The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has issued an opportunity under “Project SHAMER” to procure a “single chassis, multi-calibre, bolt action sniper rifle” intended to replace the legacy L115 and L118 rifle systems.
According to the notice, the contract is estimated to be worth between £1 and £4 million, with a contract start date of 1 June 2026 and an end date of 2 June 2033.
Issued as a restricted procedure, the tender is classified as an open opportunity, meaning “the buying department is looking for potential suppliers to fulfil the contract.”
The procurement reference for this project is tender_483346/1452236. The MoD highlights that the contract is “suitable for SMEs,” but not for voluntary, community, and social enterprises (VCSEs).
Interested suppliers have until 24 March 2025 at 11:59pm to submit their proposals. The successful bidder will supply the rifle system to address the MoD’s requirement for a modern, adaptable sniper platform, replacing two existing models in the UK’s arsenal.
Further details, including technical specifications and application procedures, are available in the official notice.
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I can’t believe I’m having to say this but we mustn’t buy American. This also goes for Project Grayburn as well, helpfully we’ll pick a British solution but it definitely must not be American. And whatever we do pick, it must all be manufactured and maintained here in the UK. The Knights Armament rifles we’ve committed to purchasing are very fine weapons (though expensive) but I hope we’ve contracted to have them maintain over here. We have more than enough hostages to fortune already e.g. Trident, F35 and AUKUS. Bloody hell, given the rumours about Starlink, we need to source… Read more »
Agree, should be UK solution (even licensed production) or European rifle, perhaps as part of a barter arrangement.
Agree totally with your comment. Remember the birth of the SA80, I recall Research & Development were not happy with the quality and said so often. I believe they felt the Steyr better fitted the bill.
The Rt. Honourable member for Finchley sent the grey suits to inform the dissenters to take a pace to their rear and maintain radio silence.
Government policy had already been preset that it and it’s ammunition would be British.
I don’t believe trident uses GPS or starlink as far as I know it uses the stars basically to navigate as it’s not a precise weapon in the scale of things however the sniper rifle will probably be AI as they do make the best anyway as to the rifle for the army that will I assume be built in the UK as it’s going to be a pretty big contract and I’m going to assume that will be a factor that H&K will enthusiastically tell the government that they have a subsidiary company already in the uk and could… Read more »
This exactly where the procurement rules have gone completely mad.
You should be buying these out of petty cash not running a competition. Get companies to send in samples and let the soldiers effectively pick their own and then get adequate stocks of each. If that means we are getting half a dozen different pieces of kit then so what. The costs here are peanuts in the scheme of things.
Totally agree. Each sniper should choose their own weapon. A sniper rifle is a thing of personal choice. You wouldn’t let the MOD tell you what car to drive.
Couldn’t disagree more…
Logistics, repair, ammunition, consistency of effect, there are many reasons why you want an effective and standard sniper rifle.
I used to command sniper platoon. The snipers are expert at the Rifle issued, they aren’t gun nuts.
You would let the MoD tell you what car to drive if it’s on military business.
The Army uses Land Rovers; they don’t let troops just use their own cars in the field.
Every sniper choosing their own rifle would be a logistical nightmare; imagine how many supply chains would have to be established to ensure that each chosen rifle is maintained, has spare parts etc.
100% right.
We are quite properly reliant & involved with many arms & security commitments with the USA & NATO. Now Trump has achieved a Facist pro-Russian coup thanks to the culpabilty of sufficient loons & monied vulture capitaists, we can only hope & pray it is a short aberation & someone sensible & adult will replace him ASAP. Even the imploding Tories only allowed looney Truss a few weeks before replacing her. Now Trump is unrestrained & unfiltered, even duped Americans should hopefully become revolted at the reality of evil pouring out of his heart. Zelenski is clearly in the mould… Read more »
…Character assasinate…
Oh for the old edit button!
The biggest issue regarding being dependent on America is GPS. They could switch it off and all of our missiles, jets etc would be clueless
That’s exactly why DSTL have been working on quantum navigation… I have no idea how it really works, but my understanding is it’s a very accurate version of inertial navigation based on a quantum computer … whatever that actually is.
