Despite alarming headlines, the Type 26 frigates have not been cancelled or “indefinitely postponed”.

The claims come amid news that Type 26 Frigate contract will not be signed until it offers “value for money”.

MPs had heard claims the project to build eight Type 26 frigates on the Clyde had been delayed due to the Ministry of Defence’s attempts to save money. It is understood the five Type 31 frigates are unaffected by this.

Manufacturing of the Type 26s was initially expected to start in 2016, confirmation of when the work will begin has still to be announced but we’re told that it’s anticipated that the steel will be cut for the first Type 26 in Q4 of 2017.

Unions have also insisted that there will be no redundancies as a result of uncertainty over the Type 26 build timetable on the Clyde.

Duncan McPhee from Unite said the contract was still guaranteed.

“There is guarantees. The main issue is the timetable, which is causing us the real problems and that has to be sorted out as soon as possible.”

Mr McPhee also added that BAE bosses were in negotiations with officials at the MoD to resolve the timetable issues:

“It means for jobs that we have the workforce geared up for this programme and that workforce will remain. It means that we are going to have to do a lot of things between the company and moving different work packages about, keeping people at Rosyth maybe for longer working on the aircraft carriers, maybe having to transfer people down to Barrow for the submarine programme so we will keep the jobs.”

Tony Douglas an MoD official responsible for military equipment confirmed that the MoD was “now in the heart of negotiations” with BAE Systems and didn’t want to prejudice those negotiations by revealing a date.

Peter Roberts, Senior Research Fellow for Sea Power and Maritime Studies at RUSI has said that slippage in the Type 26 programme may lead to extra ships being built on the Clyde in order to retain jobs at the yards on the river.

“What it’s going to mean for the Clyde is very significant and I think we couldn’t get a national shipbuilding strategy at a more important time and it might well be that we see further OPV’s being turned out on the Clyde”

He also suggested that the Type 31 light frigate could enter build before the Type 26.

Referring to the commitment of the government to the Clyde, he said:

“There is going to be a commitment, we see that from the government, of continued shipbuilding orders.”

According to reports in the media a few months ago, union representatives were told by BAE Systems that a “worst-case scenario” of 800 redundancies was possible if the UK government pulled back from its commitment to the manufacture of frigates on the Clyde.

The defence minister has said the UK government remains “absolutely committed” to building eight Royal Navy frigates on the Clyde. Philip Dunne told the House of Commons “nothing had changed” since the plans were announced last November in a defence spending review.

Mr Dunne said the UK government’s commitment to Scotland and the Royal Navy was “crystal clear”:

“Let me assure the shipyard workers on the Clyde, this government remains absolutely committed to the Type 26 programme and to assembling the ships on the Clyde.”

Mr Dunne also promised the programme would sustain 6,800 military and civilian jobs in Scotland, rising to 8,200 by 2022.

A MoD spokesperson said:

“The Government is committed to building ships on the Clyde and to the Type 26 programme. over the next decade, we will spend around £8 billion on Royal Navy warship. as set out in the Strategic Defence and Security Review, we will build two new offshore patrol vessels on The Clyde, maintaining Scottish shipbuilding capability ahead of the start of the Type 26 build.

We will also consult with industry and trade unions as part of the national shipbuilding strategy, which will set the UK shipbuilding industry on a sustainable footing for the future.”

The SNP and others had said that any reduction in the number of Type 26 frigates being built on the Clyde would be a “betrayal” of the workforce.

The original plan for the class had been 8 anti-submarine warfare variants and five general purpose variants, this remains largely unchanged except for the specification of the later five vessels, which has been reduced to make them more affordable.

The later five are now designated the Type 31 frigate.

The Prime Minister has confirmed that all new frigates and additional vessels mentioned in the defence review will be built in Scotland.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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grubbie (@guest_357912)
8 years ago

Oh no, more useless OPV’s

John Wood
John Wood (@guest_357923)
8 years ago
Reply to  grubbie

Encountered the “Island’s” many years ago. About the worst OPV in the World.

John Stevens
John Stevens (@guest_357915)
8 years ago

They are certainly not useless OPV’s, in actual fact they will be very useful to the Navy.. They will take some of the pressure off the larger Destroyer/ Frigates deployments… more the merrier as far as i’m concerned.

grubbie (@guest_357921)
8 years ago
Reply to  John Stevens

Yes, but how many do you need? Probably about the same number that we already had.

grubbie (@guest_357924)
8 years ago
Reply to  grubbie

One destroyer and one frigate already in semi laid up status owning to lack of money and manpower. OPVs not fit for potentially hostile territory, no hanger for extended helicopter operations (would have been very useful for anti piracy patrol otherwise) These ships will be quickly ditched for peanuts to some delighted third world country.

