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Proposed defence cuts could signal decline of British global capability

Britain could enter into a period of relative military decline and without a fresh strategic defence review, there is fear this decline will become irreversible which will impact on our standing in the international arena.

The New Entente Cordiale: An Alliance for the 21st Century

Such are Anglo-French relations, imperfect and uneasy, but when the situation has seemed bleakest, we stand together as equals.

Potential MoD cuts places British role as a Global Power in doubt

There are planned defence cuts which may see the British Army shrink even further from the 82,000 regular personnel it currently has.

The need for a new ‘budget’ helicopter carrier

The sale of HMS Ocean to Brazil for £84 million marks the day in which British maritime capabilities are changing, do we require a new 'budget' helicopter carrier?

Former armed forces minister warns cuts are damaging British reputation

Britain may soon 'no longer be taken seriously' by other global powers according to Sir Mike Penning.

Technical, tactical and political: Developments in defence logistics for 2018

With ever-evolving equipment, budgets and geo-political landscapes, military organisations are having to constantly stay on top of technical, tactical and political developments happening in the defence sector.

A guide to the UK’s RC-135 Rivet Joint surveillance aircraft

The United Kingdom purchased three KC-135R aircraft for conversion to RC-135W Rivet Joint standard under the Airseeker project, let's take a closer look.

Why is Brazil buying HMS Ocean anyway?

The news of the sale of HMS Ocean to Brazil has caused commentators to look at why Brazil wants the vessel while at the same time decommissioning their only aircraft carrier.

A guide to British amphibious and sea-lift vessels

British amphibious and sea-lift capability rests in the hands of specialised vessels let's take a look at those vessels.

We Will Rock You – The Resilience and Importance of Gibraltar

Positioned at the northern side of the Mediterranean strait between Europe and Africa is the British territory of Gibraltar



Other News

British and American jets in big anti-drone exercise

Exercise Yellow Sands 25 enhanced the partnership between the US, UK and regional allies by integrating and ensuring a collective capacity to find, fix, track, and target unmanned aircraft system threats in the region.