Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) participated in a Passing Exercise (PASSEX) with a Japan Maritime Self Defense Force training squadron.
The squadron is currently sailing in the Baltic Sea. SNMG1 spent the day with JMSDF cadet training vessel JS Kashima and the destroyer JS Makinami.
Japan is one of a number of countries beyond the Euro-Atlantic area with which NATO is developing relations. According to NATO, these partners are often referred to as “partners across the globe”.
NATO and Japan are strengthening relations to address shared security challenges, building on dialogue and cooperation that has been developing since initial contacts in the early 1990s.
“Even though Japan and most NATO nations are geographically far apart, we are connected by the sea,” said Commander of SNMG1, Commodore Carsten Fjord-Larsen, in a release.
“We also share a strong interest in always making the most of training opportunities with partner nations when meeting up at sea. And I’m proud to say that, this is exactly what we have been doing today.”
NATO and Japanese units have trained together before, most recently when the JMSDF Training Squadron was off of Spain earlier this month and they sailed with Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) ship HMCS Ville de Québec.
NATO say its units often utilise an opportunity of close proximity to develop a better understanding of each other’s procedures as well as seize the opportunity to learn from one another.
“Together with selected members from my staff, I had the great honour to visit JS Kashima and enjoyed the possibility to exchange views on the world seen from the sea with the Commander of the Japanese Training Squadron, Rear Admiral Hiroyuki Izumi.” Said Commodore Fjord-Larsen.
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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Helions (@guest_429243)
6 years ago

It would behoove us to cultivate even closer ties with the JMSDF. There is no other nation capable of mounting a credible defense against the PRC in the region excepting the U.S. of course.


Steve (@guest_429321)
6 years ago
Reply to  Helions


Is China one of our enemies or one of our biggest trade partners?

Yes they have a questionable approach to human rights but so do most of our allies outside the West.

We should be building stronger ties with China to reinforce out economy with brexit, not pretending to be a mini US and annoying them.

SoleSurvivor (@guest_429363)
6 years ago
Reply to  Steve

It’s not about human rights Steve.

I think it’s more to do with their militarization of the SCS.

It’s a current major flashpoint, China’s nine dash line that is taking other countries exclusive economic zones away from them.

Helions (@guest_429390)
6 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Well of course the UK has to chart a course best for the nation and it“`s citizens. However, being an American (especially one with a son who is a serving officer in the region) I tend to have a different orientation regarding the threat the Chinese pose. Threatening the whole region with temper tantrums, destruction, punishment, economic ruin, etc (look they’re trying to ruin a COFFEE SHOP that had the temerity to serve the Taiwanese President on a U.S. visit for heavens sake) is a classic bully behavioral trait. Image how bad things would be for those smaller countries in… Read more »

Helions (@guest_429392)
6 years ago
Reply to  Helions

Not sure where it”‘s came from…” its”


Andy G
Andy G (@guest_429288)
6 years ago

I believe south korea are making great strides also. They have the worlds best tanks and destroyers and their new fighter could be a game changer for the region.

SoleSurvivor (@guest_429293)
6 years ago
Reply to  Andy G

The worlds best tanks? it’s amazing on paper but has no combat history.

I can remember people used to say the Leopard 2 was one of the best, until ISIS started knocking them out for fun with Soviet Union era equipment.

Chris (@guest_429299)
6 years ago
Reply to  SoleSurvivor

Give me a tried and tested Challenger 2 any day of the week.

SoleSurvivor (@guest_429304)
6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Indeed, the stories from Iraq of them getting hit with dozens of RPG’s and anti-tank missiles, no fatalities and being back in action hours later after repairs.

When a tank has stuff like that on its record, only then can it can be classed as one of the best in the world.

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_429329)
6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Agree Challenger 2 is the best tank. Never knocked out in combat despite significant combat history. The only time one was knocked out was a blue on blue hit by another challenger 2.
Japanese Navy is very strong, 3rd most powerful in the world I would say after USN and PLAN. No nuclear attack subs but a huge number of frigates and destroyers.

Helions (@guest_429393)
6 years ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

It’s only a matter of time for the JMSDF to acquire a fixed wing carrier capability.


Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_429332)
6 years ago
Reply to  Andy G

This is new to me. What Tank are we referring to?

SoleSurvivor (@guest_429364)
6 years ago

K2 Black Panther.

Great specs as well as probably the coolest sounding name of a tank in history.