Compensation paid out relating to the Ajax armoured vehicle

The total amount of compensation paid out as a result of claims related to issues with the troubled Ajax armoured vehicle is currently £12,320.

British Army carries out ‘Swarming Drone’ tests

The British Army say that the nano-Unmanned Aerial Systems project completed a live multiple drone demonstration.

Her Majesty The Queen has died

Her Majesty The Queen has passed away aged 96.

Irish military award military bridging contract to WFEL

British firm WFEL has signed a contract with the Irish Defence Forces for the supply of the MGB Medium Girder Bridging System. 

Russian troops have ‘morale issues’ in Ukraine

"Russian forces continue to suffer from morale and discipline issues in Ukraine" said the British Ministry of Defence.

British NATO Battlegroup conducts exercise in Estonia

The British Army say that the exercise proved that the UK is "mobilising the Army to help prevent war in Europe by being ready to fight and win alongside our NATO allies and partners".

Afghans supporting UK forces in Afghanistan ‘left to fate’

An analyst on a defence and security podcast has said that the history books will "not look favourably" on the decision to abandon Afghans that helped British forces.

Babcock and IAI work together on UK SERPENS project

SERPENS is the MoD’s next-generation weapon locating system with a digitally networked suite of sensor systems that detect hostile mortars, artillery and rockets.

NATO allied land command gets new boss

U.S. Army General Darryl A. Williams has now assumed command of NATO Allied Land Command.

Apache attack helicopters practise beach landings

The Apache helicopters of 656 Sqn AAC have recently honed their 'Tactical Landing Zone' skills at Pembrey Sands in Wales.



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