In response to parliamentary questions from David Reed MP (Conservative, Exmouth and Exeter East), the Ministry of Defence (MOD) detailed its ongoing initiatives to encourage young people to pursue careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) within the defence sector and retain skilled graduates in its workforce.

When asked what steps were being taken to promote STEM careers in the defence sector, Maria Eagle, Minister of State at the Ministry of Defence, outlined a multi-faceted approach. She stated: “The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is taking steps itself to secure important skills in areas such as digital, cyber, STEM subjects, nuclear, and space.”

Eagle mentioned the role of collaboration with industry partners, noting that “our strategic suppliers have identified SME Champions, and there is now regular engagement between them and the department, focusing upon how industry and MOD should improve their practice to better support SMEs.”

This partnership aims to ensure the MOD can access critical skills while ‘fostering an ecosystem that encourages innovation and inclusivity’.

Through the Defence STEM Steering Group, the MOD is working with its national strategic partners to promote engineering as an inclusive career field. Eagle highlighted the group’s efforts to maximise efficiency, saying, “We are actively supporting teacher training and coordinating outreach activities.”

Retention of STEM Graduates

Reed also asked about measures to retain UK STEM graduates in the defence workforce. In response, Eagle reiterated the MOD’s commitment to maintaining a skilled workforce, stating: “We work with other Government Departments and academia to ensure that we are growing and retaining these skills nationally.”

The minister acknowledged the importance of collaboration between the MOD and industry, adding: “As we tackle these challenges, we will continue to work closely with industry partners of all sizes.”

She noted that the Defence STEM Steering Group plays a central role in promoting professional development opportunities and providing support for those considering careers in defence engineering.

Eagle further underscored the MOD’s commitment to inclusivity and career development, stating that these efforts not only help attract new talent but also ensure skilled professionals see long-term prospects within the sector.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. It would have been easier for the MoD to have a cadre of scientists and engineers in the 21st century had it not sold its Research Establishments for peanuts in the late 20th.

  2. Graduates are now over educated and unintelligent just like the government. Ask them about the universal constant, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Schrodinger’s cat etc. and they won’t know what you’re on about, ask them about net zero, trans rights, white privilege and minority stuff and you’ll get as much theory and rhetoric as stupidity can muster.
    Science and academia have a lot to answer for.

    • I don’t think that is true at all if you talk to science grads from decent universities.

      It is true that that starting levels of knowledge of a first year undergrad are a lot lower than they used to be. So teaching has to be more skillful than in the past.

      However, some reasoning and problem solving skills are better.

      But you can’t be as direct with students as you could in the past….

      It is a different era….move on….

    • Alright boomer, let’s not pretend as though your knowledge isn’t as decrepit as you are senile and that you don’t just sit around all day playing with Gantt charts while those very same graduates you denigrate do the actual technical work.

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