Norway will join the UK’s Carrier Strike Group deployment to Japan and the Indo-Pacific region in 2025, Defence Secretary John Healey announced today, according to a press release.

The announcement followed a meeting in London between Defence Secretary Healey and his Norwegian counterpart, Bjørn Arild Gram.

The ministers discussed the maritime deployment, industrial collaboration, support for Ukraine, and the urgent need for de-escalation in the Middle East, as stated in the press release.

The Carrier Strike Group, led by HMS Prince of Wales, one of Britain’s two aircraft carriers, will operate alongside the Japanese Self Defence Forces and other partners to support peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific. Norway’s participation, which includes the addition of two ships, one of which is a frigate, will bolster the Strike Group’s capabilities. The press release highlighted that this cooperation demonstrates the indivisibility of Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific security.

“This Government is determined to strengthen our partnerships with European allies to keep Britain secure at home and strong abroad,” Defence Healey said in the press release.

“As a close strategic partner, we are delighted to have the Norwegian Navy join the Royal Navy on this historic deployment. It’s an exciting demonstration of the strength of our nations’ maritime partnership and the deepening of our relationship in the months and years to come.”

Norwegian Defence Secretary Bjørn Arild Gram remarked on the significance of the joint deployment.

“The UK is Norway’s closest and most important European ally. We have a long-standing and very close defence relationship. With this joint deployment, we are developing this cooperation even further. The Indo-Pacific is an area of growing importance for global security and stability, also for Europe,” Gram said. He further noted the opportunity for the Norwegian Armed Forces to develop skills and proficiency through participation in allied carrier operations.

The 2025 Carrier Strike Group deployment will last around seven months and is expected to bring various military, security, and prosperity benefits for the UK and participating nations. According to the announcement, the UK Government says this underscores its commitment to global security, anchored in the NATO Alliance, while also fostering partnerships with countries sharing a similar worldview.

A Carrier Strike Group is described in the press release as a “versatile and lethal resource”, always led by an aircraft carrier with embarked F-35B Lightning jets. The formation can include submarines, warships, and support vessels, including those from allied navies, offering cutting-edge air, surface, and underwater defence. It also serves as a focal point for delivering broader strategic objectives.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Andrew (@guest_842169)
1 month ago

So Norwegians in….. wonder what their second ship will be?? Will the Americans and or Dutch be joining us this time?

hopefully this time round the boys and girls of the Royal Navy get some proper shore visits and no face masks!

NorthernAlly (@guest_842178)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andrew

Maybe HNoMS Maud?

Tim (@guest_842736)
1 month ago
Reply to  NorthernAlly

Got to be, She’s configured for dry and wet stores so no need for a Tide or a Victoria which we won’t have.

Hugo (@guest_842747)
1 month ago
Reply to  Tim

At least 1 Tide is gonna come.

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_842181)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andrew


GlynH (@guest_842184)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andrew

A quick look at Norway’s Navy on Wiki; I would guess it would be HNoMS Maud. As most other non-frigate ships are probably too small sail that far.

Rst2001 (@guest_842245)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andrew

There will always be Americans involved . Almost certainly US Marines on carrier like last time . As they are our insurance to prevent carrier being sunk 😅

Hugo (@guest_842746)
1 month ago
Reply to  Rst2001

Apparently they declined to come this time.

Rst2001 (@guest_842752)
1 month ago
Reply to  Hugo

Oh ! That is surprising 😮 😅 be interesting to see how all that carrier space is utilised . Will it just be UK F35s, or will another nation add to plane numbers somehow . Interesting

Hugo (@guest_842753)
1 month ago
Reply to  Rst2001

They’re aiming for 2 squadrons UK so 24 but any more would have to be Italy which don’t have that many either.

Rst2001 (@guest_842762)
1 month ago
Reply to  Hugo

I’ve just done wiki check out of curiosity. As u mention italy has about 3 f35b and Japan skorea have some on order. That looks to be about it it seems. Though 24 is a pretty decent number I reckon from uk . A lot more than I might have expected which is really pleasing to see 🙂

Rst2001 (@guest_842768)
1 month ago
Reply to  Hugo

I just done a quick scan for 2024 info ,and sounds like the Italian aircraft carrier is on its way or already in Pacific with 3 f35b on board and planning to team up with Japan, though Japan don’t seem to have any f35b yet untill maybe end of 2024 ? Needs confirming.
So looks like Japan and Italy may well be keen to get some carrier training on a uk carrier in the Pacific. These two uk carriers are starting to show there worth which is good 🙂

Trev (@guest_842289)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andrew

Maud probably, and interestingly named after Edward the 7th’s daughter whom went on to be Queen of Norway 🇳🇴

Bjørn (@guest_842431)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andrew

KNM Maud, it’s a logistics ship and the newest and biggest addition to us Norwegians

Peter S
Peter S (@guest_842179)
1 month ago

On the one hand, excellent way of refining cooperation. On the other, the availability of RN escorts is very low, so friends not just welcome but needed.

