Huawei Meets Global Criticism over 5G Implementation

The Chinese telecommunications manufacturer Huawei faces strong, united international criticism from a plethora of states, raising security concerns over their 5G mobile telecommunications equipment.

WannaCry cyber attack cost NHS £92 million

In their October 2018 publication on 'Securing cyber resilience in health and care: a progress update', the Department of Health and Social Care estimated the cost of WannaCry to the NHS as £92 million.

Iranian hackers selling research stolen from British universities

Iranian hackers have reportedly entered networks at British universities to steal academic research documents which are now for sale on WhatsApp.

BAE Systems to develop automated cyber defense tools for DARPA

The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has selected BAE Systems to develop tools that detect and analyse cyber threats.

‘When not if’ for major Cyber attack to impact UK

The head of the National Cyber Security Centre has warned that a major cyber-attack is a matter of "when, not if".

Britain warns Russia of ability to counter cyber capabilities

Director of GCHQ Jeremy Fleming has warned that the UK can counter Russian cyber capabilities in the same way it fought Islamic State online capabilities.

UK conducts first major cyber attack against Islamic State

Jeremy Fleming, the director of GCHQ, announced that Britain carried out its first major cyber-attack in 2017 with the target being Islamic State.

Cyber needs to be centre stage for every world leader

It seems every day brings news of another high-profile cyberattack or intrusion affecting our personal data, national security or the very integrity and availability of the institutions and infrastructure on which we depend.

NATO working on cyber attack trigger for Article 5

NATO countries are working to determine when a cyber attack would trigger the collective defence provision in the alliance’s charter, a US general has said.

UK to ‘step up’ cyber defence capabilities

British cyber defence capability is to get a boost, following the opening of a new Defence Cyber School at the Defence Academy, say the MoD.



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