made drone or the strategic position of the UK.

It was a ‘dog whistle’ pure and simple that I reported…hence end of story.

Fedaykin (@guest_491925)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

Considering the comment was removed as requested I think you need to reflect on things a bit before casting finger to keyboard in the future Grubbie.

Grubbie (@guest_491971)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

They are still thinking about it actually

Grubbie (@guest_491928)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

“dog whistle” – lefty speak for “I don’t have an argument”. You are welcome to make the case for arms trading with this nasty little nation but you can’t accuse somene of being antisemitic just because they disagree with you. It’s handing over our industrial base that I am really opposed to. Many Jews oppose the behavior of Israel as do many of the population and you have no idea if I am Jewish.

Fedaykin (@guest_491943)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

You don’t have an argument relevant to the subject at hand which is: “Israeli surveillance drones in trial to monitor UK waters”

As for not being Antisemitic I think you will find calling the entire nation of Israel a “Nasty Little Nation” rather does full within the IHRA working definition of Antisemitism.

Grubbie (@guest_491958)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

So, by your logic, any Jewish person or Israeli national who doesn’t approve of the behavior of the Israeli state is antisemitic?

Grubbie (@guest_491966)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

Totally wrong as explained below

SoleSurvivor (@guest_491938)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

Was it f**k a “dog whistle” Criticising an apartheid state like S Africa was never a “dog whistle” was it And it’s not an “opinion” calling Israel an apartheid state is factual, all the facts are there for you to read if you wish What’s hilarious is the only argument Israel puts forward for not being apartheid is because Gaza and the West Bank are not officially Israeli land, so it cannot be compared to S Africa’s internal apartheid policy ? which in turn is an admission of guilt that they are annexing/colonising/stealing illegally occupied land, illegal under international law,… Read more »

Fedaykin (@guest_491940)
4 years ago
Reply to  SoleSurvivor

Well you are here having a rant so I would say yes it is ‘Dog Whistle’…FYI title of the article is: “Israeli surveillance drones in trial to monitor UK waters” not “Lets discuss our views on Israeli actions in the occupied territories”.

Grubbie (@guest_491952)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

Get back on topic then. I am suggesting that we don’t hand over our industrial base to a violent expansionist apartheid nation with a strong history of subversion,never mind terrorism against the British forces. SoleSurvivor is overconfident in the current government, Pridi Patel tried to hand over aid money to the IDF.

Fedaykin (@guest_491954)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

Says a person not even remotely on subject who is now doubling down on it.

Like talking to a brick wall!

Grubbie (@guest_491956)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

Did you read the title? Israeli surveillance drones…..

Grubbie (@guest_491961)
4 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

“However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic “-IHRC

Grubbie (@guest_491965)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

I meant IHRA

farouk (@guest_491950)
4 years ago
Reply to  SoleSurvivor

Which one of you shouted out Beatlejuice three times?

Airborne (@guest_492083)
4 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Don’t bother mate, a known troll who I have outed on so many occasions it’s becone farcical. Just say yes grubbie, you are right and oh so smart! He then licks his own bollocks like a cat and preens himself, it’s so much easier than trying to educate pork. Cheers F.

Airborne (@guest_492082)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

And you haven’t mentioned the carriers? Hello grubbie,Mr “save the Royal Navy troll”! Don’t bother with this muppet, he is a known sad troll!

expat (@guest_491883)
4 years ago

More than 10 years ago BAe were suggesting Mantis for this very purpose, whilst I understand the there was urgent operation requirement 10 years ago so we went the General Atomics route. We should have kept developing Mantis for exactly this role. Now we’re paying a foreign company to develop this. Very sad. Mantis at the Dubai Airshow 11 years ago below.


Jas (@guest_491889)
4 years ago

What a waste of money, on such a tiny piece of the economy.

Sean (@guest_491894)
4 years ago
Reply to  Jas

Only tiny now after it was decimated by EU fishing quotas. Has the potential to grow an order or magnitude and provide jobs in areas of the country that are suffering serious protracted financial deprivation.
Or would you just like the U.K. to rely on financial services as a revenue?

Jas (@guest_491897)
4 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Decimated by the EU? & you think we can now rule the waves with our cod army , do me a favor.

Jack (@guest_491934)
4 years ago
Reply to  Jas

Are you even British ? You can’t even spell favour.

