Royal Navy to test directed energy weapons

The Royal Navy are to test energy directed weapons before the decade is over First Sea Lord Admiral Sir George Zambellas has announced at...

Sea Ceptor inbound

MBDA has started delivering hardware for the first Sea Ceptor missile system installation after the Royal Navy approved a 'commit to fitting' on HMS Argyll.

HMS Enterprise saves 377 migrants

The British ship is engaged in rescue operations in the Mediterranean and has saved the lives of 377 migrants.

Prototype Heavy Torpedo successfully completes trials

A British prototype next-generation Spearfish heavyweight torpedo has successfully completed trials at a range on the west coast of Scotland.

American nuclear missile submarine visits Scotland

American nuclear missile submarine USS Wyoming has arrived at Her Majesty's Naval Base Clyde in Scotland.

Latest look at the Type 26 Frigate

New images of what the Type 26 Frigate will look like have gone on show at DSEI. The Type 26 frigate represents the future backbone...

HMS Richmond to be deployed against people smugglers

A British frigate is being deployed against people smugglers in the Mediterranean. HMS Richmond is to be sent to the coast of Libya to...

Five inch guns confirmed for Type 26 Frigate

The Ministry of Defence have confirmed that BAE Systems are the preferred supplier for the Royal Navy's Maritime Indirect Fire System (MIFS) for the...

HMS Endurance to be sold

The United Kingdoms Disposal Services Authority is inviting expressions of interest for the sale of the former HMS Endurance for "further use or recycling". Viewings...
HMS Ocean in Norway

How much does it cost to run the Royal Navy?

The following list comes from a Freedom of Information request, the numbers pertain to the last financial year and are the average cost for...



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