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_842182)
1 month ago

Two F35 squadrons ?

Lonpfrb (@guest_842195)
1 month ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t believe F-35B is on Norwegian strength just RN/RAF or USMC. I’m guessing Norway has F-35A since they have no carriers for F-35C.
Thus USMC air were welcome guests on previous CSG operations..
Sorry for weak research.

MT1 (@guest_842221)
1 month ago
Reply to  Lonpfrb

Norway only operate F35A, I believe the plan is for both 617 and 809 to be on board, so 2 UK Squadrons.

Dern (@guest_842240)
1 month ago
Reply to  Lonpfrb

Correct the RNoAF only flies the A variant.

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_842282)
1 month ago
Reply to  Lonpfrb

No problem. I meant will we see two U.K. squadrons this time, or at least a decent number?

Iain (@guest_842346)
1 month ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

It might be interesting to invite the Italians to operate from PoW in the Med and Japan in the Pacific. Both have Bs. She is perfectly large enough to run with three squadrons.
Plus it’s always good to train interoperability on this sort of deployment. You never known when you might have to do it for real

Baker (@guest_842393)
1 month ago
Reply to  Iain

She was always designed to carry and operate 36 plus F35’s, It would be good to see this number.

SD67 (@guest_842420)
1 month ago
Reply to  Iain

Plus Singapore -though I’m not sure whether they’ve been delivered yet

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_842630)
1 month ago
Reply to  Iain

Yes. Good idea all round. The more the merrier. Get the best use we can.

Ian (@guest_842415)
1 month ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

That is the intention. The whole point is to display a more er, ‘aggressive’ capability than CSG 21.

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_842631)
1 month ago
Reply to  Ian

I would like to see a bit more aggression from our political friends so that we can operate carriers properly.

Baker (@guest_842392)
1 month ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

Yes, that’s what has been mentioned, it would be good to see a third USMC squadron again though as then we will see a full complement as she was designed for.
Not sure if any US ships or aircraft will be involved though from what I’ve read elsewhere.

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_842632)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

Yes. Iain’s idea above would be good too. We’ve got the decks. Let’s use them properly.

PWLScrewman (@guest_842737)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

I think after last time lessons were learnt that the Americans are very manpower heavy, people had to be put on n camp beds crammed into all sorts of spaces, whilst the Americans have a wealth of experience of the 35s they bring everything and the kitchen sink along, For example they have to bring Thier own armourers as each nation will only arm Thier own jets. The engineers aswell are one man one job one plane and when your talking about a maintenance crew for each American jet it gets tight quickly, off the top of my head I… Read more »

ABCRodney (@guest_842183)
1 month ago

That’s very interesting and as they say the devil is in the detail, 2 ships and 1 will be a Frigate. MMm 🤔 That narrows it right down as their only other combat ships are Skjold class FAC and small SSK submarines, I can’t see them going to the Pacific. So I’m going to speculate it will be something really useful and given the state of the RFA and our only remaining Fort possible vital to the success of CSG25. I’m betting it will be HNoMS Maud which is a very close cousin of our Tide class Fleet Oilers but… Read more »

NorthernAlly (@guest_842186)
1 month ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

I don’t know if its still happening, but since we are meant to be rotaing with the French in having a carrier in the Pacific I could see us going down the route of working with our northern nato members(Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands and maybe even Germany) while the French going down working with the southern nato members (Spain, Italy maybe Greece or Turkey)

Jonathan (@guest_842363)
1 month ago
Reply to  NorthernAlly

Italy are sending their own carrier battlegroup into the pacific within a year, so they will be to busy to support other CBGs.

ABCRodney (@guest_842449)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Hi M8, The Cavour strike group is out in FE right now, they left in July. I think they have left Australia so are either in the Philippines or Japan.

Jonathan (@guest_842461)
1 month ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Blimey, I did not realise they had set of yet, I thought it was a bit later in the year…I bet china are just loving it…one European carrier battle group after another will really prick their ears.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_842197)
1 month ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

The Norwegians need to get paid a lot – the cost of living in their country is supposedly ‘off the scale’. Isn’t a pint of beer about £9?