100% right BUT the whims (and loyalties) of the procuring authorities are potentially an issue.
We can not rely on American weapons anymore.
Regrettably I agree.
AUKUS is not so bad as it is more design than actual parts or system
f35 we need to procure on the same basis as the Israelis where we have full control of the software.
We must no longer support the UsA defence complex , we need to put Europe first. Until the US returns to normal stable politics
It would be nice if we developed our own VLS ass well.
how hilarious if we had to partner with the french for our nuclear requirements. im thinking the uk deterrent can ride out a presidential 4 year term of office and still have sufficient working missiles fingers crossed if the orange one cuts us off
Sorry but Europe is far more unreliable than the USA will ever be
the UK is in Europe genius
The UK is in the Anglospherical genius.
So what? Moron. You want to bow and scrape to the Yanks cos they pat us on the head occasionally? 🤣
Pity we’re so obsequious and servile to our ‘merkin “buddies” cos they (sort of) speak English 🙄
Anglosphere looooooool
Is there really any such thing? It suggest sharing a language is important but the UK is in many ways an English speaking version of France while the USA is clearly an English speaking version of Russia. Very violent, massive religious right, militaristic/imperialistic foreign policy.
I think talk of the Anglosphere stems from Churchill’s writings where he struggled with his mixed heritage.
That’s a very silly and childish reply.
Presumably you know exactly what he means. And he’s absolutely right.
We are part of the Anglosphere: end of.
Keep being america’s lapdog, we see where it has gotten you in the world
I fully support the idea of gradually pivoting away from US to U.K / European systems but with Tango Man you really need to do it quietly and over a long timescale, otherwise he could really play Whack a mole with us. After 60+ years the Nuclear Defence industry is fairly interwoven and it really does work both ways, so it’s probably pretty safe. But we also have F35, P8, E7, M270 and they all need spares, support and upgrades. You can’t just scrap them and replace them anytime soon and to be honest we may well want to order… Read more »
That occurred to me too. And Apache. And Chinook. And C17. And the intelligence alliance / reliance I mentioned. It is not so simple. There are posters here revelling in it. Some no doubt are genuine in disgust at how Trump has started. And I think some are trolls pushing division to the maximum. They have been pointed out here often enough, this forum is a target like elsewhere. Others will have wanted this regardless of whether Trump is President or not, due to long standing anti American views, such as the far left. My concern remains, should this split… Read more »
If Ukraine had the time and means to
How about a Snipex T-Rex, or the MCR Horizon’s Lord rifle, the current world record for longest shot, Ukraine🤣
These are two very popular rifles that get fundraised for the Ukrainians (fact)
But as above and what ive been raising my voice over … DONT BUY ANYTHING FROM THE USA
I’d say it’s extremely likely that the rifle that’s wins will be an Accuracy-International – they been supplying the UK MOD as well as many other countries with arguably the best Sniper-rifles on the planet for nearly thirty years now. But the MOD have to put it out to tender to give others a chance and create competition!
Like to see them buy the AI AXSR or SAKO TRG M10, even the MRAD would be a great choice.
ooooh yeh nice choices
It should be the AXSR but be amusing to give everyone an AXELR
If we get shirty with the Americans Trump might cut off spare parts for the F35.
I can remember when they cut off supplies for the Phantoms in Iran, they ran out of tyres and couldn’t take off.
Don’t want anything like that to happen to all the F35s that Europe has bought. That’s the problem when you invest too much with one supplier.
A lesson to be learned here.
If Trump ‘cuts off’ supplies of F35 spares to UK I think LM would have something to say about that. However, looking at progress with Typhoon now, especially now the ECRS 2 radar is coming on stream. It’s going to be (almost) easier to do without F35. Just buy more Typhoons!
True – but we supply 10(?)% of the parts – which I believe might be safety critical; two can play this game. Now, we need Europe to coalesce around us and that involves Ukraine and their rare earth metals.
The art of the deal? Tell him to foxtrot oscar and watch the septics implode.
Whilst true, we also produce 15% of every F-35. If they turn the taps off then so can we.
