A 46-year-old man from Leeds has (Friday, August 2) been sentenced to an 11 year extended sentence for four terrorism offences at Sheffield Crown Court.

Colin McNeil (31/08/1977) received an 11 year extended sentence, comprising of 7 years in custody and 4 years on extended licence. He will also be subject to a terrorist notification order for 30 years.

Colin McNeil, 46

McNeil of Beeston Road, Leeds, provided a service, in the form of an online website, that facilitated others to obtain terrorist publications and by doing so committed four dissemination offences contrary to Section 2(2)(d) Terrorism Act 2006.

The website was deliberately, and very publicly, unmoderated with McNeil admitting in a police interview that he knew the site had been ‘swamped’ by material supporting extreme right-wing ideologies.

When he became aware that terrorist publications were being distributed on the website, he continued to play an active role in its administration. McNeil was first arrested on the 23 March 2022 following an investigation by Counter Terrorism Policing North East.

Specialist Investigators identified that McNeil showed admiration for terrorist publications shared on his website and also used the platform to express his own racist and extreme right-wing views. Furthermore, a number of likeminded convicted international terrorists also used the website to further their ideologies.

Head of Counter Terrorism Policing North East, Detective Chief Superintendent James Dunkerley said:

“There is simply no place for racism in our society. We will continue to seek out those that facilitate and distribute these harmful ideologies. I would urge the public to report any concerning online material that they come across to the national Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit (CTIRU) hosted by Counter Terrorism Policing. This unit contains specialist officers who assess online material to determine its nature and whether it breaches legislation, requires further investigation, or highlights any safeguarding concerns.

If any extremist content is identified, then the unit takes steps to get it removed by the host website or platform. Removing harmful, violent and extremist content online is critical to our efforts to reduce the spread of terrorist material and propaganda’ continues DCS Dunkerley. As the increase in reports to the CTIRU demonstrate, there is a real willingness from the public to tell us about concerning content. Their continued support is invaluable, and I’d appeal to anyone who comes across terrorist or extremist material online to report it to police at www.gov.uk/report-terrorism.”

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


    • I was thinking the same…as long as you are newscaster for a national broadcaster you can get away with a slap on the wrist…yet as soon as you are the white working class and your complain about mass migration the police kick your door down, drag you away and then bang you for years….Then one wonders why we have these riots in the UK…

      • Are you still wondering? Look at immigration policies in Europe and you will get the answers, it seems you are blind.

  1. What about the ideology responsible for inciting people to bomb us, run us down with vans and trucks, rape and kill our children and calls for the genocide of the Jewish people?. Detective Chief Superintendent James Dunkerley appears to be tolerant of such an ideology.

    I would suggest that if you’re going to be against racism, then be against ALL of it. Not just when it suites your own racial discrimination against the native majority. Otherwise you’re just a hypocrite with no moral authority.

    • Exactly this.
      The apparent 2 tier policing is driving people nuts.
      My wife and I would find a peaceful
      Demonstration if one is local to us.
      Look on Twitter showing gangs of Muslim men roaming the streets in the Midlands, I think Stoke, with axes and machetes.
      I BET that won’t be shown on the BBC News.
      Or are we all “far right”?

      • Have you seen the gangs of non-Muslim, British youths roaming the streets with axes and machetes? Have you seen the number of non-Muslim nonces and internet groomers out roaming? Have you seen the non-Muslims responsible for all these hate crimes, like the hate crime on the mosque in Stockport? The UK doesnt have the chav, roadman and noncey old man reputation for no reason. I’ve seen more of them than I have problematic Muslims, and I’m from near Bradford with a really high Muslim population. Idk if you’ve seen BBC news recently, absolutely full of racism and Islamophobia, of course it’ll be on the news and I BET it’ll emphasise that theyre Muslim (it wouldn’t if they were Christian! Or white or anything!). Ofc you’re far right, if you really cared about the security of this country, you’d realise that crimes committed by minority groups are SO overrepresented in the media. Call against systemic racism, advocate for prosecution of EVERY criminal, not just the ones who happen to be Muslim or happen to be immigrants or whatever on Earth you think you’re fighting for. People like you are who make this country unfavourable, not immigrants, not Muslims, not people with xyz ancestry, not brown or black people, or whoever else you neo-Nazi gammons blame.
        P.s. by “peaceful protest”, by any chance do you mean these EDL ones? Theres nothing peaceful about Nazi pride!