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_842206)
1 month ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

I lived in Sweden for a while.

The Swedes would shop in Germany to save money;

The Danes would shop in Sweden to save money

The Norwegians would try not to shop at all!

Rst2001 (@guest_842246)
1 month ago


DB (@guest_842253)
1 month ago

Mental prices.

Cymbeline (@guest_842259)
1 month ago

Been to Oslo a couple of times, lovely place. Norwegians very nice people.

FormerUSAF (@guest_842340)
1 month ago


Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_842434)
1 month ago


Lonpfrb (@guest_842829)
1 month ago

The Finns would shop in Estonia to save money

Jim (@guest_842217)
1 month ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

More like £14 last time I was in Norway.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_842437)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Ouch! I moan about our pints being over £5!

DB (@guest_842251)
1 month ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

Sir! Water is your favourite tipple. 😉

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_842440)
1 month ago
Reply to  DB

I certainly drink more of it than beer!

Spyinthesky (@guest_842314)
1 month ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

You mean the same as central London 😇

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_842442)
1 month ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky


SD67 (@guest_842422)
1 month ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

I was once almost crushed in the stampede for the duty free booze at Stavanger airport

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_842443)
1 month ago
Reply to  SD67


Jim (@guest_842218)
1 month ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

A Norwegian frigate and supply ship would solve alot of problems, if it’s the case I hope we don’t try and send two T23 again, we could really do with them at home and if China’s type 93 performance from CSG 21 is still the best they have then two T23 and an Astute is over kill.

Levi Goldsteinberg
Levi Goldsteinberg (@guest_842445)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Sorry Jim – what’s this about China’s Type 93? A quick google doesn’t turn anything up but that sounds very interesting

DB (@guest_842247)
1 month ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Heavens. The detail with added, hefty, kick in the nuts with that post. RFA need establishment and means pay. Tad difficult at present but talk with them and establish good industrial relations for the future.

ABCRodney (@guest_842454)
1 month ago
Reply to  DB

Hi DB Problem is made much worse as their skills are 100% transferable and for more money.
It’s a football that’s been kicked into the terraces and forgotten about, but next year with CSG25 it’s Game on, it’s all on TV and where’s the ball ?
I always find it funny what happens when Politicians see a dollop of embarrassment heading their way and turning browner the nearer it gets.

FormerUSAF (@guest_842347)
1 month ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Unfortunate that no T-26 will be available for CSG-25. Absolutely nothing generates enthusiasm for potential sales like real-world demo/ops. Could have brought a few Norwegian military and/or civilian leaders aboard during slack periods of the deployment. Believe they have a sovereign wealth fund worth $1+Tn,. T-26 purchase would barely amount to rounding error. 🤔

ABCRodney (@guest_842460)
1 month ago
Reply to  FormerUSAF

Per capita Norway is probably the richest country on Earth, they have 2 separate Sovereign wealth funds. One for Pensions and one for investment in their future, combined total is about $1.6 Trillion which is growing every year. Norway is Oil, Gas and Green Electric rich which is a hell of a combination, massive surplus of Hydro Electricity (they export) means they can export most of their oil and gas. Where else can you drive in winter on an electrically heated road.🥴 As for T26 exports, if Norway buys 5 the UK SB industry will be in overdrive. And not… Read more »

Jim (@guest_842187)
1 month ago

No doubt the trolls will be along shortly to tell us how having a Norwegian frigate on CSG25 is an embarrassment for the UK and shows how we are no longer a great power.

NorthernAlly (@guest_842188)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Already are on the navy lookout insta post.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_842199)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Yes, even though the mighty USN mostly has some allied escorts in their CSGs.

Jim (@guest_842212)
1 month ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

Yes funny how a T45 in a US CSG is seen as a diplomatic success for the US but a US destroyer in a British CSG is seen as a military failure for the UK.

Russian and Chinese bots seem to have homed in on the UK’s greatest weakness which is middle age winging men 😀

Spyinthesky (@guest_842330)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

The true British disease sadly not helped by some of the press. Mind you the MAGA brigade are headed in the same direction. Easy trap to fall into when you can’t match perceptions of past greatness.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_842436)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Exactly. Western navies should mostly ‘police the oceans’ as multi-national Groups. It carries a strong message that we are united.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_842207)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

A pragmatic solution.

This NATO thingy A = Alliance – allegedly?

Jim (@guest_842214)
1 month ago

Apparently NATO is an alliance that covers all members except the UK which some how has to provide for all its own security and is some how obligated to provide security for everyone else on the planet and must patrol every inch of water on the surface of the earth less it be seen as a failure in the eyes of America and referred to as a declining power 😀

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_842219)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

We have declined our frigate force from

20 -> ???? Over 25 years…..