Can they work around that and set up that 15% production domestically? Yes, but it’ll be expensive and take them time to manage it; all that time meaning no F-35s are produced or sold, pissing off customers who might cancel any such deals.
Potentially good for us in the long run if it might garner some interest in Tempest as an alternative to F-35.
And meanwhile we have 40 F35B with no spares, no support and 2 large carriers with no aircraft.
And parts of those carriers I understand have US Eyes only systems?
I’d like to think that Accuracy International will be able to produce something that’ll fit the bill, especially as they’re providing the two current sniper rifles. I presume the calibres they’re asking about will be the same too, 7.62 NATO and .338 Lapua Magnum. I don’t think we technically have a .50 cal sniper rifle.
Accuracy make one.
Yes, I’ve seen it on YouTube somewhere before. I just meant that we don’t, as far as I know, use .50 cal as a sniper round, it’s used for anti-materiel purposes (technically at least, I imagine there have been cases of crossover).
.338 is supposed to be very good at range, while having plenty of power for stopping a person, so the extra size of a .50 seems a little overkill to me.
Main .50 used is the AW50F (L121A1), but the M82A1 (L135A1) is also in inventory. The AW50s are used more as anti material rifles, being used by EOD and Royal Marine snipers from helicopters (with Eotech sight) to shoot out boat engines.
Amongst all the anti US, anti Trump, comments flooding UKDJ over the past week, no one mentions that the UK Intelligence community is joined at the hip with that of the US, as is that of the other Anglo nations.
Thar extends to areas of military intelligence too. A total split with the US will hamstring us a whole lot more than it will them, and entire organisation’s would need rebuilding.
Not something I want to see.
The fundamental problem with all of these commentators is that they refuse to recognize that the UK is no longer a global power and doesn’t have the resources nor will to become one again. Separation from the US leaves the UK defenseless. And if anyone thinks that the EU or some combination of European nations can replace the US then I know someone who sells bridges over the Thames real cheap.
Only in the ignorant MAGA world you live in. Please just go and let us laugh as the Chinese hand you your arse in a few years time.
Daniele, if that joined at the hip means allowing their operatives to roam free in the UK and mow motorcyclists down and then flee justice, great we are being separated. I think we do bring capability to the US armed forces and allowing them to walk away into isolation will get the septic military and intelligence head shed cause to stop and think…
Who killed JFK?
Ah yes, Sacoolas and the lad killed outside Croughton? Diplomatic immunity my arse, they were NSA. Yes, of course we bring capability in the intelligence area. It’s ( mostly) shared, and a split will hit us massively. I don’t think many here realise how much unless they’ve been in it or studied it, as it’s not the usual how many tanks ships and guns thing that dominates posts here. GCHQ especially is joined at the hip, virtually hand in glove, with NSA. The military elements that provide parts of the workforce of both are likewise joint in many areas. The… Read more »
Who killed JFK? Who do you think?
Seen the Zapruder footage? I’ve a great book on that.
Well you’ve been successfully sold the biggest con of all, and by a multiple bankrupt, reality TV felon. We’re here watching in real time as your country is dismantled by an immigrant parasite and a Russian shill. Right now, you don’t have the will to resist Russian disinformation. Not much hope for you.
DanM, there is a difference between being a super power (which we are not) and a global power, which we are (by any metric).
Use the term ‘global player’ if it makes you more comfortable!
It’s possible to do both things.
Buy British where possible, and work with the US where necessary.
I think that is vital.
Maintain the intelligence side as is and buy more European or British kit.
The thing is though Daniele, Trump is a major security risk with classified intel. He’s already leaked information to Lavrov during his first term. He’ll likely do the same many times this time around.
Hi Posse.
But that alone is not sufficient for me to happily see our militaries intelligence apparatus, in place since ww2, get the rug literally pulled from under it.
There are surely countless areas that a president does not have any access or need fi know whatsoever.
A total win for Russia/China/Iran/N Korea. Gifted to them by spoilt white guy Donald.
Trump has far more chance of walking on water(Has he claimed that yet?) than bringing peace.