Jas (@guest_491944)
4 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Are you five, Typing that over a typo.

farouk (@guest_491948)
4 years ago
Reply to  Jack

I think you will find a clue in his/her name regards its negative view on this.

Airborne (@guest_492080)
4 years ago
Reply to  Jas

Do you a favor? What, teach you about Defence matters? Sorry pal, haven’t got that long to waste on you.

Jas (@guest_492102)
4 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Its a discussion on fishing son, But thanks for taking part.

Airborne (@guest_492135)
4 years ago
Reply to  Jas

Keep trying pal, you may have eventually learn something.

The Artist Formerly known as Los Pollos Chicken
The Artist Formerly known as Los Pollos Chicken (@guest_492342)
4 years ago
Reply to  Jas

Jas Probably best you go read up on what happened to U.K. fishing after we joined , I’ll give you the no. Of some good folks I know who work in fishing from Peterhead who will be able to articulate for you if you canny manage man.

Jas (@guest_492343)
4 years ago

& you think it was down to the EU? not poorly managed fleets soid off for a fast buck. I guess joined up thinking not yo thing sunshine.

AL (@guest_492346)
4 years ago
Reply to  Jas

The Norwegian have proven if you manage fisheries stock levels than fish can thrive again. And a multi use drone covering uk waters is a big win win

Farouk (@guest_491902)
4 years ago

Just for the info:
The EU, Iceland ,Chile and the Philippines already use the 900 in the Maritime role. So it’s already a proven design.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_491911)
4 years ago
Reply to  Farouk

That’s interesting, did not know that. The EU. I thought no UAV flew in Europe’s airspace still due to the usual avoidance issues? Apart from specific airspace set aside, like Watchkeeper flight areas and similar.

farouk (@guest_491927)
4 years ago

Daniele< I read that story a while ago and noted they were going to be based in Portugal. I didn't know about Iceland and that came out in a goggle: Iceland is first nation in Europe to use Hermes 900 maritime patrol Iceland has become the first country in Europe to deploy Elbit Systems’ Hermes 900 unmanned aircraft system (UAS) maritime patrol services. Icelandic’s maritime authorities are using the long-range service based at Egilsstaoir Airport in the east of the country to enhance the maritime patrol over the nation’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Deployment of the Hermes 900 at the… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_491947)
4 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Thank you Farouk.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_491929)
4 years ago

As I added to another thread this is such a fast moving segment. There was no point in deploying Watch Keeper as it added very little to the advanced search radar that was by then being fitted to all RN units. Watch keeper didn’t really add that much for quite a lot of bother. Otherwise you are funding the drone equivalent of Sea Slug – obsolete at point of deployment. The UK does have access to really really good sensor technology, far better than this will contain. Better to sit out a few generations until things settle down while me… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_491949)
4 years ago

Watchkeeper. What did we spend? 850 Million or something? And obsolete already, it having taken so long.

Another on DC’s list no doubt?

farouk (@guest_491957)
4 years ago

Watchkeeper is designed for use by the Royal Artillery in the ISTAR role, primarily target acquisition. Yes people are led to believe its a white elephant , but as an asset it affords a capability which nobody else in Europe has

Grubbie (@guest_491967)
4 years ago
Reply to  farouk

It would be an asset if it had worked

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_491991)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

Might be wrong, I was under the impression that it does work, what is not going so well is training enough people to get the regiment operational. Though I read recently 1 Battery is now ready. From what I read, in the long period of development and delivery of the Air Systems the MoD sorted out with the CAA and others a dedicated area for flying these things over Salisbury Plain, launching from Boscombe with a “rough field” site at Upavon. Have these flights ever taken place? We read here that training had moved to Ascension and to Cyprus to… Read more »

Airborne (@guest_492086)
4 years ago

It does work mate, had that from the horses mouth, but pilot training, weather and availability is an issue.

Airborne (@guest_492084)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie


Grubbie (@guest_492327)
4 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Wit….. less child

Airborne (@guest_492329)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

It’s to easy!

Grubbie (@guest_492331)
4 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Ah, Mr last word

Airborne (@guest_492332)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

Er, last word, the irony of your last post!