John Wood
John Wood (@guest_357926)
8 years ago
Reply to  grubbie

Can’t imagine anyone whose come near a Type 2400 ever wanting one can you?

John Wood
John Wood (@guest_357925)
8 years ago
Reply to  John Stevens

Think you’ll find the “Type 31” will land up being a very expensive OPV!
Seems like a Type 26 that’s had a “Type 23” done to it.

Peter George
Peter George (@guest_357916)
8 years ago

The Guardian, full of crap again

Joseph M Melville
Joseph M Melville (@guest_357917)
8 years ago

The nationalist retards out in force

Aidan Handyside
Aidan Handyside (@guest_357918)
8 years ago

It was The Telegraph that reported post Brexit that UK would have to pay a further 250million for the new Apache AH due to Sterling depreciation. Full of crap again (y)

Craig Close
Craig Close (@guest_357935)
8 years ago

Is purchasing in gbp not affected because it is a government project then? Just curious how the pound depreciating has not affected buying something abroad?

Aidan Handyside
Aidan Handyside (@guest_357936)
8 years ago

Craig, Apache AH is built by a US company in America and sold in US$. As sterling has depreciated against many currencies post Brexit HMG has to spend more sterling to buy the 50 on order. This will be the same for the 136 JSF Lightening II and 700+(?) AJAX AFV. To keep the numbers up for these promised high profile buys it will almost certainly entail cuts to other defence areas or delays in purchases. Remain Side mentioned this prior to 23 June but Brexiteers called it Project Fear

jon livesey
jon livesey (@guest_357967)
8 years ago

You don’t understand how defence deals are structured. About a fifth of each F35 – all of them, not just the ones the UK buys – is manufactured in the UK. That means that foreign exchange movements are pretty much a wash. Over time the F35 will be a very significant generator of trade *surplus* for the UK. It’s a similar story for Ajax. It is being developed by General Dynamics UK. Some parts will be imported, but 80% of the vehicle manufacture will be completed in the UK, with 70% of the supply chain companies UK-based. When a country… Read more »

Alan Morrissey
Alan Morrissey (@guest_357987)
8 years ago

So, let’s go step by step. The apache is being built under licence by agusta westland and we’ve already paid for the license, so that might actually be cheaper. The F35 project is still under development, so the cost was likely to rise anyway, but since BAE Systems is a tier 1 contractor, it might work out well for the UK economy as a consequence. The Ajax afvs were originally meant to be built in Wales using British steel, but are now only being assembled in the UK, so it would have been better for us if we had no… Read more »

Aidan Handyside
Aidan Handyside (@guest_357989)
8 years ago

So let’s go step by step. The Apache is a complete new build by the cousins for their own AH and the 50 for UK were tagged onto that to keep costs down. Although Leonardo (new name for Augusta Westland) bid for the build they were unsuccessful. It will be a replacement for the UK Longbow and Leonardo may get the in-service maintenance contract but that’ll be it and no decision yet. Informed observers (pre-Brexit) said F35 costs likely to fall as production cranked up – F-35B for USMC now underway no longer din development – but as Sterling falls… Read more »

Alan Morrissey
Alan Morrissey (@guest_357991)
8 years ago

Aidan Handyside Unaware of the change of AW name, also the last I’d read they were building them under license. The F35B was also still in development last I’d read (with some pre production prototypes flying at shows and the like), so perhaps I’m not well informed enough to contribute – maybe I was also wrong about the Ajax…

Aidan Handyside
Aidan Handyside (@guest_357997)
8 years ago

Type 26 “indefinitely delayed” according to Press report. Budget pressure at MOD.

Martin Boland
Martin Boland (@guest_357919)
8 years ago

Not yet…

Jason Bartlett
Jason Bartlett (@guest_357937)
8 years ago

To stop all the rubbish they should just get on with it or build the type 31 first. As for this pound devaluation rubbish it’s media scare mongering, they keep quoting the 1.50 figure it was only that high the night before the vote as banks thought we would stay yes it fell but now it’s back to around the normal exchange rate of about 1.31 and has been for sometime the 1.50 was an artificial rise and was far from the norm.

grubbie (@guest_357939)
8 years ago
Reply to  Jason Bartlett

Firstly you would have to someone capable of designing a ship. Eventually the pressure will build up and someone will pull the trigger with a half cock solution with a predictable result.

Jonny Davies
Jonny Davies (@guest_357963)
8 years ago
Reply to  Jason Bartlett

You need to know your facts before you comment . Only dipped below 1.50 a couple of times in the past 5yrs before the start of 2016

Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson (@guest_357940)
8 years ago

Just ‘delayed indefinitely’

UK Defence Journal
UK Defence Journal (@guest_357941)
8 years ago
Reply to  Chris Johnson

Q4 2017 is not “delayed indefinitely”.

grubbie (@guest_357952)
8 years ago

Read your own article a bit more carefully. “anticipated” “we do not know” “it could be next year” etc.Experts seem to be guessing late 2018/2019as it’s only 60%designed. I would guess that there will be a symbolic gesture of some kind before that

Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson (@guest_357942)
8 years ago
Reply to  Chris Johnson

Are these the ones being built on the clyde?

