Iraqi Forces Begin Offensive to Liberate Tal Afar

Iraqi security forces have begun their offensive to liberate the city of Tal Afar from Islamic State, officials said today.

Operation Inherent Resolve officials provide details of latest strikes against Islamic State

US, British and coalition military forces continued to attack the Islamic State last week, conducting 26 strikes consisting of 32 engagements, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

Iranian Drone Interferes With USS Nimitz Flight Operations

An F/A-18 from the USS Nimitz had a run in with an Iranian drone according to officials.

Coalition forces continue to ‘degrade Islamic State combat ability’ say officials

Coalition airstrikes continue to target and kill Islamic State leaders and fighters, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials said today.

Iraq requests support from the US for naval vessels and a ship repair facility

The US State Department has approved provision of technical support for U. origin Navy vessels and a ship repair facility for Iraq. 

Qatar purchases warships from Italy in $5.9 billion deal

Qatar has announced a $5.9 billion deal for seven warships from Italy.

US ship fires warning shots at Iranian naval vessel

The Iranian vessel approached within 150 yards of the coastal patrol ship USS Thunderbolt and did not respond to attempts to establish communications, officials said.

Bahrain to purchase Lockheed Martin’s Sniper targeting pod

Lockheed Martin has received a direct commercial sale contract from the Bahrain Defence Force to provide Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods for its F-16 fleet.

Iraqi and coalition forces liberate Mosul from Islamic State

The coalition welcomed Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s announcement of Iraq’s victory in Mosul and congratulated the Iraqi forces on their remarkable progress.

F-15E shoots down armed UAV in Syria

A US Air Force F-15E shot down an armed pro-Syrian regime Unmanned Aerial Vehicle advancing on Coalition forces in Southern Syria, say officials.



Other News

MOD acknowledges defence industry skills gap

The Ministry of Defence has acknowledged the growing challenge of skills shortages in the defence industry, with particular attention on the shortage of welders and other craft roles, according to responses to Parliamentary questions on Thursday.