DaveyB (@guest_492175)
4 years ago

Mate, for a ship to be equipped with an over the horizon radar it will need to be over a kilometre long, due to the long wavelengths involved. If you use the method to bounce the signal off the ionosphere, you will have a massive dead zone between the skip zone due to the angle you need to fire the transmission at the ionosphere (think of bouncing a snooker ball off the cushion) It is also highly dependent on the time of day, plus any activity from sun spots. The time of day effects the ionosphere’s height and thickness, which… Read more »

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_492279)
4 years ago
Reply to  DaveyB

@DaveyB @ Daniele Mandelli I erroneously posted the drone type. Something to do with a my five year old son bouncing around. I didn’t mean Watch Keeper at all. I actually meant Scan Eagle. My bad. WRT wavelength yes a big array is needed. And timing is key to all radar and sonar imaging. However you can get round this with a synthetic receiver made up of lots of elements provided you know the spacing of the elements with sufficient accuracy. So you can perfectly well use an array of drones provided you know the spacing from either them pinging… Read more »

Ron (@guest_492141)
4 years ago

Daniele, If I understand correctly the Hermes 900 has either been selected or is operated by Switzerland. The Swiss have been operating the ADS 95 since 2001.

Paul T
Paul T (@guest_492076)
4 years ago
Reply to  Farouk

Hopefully the Trial Area will include the English Channel – they could be very useful at the moment.

Matt (@guest_491962)
4 years ago

I come for the articles, but I stay for the comments 😉
Such a passionate and defensive bunch we are

Gandalfo Americano
Gandalfo Americano (@guest_492017)
4 years ago

Giving Israel surveillance privileges over UK risks granting such access to China and other competitor nations as well. Israel has been known to sell secrets. Don’t use them as a crutch, because they will pull out from under you at the first sign of trouble.

Ian (@guest_492167)
4 years ago

Positive move; Israel will become an important partner within the next decade or two!

Gandalfo Americano
Gandalfo Americano (@guest_492226)
4 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Positive for who?

Grubbie (@guest_492330)
4 years ago

Let’s get back on topic. Some how or another we have not only managed to fail to develop a key stratigic defence industry, but we have also handed a portion of it directly to a foreign state. This state glorifies terrorists who murdered British servicemen and the majority of the British public are opposed to assisting their arms industry. Some of this opposition is owing to religious belief, but most is because human rights violations and non compliance with international law.

Ian (@guest_492355)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

First of all, Germany killed Millions of Britons, Millions! Not just “Servicemen”, but tens of thousands of civilians too! Going off your slant, maybe we should be equally, if not more concerned about the Boxer Project? Maybe we should be wary of Germany’s new war in Europe, one that takes fiscal control of lesser EU States? Iran has (indirectly) killed many more service personnel than that of Israel in its period of establishing legitimate Statehood. Israel has a 23% Muslim, Druze, Christian population…with Senior Arab/Muslim representatives in the Knesset, Armed Forces, Judiciary, Medicine…Muslim businesses thrive in Israel, LGBT Arabs/Muslims walk… Read more »

Grubbie (@guest_492373)
4 years ago
Reply to  Ian

What about, what about… I am also not in favour of handing control of key defence industries to Iran.

farouk (@guest_492388)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

Grubbie wrote: Let’s get back on topic. Some how or another we have not only managed to fail to develop a key stratigic defence industry, Actually the UK has one of the biggest defence industries going, the thing is for over 40 years the left have been demanding that the defence industry be disbanded and the new generation of MPs have been doing just that. but we have also handed a portion of it directly to a foreign state. What you mean like how the Chieftain tank was improved by the Israelis, how the Tornado, Concorde, Typhoon, Storm shadow ,… Read more »

Grubbie (@guest_492392)
4 years ago
Reply to  farouk

You have drifted off,
The Palestinian refugees would like to be free and return to the homes from which they were ethically cleansed.
Germany isn’t illegally occupying another state in contravention of countless UN resolutions.
The UK refused to sell chieftain tanks to the Israelis.
Hopefully you are not totally reliant on Israel to provide bandages when you go mountain biking.

farouk (@guest_492396)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

G wrote: The Palestinian refugees would like to be free and return to the homes from which they were ethically cleansed. I’m not Ian, and I looked into the issue regards Israel in great detail simply as to understand what the problem was and one thing I found is the use of terminological inexactitudes in which to promote the Palestinian agenda.For example whilst people love to talk about Palestinian refugees in which to try and gain the moral high ground, nobody ever mentions the exact same number of Jews ethnically cleansed from the countries of their birth .The thing is… Read more »

Ian (@guest_492402)
4 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Not sure what “I’m not Ian” (if anything) means/implies?
I’m an independent poster, I speak from on-the-ground experience of the N/ME, taking in the Islamic States!
I am a UK National and my views are totally independent of anyone else on this forum, that respectfully includes yours.