Jim (@guest_842270)
1 month ago

True but the Russian navy dropped from 400 submarines to less than 60. What would we need 20 more frigates for today?

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_842279)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Do deal with all the other threats that are popping up round the place… weeds…..?

Jim (@guest_842281)
1 month ago

Why do you think frigates are the answers to our problems?

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_842283)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

The Chinese are building SSN’s

If we had more ASW frigates it would be a good thing.

With CAMM-ER/MR a few of them and a T45 could shut down the Houthi’s

FormerUSAF (@guest_842369)
1 month ago

Rather a situation wherein any/all of the above would prove ro be beneficial.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842300)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

And just who is going to lend the UK
The monies to do so
Sorry but for the UK the banks are closed

Jim (@guest_842271)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Another Russian bot?

DB (@guest_842302)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

No Jim, you just forget who you have replied to, agreed with and engaged in convo with.

Should you think I’m a Russian bot my sparring partner Daniele is hopefully around around the corner to wade in…

Jim (@guest_842313)
1 month ago
Reply to  DB

You just make comments like an asshole so easy to think you’re a Russian bot.

Next time I’ll just remember your just Asshole

DB (@guest_842327)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Try looking in a mirror. Just might, might, work wonders on moderating your language. Just saying.

Mark (@guest_842382)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim


DB (@guest_842332)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

You mainlining bleach? What brand do you use?

Elio (@guest_842189)
1 month ago

Do we have enough operation ships still to include 2x type 45 and 2x type 23 like in CSG21?

James (@guest_842203)
1 month ago
Reply to  Elio

Its next year, easy to plan maintenance of the required vessels so they can depart with the amount of notice.

DB (@guest_842256)
1 month ago
Reply to  James


James (@guest_842399)
1 month ago
Reply to  DB

Prior planning and preparation, you know how the saying goes.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_842208)
1 month ago
Reply to  Elio

We will probably send

1 x QEC
2 x T45
1 x T23
1 x Oiler as QEC has a thirst
1 x Astute or Triumph……


1 x Oiler + Solids – on mainly solids duty
1 x frigate

Jim (@guest_842216)
1 month ago

I’m sure they will get Fort Victoria back in the water by then patched up with duct tape and running on hope and glory 😀

RB (@guest_842383)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

In order for Fort Victoria to participate in CSG25 she would surely need to be reactivated and back at sea by this October or November. That in turn would mean dockyard workmen swarming over her now – but she has been laid up at low cost berth in Leith Docks near Edinburgh since May 2023, and she is still there as far as I know.

Iain (@guest_842425)
1 month ago
Reply to  RB

Actually, she’s at Birkenhead and just about to go into dry dock.

Barry White
Barry White (@guest_842597)
1 month ago
Reply to  Iain

You are correct as there has been a few posts of her movement on Facebook

FormerUSAF (@guest_842354)
1 month ago

Not certain why USMC is apparently declining to participate in CSG-25. Generalized mantra of US forces is to train the way you intend to fight. Perhaps no invitation was extended, if RN wishes to demonstrate solo capability? ,🤔

Jim (@guest_842428)
1 month ago
Reply to  FormerUSAF

The CSG21 deployment was agreed when we gave early F35 production slots to USMC. I’m sure we would love to have a USMC squadron onboard and have 36 F35 operating but I don’t think the USMC has many spare squadrons. They are still putting AV8B on operations.

RB (@guest_842378)
1 month ago

Reasonable speculation, but I suspect that given current events the RN really wants another allied AAW destroyer involved to avoid committing more than one of its scarce T45s for the whole of the deployment. As far as I can make out the USA, Germany, France and Italy have all declined due to their own commitments and current/planned Indo-Pacific deployments. It’s a long shot, but maybe Australia will contribute a Hobart class destroyer for a few months whilst the CSG is actually in the Indo-Pacific region.

Jim (@guest_842215)
1 month ago
Reply to  Elio

Yes we do,

Just won’t be able to do much else 😀

Elio (@guest_842267)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Lucky the world is so peaceful right now then

Gunbuster (@guest_842387)
1 month ago
Reply to  Elio

Long term planning for this has been ongoing for years. That planning involves look aheads in refit and FTSP periods for CSG25 units and for units needed for covering UK and NATO commitments at home.