      • It’s absolutely crazy the difference in what is being shown on TV and what you can see on twitter / X. Literally mobs of hundreds parading through town centres, openly carrying machetes and other weapons in full view of the police, and chanting ‘allah akbar’.

        You can’t help but think there must be a concerted effort to control the narrative.

        Two tier Kier, and his outrageously naive speech, have a lot to answer for.

        • What surprises me is how few see it. Or maybe, they don’t want to see it, and would rather bury their heads in the sand.
          Just now on the BBC updates is a perfectly fair report on how some ethnic communities are feeling uneasy, and unsafe, with the far right yobs running about.

          Yes….fair one. And WHY then do the BBC not mention the white communities sick to death and worrying when the next Muslim bomb, vehicle ram or knifing is coming from?


      • Instead of doing the right thing and calling for calm Keir Starmer (not my PM) threw petrol on the fire….He’s an intolerant moron (like most of our elites) who doesn’t understand why these riots occured. Two tier policing and government that is soft on the cult (and it is a cult) that has embedded itself in the UK over the last few decades and the native population. They have Balkanized the UK with this mass legal and illegal migration and created a powder keg ready to explode. I’m inclined to believe the migrationwatch figures that show mass migration is a massive net drain to the economy – at least they can back their figures up unlike our government (Cons, Liebour or Lib Dums). Bare in mind a large proportion of migration was the dependents of international students that don’t work….you couldn’t make it up we simply do not need this type of migration. I don’t excuse the riots but fully understand why people do this when they feel their voices are not heard, their communities are swamped and they are fearful for their children’s futures. I ask the question that everyone is asking…How many more?

    • The country is being ripped apart my two tier policing and two tier government – one for the cult and ideology you talk about (it’s not a religion but a cult) and the the other for everyone else. You’ll note that the same ideology that had riots after the Manchester event then our politicians were calling for calm. However, as soon as it is the white working class…no we must crack down and batter them into submission using the state police. This is what is causing these riots…two tier policing and mass legal and illegal migration. I don’t excuse the riots but by god I can understand why they are happening.

      • Right wing thugs just out for a scrap are not British working class, and none of them are thinking about those 3 little girls. Awful scenes in Hull yesterday. Innocent Asian family dragged out of a BMW punched and kicked then the car smashed up. Shops looted, and just general morons come out of the woodwork for a scrap with the police. Utter utter morons. All of them. No place for extremes of Right wing or left wing in society.

        • You’re right mate, the far right is using the situation as an opportunity, and that harms the cause of so many fed up with unlimited immigration.
          The mainstream media, and the government, don’t seem to see the other protesters though, who are also tarred with the same brush, which embitters so many.
          Ultimately, the result of mass immigration since the 90s and multiculturism, started by New Labour, and continued by the Tories. How can multiculturism work if so many of the differing cultures do not integrate with each other?
          Taken to the extreme, the UK will end up literally as an area of land with differing competing tribes against each other.
          And THAT is squarely at the door of HMG the last 30 years, encouraged by the left wing lobby in all areas, and dismissive of those with concerns for the consequences as right wing or racist.
          As far as I’m concerned, I’m so PROUD when I see different races supporting England at a football match, or cheering our Olympians. Because they’ve integrated.
          Country and flag first, and all colours, creeds and beliefs are welcome.
          Not happening is it, too many are detached and not integrating.
          That is the problem why multiculturism, to me, fails.

          • There is not a single country in the world and in history that has integrated multiple different cultures side-by-side without that being imposed above. Take India for example, throughout company rule and the Raj in India they had peace only because law and order was imposed harshly by the British army. As soon as Britain left they descended into sectarian fighting with millions dying in the partitioning of India. We have imported cultures that might integrate at the high end (upper class and upper middle class) but at the lower end lower middle class and working class they have no hope of integrating because they want to import their world view and they will not compromise. Many coming to the UK are grifters after benefits and free housing who offer little or no economic benefit (as demonstrated by migrationwatch). 50% of immigration is the dependents of students (they don’t work and use the NHS). We seem certain religions emboldened by two-tier policing to take country of the streets in London (I have personally witnessed this). I have lived for many years in my 20s with these cultures and believe me their true views would turn your stomach. Kier Starmer has laid the seeds for the destruction of the Labour party with that ill timed intolerant speech denouncing the white working class…he looked nervous when delivering it as he knew that this would poor petrol on the flames that are burning.

