NATO foreign ministers concluded two days of discussions in Brussels on Wednesday (5 April 2023), meeting with Indo-Pacific partners—Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea—and the European Union.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that they addressed the global consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine, emphasising that if President Putin prevails in Ukraine, it would send a dangerous message to authoritarian leaders worldwide, encouraging the use of brute force.

The foreign ministers also discussed China’s growing alignment with Russia. Stoltenberg warned that any provision of lethal aid by China to Russia would be a historic mistake with profound implications. He emphasised that as Beijing and Moscow push back against the rules-based international order, NATO Allies and like-minded partners must stand united.

The ministers addressed threats and challenges in the Middle East and North Africa, including instability, terrorism, and the increasing activities of Russia and China. They also discussed the importance of increased defence spending, with Stoltenberg expecting Allies to agree on an ambitious new defence investment pledge at the Vilnius Summit, with 2% as a minimum rather than a ceiling.

Support for Ukraine was a primary focus during the discussions. Stoltenberg welcomed new commitments made by Allies in the NATO-Ukraine Commission on Tuesday (4 April 2023) and encouraged continued military support for Ukraine.

He announced the development of a strategic multi-year assistance program for Ukraine, demonstrating long-term support and emphasizing Ukraine’s future within the Euro-Atlantic family.

On the sidelines of the meetings, NATO welcomed Finland as its newest member. Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto took Finland’s seat among NATO Allies for the first time on 4 April, marking the Alliance’s seventy-fourth anniversary.

You can read more about the meeting here.

Tom Dunlop
Tom has spent the last 13 years working in the defence industry, specifically military and commercial shipbuilding. His work has taken him around Europe and the Far East, he is currently based in Scotland.


  1. So Macron is in China’s pocket. One China, Taiwan doesn’t exist as a nation, despite 27 million people thinking it does.
    The best thing that could be done would be to state with one voice we recognise Taiwan as a nation. One China is nonsense and China can wake up in their cornflakes.
    Would take all the world to say this and to pledge their support for Taiwan.

    • Too much of the world is far deeper in China’s pocket than Macron. Similar as with Russia. I fear the West has failed miserably at hearts and minds and let the CCP and Putin simply walk in.

      • Err didn’t France sell the Russian army thermal imagers etc. No, they’ve been well in with Putin.

    • I don’t think its just France, as Macron accompanied Ursula von der Leyen (and 50 business leaders) I get the impression that the EU under her will mirror with China what the EU (read that as Merkel and Russian Gas) did with Russia. The irony here is whilst the EU is happy to lambast the UK, regards its so called treatment of so called migrants (Putting them in former army camps, now coastal) it whitewashes how China treats its own (such as Muslims have to download spyware onto their mobile phones so they can be electronically surveilled 24/7, where Islamic homes have to have a QR barcode at the front of their homes, so the police can scan to see who lives there and lets not forget the huge re-education camps used as cheap labour camps. We saw similar at the start of last year where the EU berated Boris for sending over a few thousand NLAWs prior to the invasion And until the Balloon went up, the EU was only handing over non-lethal aid, something the Germans continued to do weeks later. Yet, they are privy to the exact same intel the UK had.

      So back to Macron, after his failed visit to Moscow, he now tried to peddle the same line over Taiwan. What is about the French Butchers son and his penchant for laying on the slab when he bumps into somebody harder than him and say fillet simply in which to win a trade deal. But he didn’t say France did he, he said The EU. To me this looks more like him trying to set himself up for the job of head honcho at the EU than anything else. No doubt the Irish version of Kevin the Gerbil (don’t mention Richard Gere) will be squeaking away at his feet.

      • Funny how the EU gave Biden the finger a week before he took office by signing up to an EU-China investment deal. Now they’ve had to backtrack. Still the US shouldn’t forget that nor Macrons lastest shite flag ( I mean white flag) exercise either.

      • Good comment Farouk, Macron’s nose is still out of joint following the AUKUS deal, which excluded France from a previous agreement supplying conventional subs to Australia. Plus, the UK had the temerity to leave the French/German controlled EU, taking our fishing rights with us.

        France and Macron are insignificant on the world stage but he enjoys the grandstanding.

        • Good points….and Scholz has a very low profile on the world stage compared to the days of Merkel.

    • I agree & think we should. We’ve seen what the CCP thinks of agreements & what’s in store for the Taiwanese in Hong Kong. Thankfully the lesson was most strongly felt in Taiwan where those warm to the CCPs kind words were quickly disabused of their naivity. “One coutry, two systems” didn’t last long & the mask slipped. We’ve all cosied up to China thinking it best for trade etc way too long, but the CCP is as dangerous as ever. We need to disengage commercially from their pernicious grip & make darn clear any agression to any neighbour-especially Taiwan, would be the worst thing they could do.

  2. ‘He emphasised that as Beijing and Moscow push back against the rules-based international order, NATO Allies and like-minded partners must stand united.’

    Re China, Macron has just unleashed France’s lastest foreign policy ‘ surrender BEFORE the war starts’ . From a French point of view its quite brilliant of course….😱

  3. Does NATO HQ need to hear the EU view in addition to those of the foreign ministers of European NATO nations?

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