NATO warships have sailed the length of the UK while conducting the first major live exercise of Steadfast Defender 24.

Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) carried out gunnery exercises, air defence simulations, and resupply operations alongside a Spanish Task Group while sailing in the English Channel.

According to a NATO news release:

“SNMG1 began its journey in Stavanger, Norway, sailing past Scotland and along the North Sea, before meeting up with the Spanish Task Group in the English Channel. Throughout Steadfast Defender, NATO demonstrates it can sustain complex operations over several months, across thousands of miles in any condition, no matter how challenging. The maritime Live Exercise began with a formation of Spanish, French and Canadian ships sailing and conducting advanced technical exercises, demonstrating effective cohesion and interoperability between Allies who are used to working together.” 

The open seas and the English Channel allowed the task groups to respond to many different exercise situations.

“Wargaming allowed them to practice threat detection, combat, and casualty evacuation drills. Simulated battles between the task groups even allowed them to practice surveillance and targeting of opponent assets, putting into practice electronic warfare, anti-ship missile defence and air defence capabilities. Oiler ship ESPS Patino resupplied SNMG1 with missiles, torpedoes, light ammunition, as well as food, water, fuel and spare parts. This capability enables the warships to stay at sea for months at a time, and ensures proper sustainment of NATO forces.”

The exercise allowed individual ships from different navies to work together as a team, say NATO.

“We’ve accomplished a significant amount during our two week exercise in the waters around the UK coast,” said the Commander of SNMG1, Spanish Navy Rear Admiral Joaquin Ruiz Escagedo.

“The ships are now fully integrated, and ready to begin more advanced combat enhancement training as we move further north. By the time we reach Norwegian waters, we will be ready to play our role in the most advanced phase of Exercise Steadfast Defender, including amphibious landings and combat strike operations from the UK Carrier Strike Group.”

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BobA (@guest_799329)
4 months ago

Spanish task group in the English Channel?! Ye Gods!

Malcolm (@guest_799339)
4 months ago
Reply to  BobA

Time to light the beacons and then sit in the stream between the IoW and the mainland….I now have the tune from Captain Pugwash in my head grrr.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_800533)
4 months ago
Reply to  BobA

Yes… the photo shows quite an Armada!