        • And rather than the screams of race thrown whenever this subject arrises, there should be proper, grown up national debate, be it on TV, on radio, in person, or even a referendum.
          Not suppression of views or speech, as that is breeding resentment.

        • If you don’t think there is two tier policing compared to different ethnic groups then I can’t help as it is so obvious. I’ll do you a deal I’ll retract the two tier policing if that BBC nonce gets 10 years rather than a slap on the wrist and no custodial sentence.

          • He’ll get what he deserves relative the severity of his crime. The jury will decide. Not you or me, or the media.

          • Robert extreme lefties like you just make me feel ill….really ill….for you I guess you would like him given community service in a primary school….

        • Well said Sir, I’ve seen gangs attacking, and breaking windows of Asian houses and even trying to light them on fire. I don’t support left or right I do think there is too much immigration but attacking law abiding Asian families isn’t on. I live in ab Asian area and quite honestly I’ve seen Asians be helpful towards white working class families helping with food and charity work. We need to be careful not to allow non state actors to distroy out country. Rioting doesn’t help out country no matter who is doing it. Folks on social media either trying to inflame the situation just to make money on both sides and uk public being taken for fools. Unbelievable.

    • It is called racial replacement policy, for which European politicians have been conveniently paid and instructed by the elites.

  2. Why does this site only publish far right terror related stories? Is there a military link that’s not mentioned? No mention of the attack of the attack on the soldier near Brompton barracks a couple of weeks ago. Surely that has more of a military link relevant for discussion here.

    Anjem Choudary was given 28 years for terror offences last week too, who has repeatedly made threats against UK forces.

    • The MSM have created a narrative that the white native working class in Britain are evil. Two tier Kier (not my PM) should be asked at every press conference…How many more Kier?

        • Mate, for once we will disagree, my friend. 😑
          That is how it appears to me. Not in the police response to an ongoing violent attack. They’d respond to whoever is attacking another person of course, and they’re doing their best.

          I think it’s coming from higher up to not “inflame community tensions”
          It is the same “phenomena” as when a few years ago the regional Police Counter Terror units were stating publically as putting as much emphasis on right wing white terror groups as Muslim ones.
          Where are the white bombings of trains, concerts, and driving vehicles into crowds? I can only think of one.
          Everybody knows the majority of the terror threat is radical lslam, the Security Service has so many on its radar it cannot track them all.
          Why the emphasis then? Softly softly. Don’t inflame.

          So, the supposed Two Tier policing regards demos and riots.
          Harehills in Leeds.
          Roma community, Muslims, whoever, an area of heavy immigrant populace.
          Police fled, no arrival in riot gear to stop the mayhem.
          London demos, including OAPs, and normal people, not just the far right yobbos, riot gear, corralled into corners. It’s all in Twitter to see.

          Starmer and the Home Sec, vowing to come down hard on attacks on police and rioters. So, why….
          Manchester thugs, 2 Muslim lads who beat up 3 Police officers, with a WPCs nose smashed, not a peep.
          All filmed. The 2 thugs are out on bail.

          Groups of Muslims on the streets with sticks, machetes and axes, not a peep.
          To be fair, even though carrying weapons is crime, some might have been out to defend their mosque if they thought it about to be attacked, so given their religious zeal I can sort of get it…

          Far right yobs causing trouble, riot police.

          Months of marches through Whitehall re Palestine, people calling for Israel’s demise, supporting Hamas, shouting Alah Akbar. Nothing, no response. The police “mostly” just observe with only a few targeted arrests.
          Compare that to the many reports over the years of Christians not being allowed to openly show a cross round their neck.
          It is endemic.
          BLM protests years ago, again, softly, softly.
          The EDF yobs who did counter protests, riot police.
          That, is what is being seen as two tier policing.
          Thanks mate.

          • Totally agree Daniele. These riots were instigated by our elites and instead of calming this down by ensuring equal treatment under the law two tier Kier came out and doubled down on the white working class (basically threatening them with state police). It is a repugnant and awful hate speech from Kier Starmer based upon left wing class based arrogance. This will cause further anger from the white working class….I condemn the violence but I understand why this happened and unfortunately our elites do not.

