The U.S. State Department has approved a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Morocco of ten AGM-84L Harpoon Block II Air Launched missiles and related equipment for an estimated cost of $62 million.
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale, this is displayed below.
“The Government of Morocco has requested to buy ten (10) AGM-84L Harpoon Block II Air Launched missiles. Also included are containers, spare and repair parts, support and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor representatives’ technical assistance, engineering and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics support. The total estimated cost is $62 million.
This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a major non-NATO ally that continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in North Africa.
The proposed sale of the missiles and support will increase the Moroccan Air Force’s maritime partnership potential and align its capabilities with existing regional baselines. Morocco intends to use the missiles on its F-16, multi-role fighter aircraft to enhance its capabilities in effective defense of critical sea-lanes. Morocco will have no difficulty absorbing these missiles into its armed forces.
The proposed sale of this equipment and services will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
The prime contractor will be The Boeing Company, St. Louis, Missouri. The purchaser typically requests offsets. Any offset agreement will be defined in negotiations between the purchaser and the contractor(s).
Implementation of this proposed sale will require annual trips to Morocco involving U.S. Government and contractor representatives for technical reviews, support, and oversight for approximately five years. There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.”
This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.
Wow, 6.2 million per shot!
With the increasing cost of missiles like this (considering this is hardly even cutting edge or including any sort of development costs!) and increasing capability in air\missile defence systems, is relying on missiles going to remain a viable option for much longer?
Could we see a return to a new generation of naval gunfire systems becoming surface ships prime anti ship weapon?
Maybe they plan to retake Ceuta, Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera and Melilla and this will hold off the Spanish Armada 😉
No need to be offensive
Curious seeing as the Harpoon is often described as obsalecent. Maybe just the RN ones are. We’re in desperate need of an interim or replacement. The Moroccon air force already uses Harpoons.
I suspect the we are preparing for a war against a far higher tech enemy than Morocco.
It’s all about the context. A sea skimming missile that contains over 200kg of high explosive is going to hurt what ever it hits. The problem it has, like a lot of the other anti-ship missiles, is that it has a quite simplistic radar guiding system. It has a few anti-jam capabilities, but in the end it will head for the target that has the greatest radar signature.
For example, how the Atlantic Conveyor got hit. The pair of Exocets were supposed to be aimed at the carrier Hermes, but the frigate Ambuscade launched chaff which decoyed the missiles away. Rather than detonating against the chaff cloud they passed through and re-acquired a new target, this time the Conveyor, which had no defences and had turned broadside on to the threat and then got struck. The Exocet has a limited view window in azimuth and back then did not have a data-link for post-firing control. The Harpoon today does, but it is one-way only from the launch aircraft/ship. So the controller is supposed to be able to reset the missile to a new target, if it veers off when decoyed. The problem here is obvious, the aircraft/ship must remain in sight of the missile and target to do the re-acquiring. This is one of the reasons a lot of the missiles now have two way data-links via a satellite link, so the controller can now see what the missile sees and remain safely out of harms way. It is still that the radar seeker that is the problem though. The radars can now discern the difference between a large fishing boat and a non-stealthy frigate, but between a cruise ship, tanker or carrier it will seriously struggle. The Kongsberg NSM, uses an imaging infra red sensor, which produces images above 3MegaPixels, enough to discern target differences, thus making it easier (and safer) to target specific ships.
The current batch of radar guided anti-ship missiles are really only good for all out war use. Where you know where your enemy is and there are not any neutral shipping around. The Harpoon is still a very capable missile and will still tax a ship’s defence systems. Will it get through, perhaps not against a T23 or T45, but against non-Tier 1 navies most probably.
Any sovereign state is entitled to buy whatever military equipment they feel they need but one does wonder why a country like Morocco would feel the necessity to acquire such weapons? Maybe I am suffering from post Imperial Arrogance Syndrome-we British have strutted the World Stage for many centuries and continue to do so albeit at a lower level, but I am sure I am not alone in feeling mildly miffed when the Ruskies sail their Warships through “our” English Channel 🙂
Harpoon seems logical to me seeing as Morocco has a large Coastline to protect and can control one side of the Major Chokepoint going into the Med.
Makes sense. Thanks Paul
Hi folks,
Yes Geoff agree it is very annoying when russian warships come through the Chanel and would guess it’s jarring for the Royal Navy have to keep “eacorting” them. Russia likes to keep us on our toes, and see what reaction we have. Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction!
Howwver, as usual the RN are very professional and play by the rules, and if there were to be an incident, we would have the moral right on our side if we had to fire a shot over their vows.
Bows. Predictive again.
That’s why I don’t use it George. I told a young lady she was a licky girl the other day when I meant to say lucky!! So embarassing!! 🙂
The English Channel is an international waterway, and ships of all nations have every right to pass through it……
I know David but I am from the tail end era of Britannia Rules the Waves and well…
Any ship does have the right to pass through it. However, when military vessels pass through it, in our EEZ and close to our coast, we have the right, and the responsibility, to react – in this case it means shadowing their ships as they pass through, let them know that we have the capacity and the will to respond, should they ever become aggressive.
It’s all for show, really. Let’s face it, if a Russian (for example) ship came into our waters and was hostile, it’s not a Type 23 or Type 45 that is going to react, it’ll be a pair of Typhoons showing up to blow it out of the water!
“Miffed” Lol
Reminds me of that long standing joke on alert levels, miffed raised to “peeved” to “a bit cross” last time of which was when the tea almost ran out during WW2.