For whatever reason/reasons, your argument is terribly simplistic and misleading.
I may not accept your views, but I accept your right to free speech, as misleading as it may be!!

farouk (@guest_492404)
4 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Ian, sorry, I usually receive updates via Email on people replying to my posts, but I haven’t today, so I presumed I was answering to a post meant for you.

farouk (@guest_492397)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

G wrote:
The UK refused to sell chieftain tanks to the Israelis
Yes they did, but that still doesn’t take away the fact that the Israelis were tasked to redesign it during the 60s. which is what they did and made the tank so effective on introduction.

Paul T
Paul T (@guest_492457)
4 years ago
Reply to  farouk

farouk – I’m sure the Israeli’s trialed the Chieftain Tank ,it was obviously seen as the successor to the Centurion,but after the 6 Day War a lot of Countries (UK,France to name but two) went cold on Arms sales ,leading to embargos ,,which helped push on their own Arms Industries as they had to become self sufficient.The Kfir and Merkava being the products that are best known.

Ian (@guest_492398)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

“Germany isn’t illegally occupying another state in contravention of countless UN resolutions”. And you think the Israeli Government is? You are unbelievably naive or totally ignorant of the facts! Resolution 181 is Israel’s legitimacy to Statehood, Fact! Israel occupies no other State, there has never been a ‘Palestinian State’, Fact! Israel, on many occasions, accepted up to 90-95% of Palestinian Statehood negotiations on pre 67 lines but were always met with belligerent posturing from Arafat and all who followed him. Buffer zones: Golan, Gaza…only exist because of Arabs waging wars on the Jews: Six-Day, Yom Kippur… Annexation is a result… Read more »

Grubbie (@guest_492399)
4 years ago
Reply to  Ian

UN resolution 242

farouk (@guest_492401)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

G wrote:
UN resolution 242

And your point?

Rob Collinson
Rob Collinson (@guest_492395)
4 years ago

Couldn’t we just repurpose the Watchkeeper drones which are gathering dust, unused for this task?

Grubbie (@guest_492403)
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Collinson

Because they don’t work

Ian (@guest_492405)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

They work as well as any other drones of the period, regardless of the losses through bad weather…
Or is it simply that it/they use Israeli technology?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_492406)
4 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Yes, they work. Problem is training enough qualified personnel.

Flying from Boscombe now, at last.


Ian (@guest_492409)
4 years ago

You don’t have to convince me…I simply responded to Grubbie’s inherent hatred toward Israel.
I see Elbit Systems as an essential partner in a rapidly evolving electronics defence industry.

Grubbie (@guest_492440)
4 years ago
Reply to  Ian

A significant number of Israelis doesn’t approve of the behavior of their own nation, that is not inherent hatred.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_492444)
4 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Hi Ian.

My response was to Grubbie, apologies.

Grubbie (@guest_492438)
4 years ago
Reply to  Ian

I never said there is anything wrong with Israeli technology, just that we shouldn’t be funding it and allowing a dodgy foreign state to control our defence industries. You are ridiculously baised in favour of Israel. Israel, rightly or wrongly, simply could not exist as a Jewish state without ethnic cleansing as the Jews would be outvoted if the original inhabitants were allowed to return to their homes. The Israelis have been completely open about this since before the state was created.

LL (@guest_492668)
4 years ago
Reply to  Grubbie

If the product is good they should use it, British Army got also got the Exactor from Israel while in Afghanistan. It seems was some sort of an emergency request. —— You hate that Jews have a country, we already get that Grubbie… Just to show to you your discriminating way of thinking: You talk about Allied occupation of Germany? It was only ended after de-nazification… What about Germans expelled from their lands after their lost the war? Or why don’t you complain about Balkans population changes? it was just 25 years ago. Jews expelled from Arab countries and Persia… Read more »

Grubbie (@guest_492671)
4 years ago
Reply to  LL

Well, that’s just madness, many Jews and many Israeli citizens are horrified by the appalling behavior of Israel their blatant theft and illegal occupation. I don’t recall talking about the occupation of Germany at all, but I do recall that they shoved all the Jews into ghettos and took the opportunity to steal from them in a rather similar way to what the Israelis have done to the Palestinians.
The Israelis also manufacture excellent targeting pods, by the way.