        • Sorry but it doesn’t take much to go onto twitter to see the police liaison officer telling muslim crowds to go put their weapons in the mosque in return for not being arrested. Not that those who openly carried machetes etc were arrested anyway, as can be seen from the footage of them casually walking past police with those weapons in full view and the police doing nothing. And nazi salutes towards Jews in central London by pro palestine marchers – again, nothing.

          Meanwhile women and pensioners are randomly being plucked from crowds of anti-immigration protestors and being aggressively arrested. “Pick anyone” is a phrase captured on camera being used by the police as they burst into a peaceful crowd, grab a young man, punch and kick him repeatedly and throw him to the ground to arrest him.

          How can you see those images and not conclude that we have two tier policing?

          • Innocent protesters have not been arrested have they. The scenes I saw in Hull yesterday was droves of thick teenagers and football fans acting like utter morons. Looting a mobile phone store and a Gregg’s. A sodding Gregg’s? 🤷‍♂️ for what? what is the excuse for any of it? If people kick off, you will get arrested, regardless if you are white, black, Muslim, Asian whatever. Palestinian matches went largely peaceful considering the numbers involved. Shops didn’t get smashed up and looted. White people didn’t get dragged out of cars and beaten up. This is just one big excuse for the very small number of complete idiots in our society to think its fun to have a pop at the cops, and beat up some Asians if they can, and use those poor girls as an excuse. No excuse for any of it. This country has always been multicultural. And some integrate better than others. And we do have a immigration problem. But other countries have it far worse. The guy who killed those girls was born in the UK. He didn’t arrive last month in a dingy. If a white or a black kid killed those girls, none of this would be happening. Zero excuse for any of it. And hurling insults and slogans is one thing, mindless violence will not be tolerated, regardless of skin colour or social background. People are just making things up to justify their actions.

          • This country has always been multicultural…I’m afraid that is factually completely incorrect…immigration apart from the Roman and Norman conquests was very small…Only under Blair, Cameron, May, etc did the wheels come off and we had open borders.

          • Immigration ran at 30,000 per annum up until the Blair and Cameron era of mass migration. This was primarily designed to reduce wages in the UK economy so that the rich could have carte blanche about salary levels. Robert people like you (extreme lefties) are the very real and present danger to the UK.

          • If you think I’m an extreme leftie, then you are as deluded as the thugs on our streets. I’m centre right with my politics. You, have shown your true colours. If you can’t condem the actions of the idiots on our streets, then you belong in a police cell with them.

          • You will see from my posts I condemn the violence but I understand why this is happening (shame you do not). Two tier Kier poured petrol on the fire by his speech. Also, you are very far from centre right….you just stated I belong in a cell for complaining about mass migration…the intolerant left would do the same for anyone complaining about how mass migration has Balkanized the UK and caused these riots. Again, this comes down to left wing control bang up anyone that doesn’t agree with mass migration. I reiterate again I condemn the violence but when you Balkanize the UK this is the result unfortunately.

          • You are not condemning the violence are you. There is zero justification for it. It is not normal decent people creating the violence, it’s thugs, football hooligans and stupid teenagers. If a white kid killed those girls, none of this would be happening, would it?? And this two tier police rubbish. A sound bite made up in the Kremlin and spread to right wing Internet sites. Nothing wrong with complaining about immigration. Violence, thuggery, looting and generally being a bunch of thugs is not complaining about immigration. It’s exactly what it is. Mindless violence from people with two brain cells.

          • Robert this lack of understanding of the community tensions is exactly why these has gone on for so long. If Kier Starmer had acted in good faith and forced a review of two tier policing (take BLM and the anti-Israel violence on our streets for instance) then none of this would be happening. I reiterate again I condemn the violence but understand underlying reasons why this is happening. I suspect this will be the nadir of the Labour party as the next election they will suffer the same fate as the Tories did.

          • Innocent protesters have not been arrested have they.

            Yes they have.

            If people kick off, you will get arrested, regardless if you are white, black, Muslim, Asian whatever.

            This is demonstrably untrue.

            If a white or a black kid killed those girls, none of this would be happening.

            The ‘kid’ was black. He was about a week before his 18th birthday. Starmer has expresed support for lowering the voting age to 16 (gerrymandering, obviously).

            Shops didn’t get smashed up and looted.