UK Defence Journal
UK Defence Journal (@guest_357943)
8 years ago
Reply to  Chris Johnson

All of them are, yes.

Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson (@guest_357947)
8 years ago
Reply to  Chris Johnson

Saw something posted yesterday by sturgeon where she quoted ‘delayed indefinitely’. Not seen an update on it, hence my comment!

Mark L
Mark L (@guest_357980)
8 years ago
Reply to  Chris Johnson

Nicola Sturgeon – hardly a reliable source then Chris….

Jonny Davies
Jonny Davies (@guest_357948)
8 years ago
Reply to  Chris Johnson

Hardly a definite date.

Alan Morrissey
Alan Morrissey (@guest_357972)
8 years ago
Reply to  Chris Johnson

So they’ve finished the design phase? I was under the impression that they had yet to finish designing them, wouldn’t it be prudent to know what you’re building prior to starting…

Greg Bartlem
Greg Bartlem (@guest_357944)
8 years ago

Why has design taken so long please and how does this compare with similar nations shipbuilding such as France?

grubbie (@guest_357946)
8 years ago
Reply to  Greg Bartlem


Ian Stone Brown
Ian Stone Brown (@guest_357949)
8 years ago

Thought they had been rebranded to type 31 ?

Robin Trewinnard-Boyle
Robin Trewinnard-Boyle (@guest_357968)
8 years ago

Type 31 will be a different design with less capabilities. The other name for Type 31 is General Purpose Future Frigate.

Michael Kirk
Michael Kirk (@guest_357950)
8 years ago

Hooray ?? ✌️

Max Chris Hedges Bingham
Max Chris Hedges Bingham (@guest_357969)
8 years ago

If you watch the Parliamentary Defence Committee hearing from Monday you’d be excused for blowing your mind over the amount of obfuscation, waffle, management babble and a complete failure to genuinely answer direct questions. It simply reinforced Admiral Lord West who told the committee at its previous meeting that there “isn’t any money” to build this year. Sounded like a lot of tosh. To claim the design is 60% complete and not be able to describe what’s left tone done sounded hollow. Can’t wait for the Report…..

Nathan Eldridge
Nathan Eldridge (@guest_357973)
8 years ago

Instead of 13 they will only be 8. Bit like the destroyers being reduced to 6.

Alan Morrissey
Alan Morrissey (@guest_357974)
8 years ago

Apart from the fact that there are also ~8 type 31 frigates planned…

Nathan Eldridge
Nathan Eldridge (@guest_357975)
8 years ago

We used to have about 17, they were reduced to 13 and now we can only afford 8 new ones. The new frigates are supposed to be multi-role but fewer can’t do the same as 13.

Nathan Eldridge
Nathan Eldridge (@guest_357976)
8 years ago

Type 26 are supposed to appear from 2021, if we get a type 31 I can’t see them appearing till the 2030’s and will likely be a merger for a small frigate come landing platform looking at the current concept. Considering we are using RFA’s for anti-piracy the fleet is getting desperate.

Alan Morrissey
Alan Morrissey (@guest_357988)
8 years ago

We used to have battleships once, tell navy is shrinking. What’s your point? The size of the navy wasn’t the issue, the number of frigates being built was – more are planned than were originally to be built, that was your original point – not the allocation of resources. 16 is more than 13, make your mind up which point you are trying to prove and stick to it.

Nathan Eldridge
Nathan Eldridge (@guest_357990)
8 years ago

I can’t see that many being built, we don’t have the man power to crew that many ships or the money to run that many ships. Once the two carriers are built only one will be operational at any one time Nd that includes only one set of aircraft which will have to cross-deck, of Albion and Bulwark only one of those is active at a time. I’d be surprised if they build more than 4 of the 31’s and retire Albion and Bulwark with no true replacement. The size of the navy is an issue because if we reduce… Read more »

Alan Morrissey
Alan Morrissey (@guest_357992)
8 years ago

they are buying ~130 F35Bs, more than enough to supply both carriers and the RAF (the carriers will apparently normally operate with 12 F35s each), the frigates will be necessary to operate a carrier group, though admittedly our navy would be pushed to protect 2 carriers at once in different areas of operation without assistance and keep other commitments. I suspect any reduction would come from the type 26s as they are more expensive than the type 31s, though they will face financial penalties now if they fail to build the full run (unless I miss my bet, anyway) so… Read more »

Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney (@guest_357978)
8 years ago

Keith Miller


[…] *UPDATE – This story has been confirmed again last month.* […]