The blind leading the blind.
That will not hurt us one tenth as much as Brexit has and we will be standing up for good not evil.
The five eyes alone is not something you can rebuild with our European neighbours. If you were to try who would trust. I for one could not name another country I would.
Trump is going to do a lot of damage. Sadly to the USA reputation as well. Trump has a sell by date, let’s hope his replacement has more common sense.
Exactly. Shared intel, doctrine, systems, codes, procedures. programs, even systems.
That is not something that can be rebuilt given the Europeans lack of resources and assets.
Our Euro allies who have “in” are at a lesser level, and rightly so.
Just in reply to the thread above Daniele, I agree that it would be a mistake to pull the rug from under the military intelligence sharing of 5E, but what’s even more concerning this time is that Trump has replaced or is replacing joint chiefs and other professional career intelligence chiefs with MAGA loyalists whose loyalty may not be to the country or constitution, but to him. If they’re as carnival barking mad as he is, intelligence sharing could become a problem.
Hi mate. All true. It’s a situation that needs careful managing. It’s often said the base of the special relationship is lower down, between agencies and militaries, and not at political level and the whims of a President. Look at Biden and Obama, hardly warm to the UK, yet nothing really changed lower down. It’s importance is clear with HMGs current actions. Labour, strong anti Trumpists in opposition. Now in power, hardly a peep from Lammy and careful wording from the PM. Because in power, when exposed to the true level of co operation, as the heads of both GCHQ… Read more »
Maybe I’m missing something but why? The Accuracy international products we use don’t have any obvious downsides that I can see. Being able to switch between 7.62mm and 8.6mm is nice, but is it important? Sure there are options out there that are a bit lighter, and the Desert Tech SRS standing out as a step up, but is this worth our very limited defence spending?
I thought the same. If current rifles are worn out, buy some more from Accuracy. If that’s not the case, why do they need a replacement?
Because the civil servants running the procurement need to earn their keep. What else are they to spend their time on? Important things?
AI have just finished retooling to the new models which all look lovely. So doubt they want to produce l115&l118. Instead of having 2 riffles to choose between we can have an AXSR and have 4 to choose from. 6.5creed or 7.62 or 300win mag or 338 lap and by the looks of the manual it’s quick change if we wanted the kits, doesn’t even look like it needs a head space adjustment between cartridges, it’s not mentioned in calibre change instructions at all.
Not sure I understand this.What is wrong with the Accuracy International rifles we have ?
The Americans are buying them because they are the best.
They want something modular with a full length monolithic rail for optics.
Bureaucrats don’t understand the old adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Dr Pendant put it correctly. These aren’t Treasury (defence…why?) twits that run procurement are they?
Question, which I suspect nobody here can answer, but I will ask anyway. How much do the Americans know about the movements, acoustic signatures etc of our Ballastic submarines. ?
Given who is in charge of the White House, DoD and intelligence, it is not far fetched that this info could be back doored to the Russians !
I doubt they know exactly where but I suspect they know roughly for deconfliction purposes
A) you don’t want to run a friendly bomber with an attack boat for no reason
B) you don’t want 2 bombers sitting next to each other
This is sheer lunacy. AI produce some of, even if not the best “sniper” rifles in the world. Just buy more from them. Barrel worn? Replace it, parts worn? Replace it. SMLE, including a “sniper” version lasted well into the 80’s. A few were even taken down south. Must have shiny modern multi calibre. Thats bollox. And more taxpayer money peed up a wall. Footnote. I use an AI model regularly, take it from me. They are the best.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it is not a smart or useful comment to send here. You use a AI model for what? Gallery or sport shooting? The rifle we have in service now is past its time not because it’s broke or it’s worn out or even unreliable. It’s because you don’t need the power of 8.59mm for every situation, and you don’t need such a heavy rifle weighing you down if we’re going back to a style of warfare that involves running around with a bergan on your back for days at a time. Add on top… Read more »
Need to stop buying American full stop and that 5 eyes nonsense needs to become 4. AUKUS will be killed off or be all US soon I suspect. US needs to be treated as the new enemy until it changes its ways.