            They did during the BLM riots. And during the Palestine marches there were many instances of war memorials being vandalised and counter protestors being assaulted and verbally abused (including Nazi salutes).

          • No words or excuses can defend what has happened over the last few days. Nothing can justify it. I’m from Hull. And I’m ashamed to say it, but some utterly horrible c@@@s took part in violence and looting in the city centre. And simple minded teenagers who thought it was all just a laugh. They wont be laughing when the police come knocking. The very worst of us. I’m not left wing, I don’t vote Labour, I don’t agree with uncontrolled immigration. But the far right that have used those poor girls deaths as an excuse to riot, and create fear has no place in our society. It’s so easy to judge what the police have done or not done in the past, but the wider implications of every situation is different. And very tough to make the right calls. I do not envy the job they have to do.

        • Robert I took this from the telegraph just now:

          Group chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ clashes with protesters and police in BoltonThe BBC reports that a group of around 250-300 protesters chanting “Allahu Akbar” has clashed with police and Right-wing demonstrators in Bolton. 
          According to the broadcaster, the group charged towards Bolton Town Hall, where protesters waving England flags had gathered. 
          On a further cry of “Allahu Akbar”, the group began throwing eggs at the police before “charging” around streets in the town centre. 
          The two groups of protesters then skirmished on another street, where bottles and fireworks were exchanged, but both sides were kept apart by police lines. 

          How about condemning the Islamo-leftists that are causing mayhem on the streets of Bolton. This is what mass migration gets you i.e., a Balkanized UK with different groups fighting against one another. All mass migration has to be stopped from tomorrow to bring order to the UK.

          • Right wing thugs started this. No excuse for any of it. None of you are think about those poor girls. You are a disgrace to our Flag. A Flag and country I served for 14 years. So don’t dare lecturer me.

          • Robert mass migration and Balkanization of the UK started this unfortunately. These communities are downtrodden and left behind by the elites and then rammed to the rafters with immigrants that they had no choice in accepting who have view diametrically opposed to what you and I believe in. As far as your service goes I salute you for your service. However, this doesn’t mean I can’t state my beliefs on the causes of this violence (which I agree is wrong but I can understand why it has happened). Unless we learn the lesson and stop all legal and illegal mass migration then this will happen again and again. Two tier Keir thinks that by attacking the white working class this will solve the issue and painting them all as far right. The issue is not just mass migration but also two tier policing and government – address the causes as well as the symptoms.

    • Yes, I was surprised there was no article about that.
      Almost Lee Rigby all over again.
      I’ve not found any details about it since beyond the usual mental health statements.

      • The more the MSM cover up the more that trust will break down…those bleating about the far right (I don’t recognize that term anymore as it has been overused) are to blame for this violence. They reap what they sow in my opinion. Do I condemn the violence, yes I do, do I understand why this happened, yes I do, will this get worse over the years, yes it will.

        • Yep, Agree. Sadly. According to Starmer, I’m far right. I have no criminal record. I’m kind to animals. I go on jury service. I’m loyal to my nation. I am a friendly neighbour. I pay my taxes. I have had friends of colour. I tend my garden and conduct a hobby where I paint Oil paintings. But I voted for Brexit, am sick and tired of immigration changing my nation, to me not for the better, and I SPEAK MY MIND on it.
          So I’m far right.
          So be it. I apologise for nothing.

          • Daniele you are just a normal patriotic British person (just like many people in these communities). I have a partner who is overseas and fully integrated into the UK (and she works hard just like me). What we are dealing with is extreme far left people. These lefties have lost the plot. They like control and it’s all about money. The shout of “racist” is just an easy way of using control. The word “racist” and “far right” has lost all meaning. Now whenever I meant or talk to a leftie I use their language (they are the real racists and they are real extremists). Ironically there is now a term for lefties that align themselves with radical Islam and it is called Islamo-Leftism. Our security services are more worried about Islamo-Leftism than any far right organizations. Indeed there are many policy initiatives to try and tackle this form of extreme far left anarchism. The lefties love two things control and money and that is what mass migration gives them. Many people have understood what the “game” of the left is now. They have infiltrated the Tory party (the one nation group) and caused it to veer left towards the extreme left position of the Labour party.

    • Micki there will be more of this in the future with the extreme far left that love anarchy for the purposes of control and the use of mass migration to lower wages so they can have all the money. This is about control and money – the two things the extreme far left love more than anything else.

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