You dont cuff stuff like this with a few months notice. Lots of stuff needs to come together to make it happen and that requires med term planning

Andrew Robinson
Andrew Robinson (@guest_842202)
1 month ago

Excellent news, showing how close we are as allies. Also, slightly OT, but hopeful that the norwegians will add to the type 26 export success we have had…

RB (@guest_842229)
1 month ago

Excellent news, the MOD and RN were getting desperate to find at least one major partner to bulk up CSG25 after the US gave a polite “not this time” to UK soundings early in the year. I wonder if it forms a component a larger deal for a Norwegian buy of T26’s. I.e. the RNoN gives the RN a helping hand over the next 4-5 lean years, in return for HMS Belfast being sold to them. Until 2015 the plan was to build one T26 a year, an order five Norwegian ships would make that essential again.

FormerUSAF (@guest_842371)
1 month ago
Reply to  RB

Eminently logical and practical quid pro quo.

Paul.P (@guest_842427)
1 month ago
Reply to  RB

UK-Norway relations seem to be going from strength to strength. Xmas trees, Kongsberg remote weapons stations, NSM, BMT support ship designs, CSG25, possible T26 order. I wonder if we planning joining them in the European Economic Area. Pragmatic move which would give us access to the EU single market without actually joining it.

elyh (@guest_842234)
1 month ago

Isn’t “lethal carrier group” an oxymoron? If not I suggest we go for “deadly lethal carrier group of destruction and mayhem”.

Last edited 1 month ago by elyh
Aaron L
Aaron L (@guest_842417)
1 month ago
Reply to  elyh

I like the second option, would make for more exciting press releases.

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_842244)
1 month ago

And we’ve all got to hope that the Suez passage and Gulf area remain open! Wonder if an earlier prepositioning of an Astute, or two, in the Indo-Pacific might be a good thing then?

DB (@guest_842261)
1 month ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Sorry… or 2? How will that be done? Be lucky at 1

Spyinthesky (@guest_842341)
1 month ago
Reply to  DB

Well if you believe the Telegraph we don’t have even one on patrol presently due to lack of maintenance facilities.

Hugo (@guest_842364)
1 month ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

It’s accurate in this case.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842260)
1 month ago

Good evening all, It’s your friendly neighbourhood Chinese AI bot Greetings NATO ? North Atlantic , what the hell they gonna go paddling in Indo Pacific waters Your terminology ‘ Lethal Carrier Group’. Carrier Strike Group , Peace and Stability, The Indo – Pacific is a growing area of importance for Global security and stability, A versatile and Lethal resources and It also serves as a focal point for delivering broader strategic objectives Now given that NATO is involved and that this region is actually peaceful Explain these words extrapolated from above Lethal , Strike , Peace , Stability ,… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by John Brian Doyle
Jim (@guest_842276)
1 month ago

What worry’s China more, Tempest GCAP fighter developed with Japan or a multi national carrier group in the South China Sea ensuring freedom of navigation.

It must be both as Xi is sending in his army of little pinks headed by John Brian Doyle 😀

Point on history, When did China ever end a war, you have literally never won a war.

Frank62 (@guest_842298)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Defeated the Mongols in the C14/15th. Fought the Japanese far longer than anyone else before/throughout WW2 & were on the winning side. We had a heck of as time bringing Japan to her knees, but should remember that all that time 1941-45 China kept huge amounts of Japanese forces tied down. Plus defeating the KMT in their civil war. Drew along with N Korea in the Korean war.
Couldn’t resist though Chinese history isn’t my expertise. CCP propaganda probably rewrites loads of history to make China a perpetual winner & give widespread belief amongst its citizens to many foreign territories.

Last edited 1 month ago by Frank62
DB (@guest_842311)
1 month ago
Reply to  Frank62

You’ll be a bot like me if you keep that up!

Jim (@guest_842320)
1 month ago
Reply to  DB

No chance of that, Frank actually has something useful to say.

Mark (@guest_842366)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim


Jim (@guest_842319)
1 month ago
Reply to  Frank62

China the country didn’t exist in the 15th century, holding down Japanese soldiers is not winning a war and neither is chasing the KMT during a civil war to an island off the coast.

John Brian Doyle literally works for the CCP spreading propaganda.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842336)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

All western MSM is none other than propagandists who follow and disciples of Goebbels’s
Go study him and the obvious stares you in the face
China Threat please define exactly what such threat is
Go back to my original post and see who threatens who
Probably such is beyond your intelligence far less Wisdom of which no doubt you devoid off
And another clown joins the circus

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842338)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

For 5000 years China consisted of 6 provinces which were unified into
1 state over 2000 yrs ago
And Japanese forces invaded China in the 20 th century

Frank62 (@guest_842368)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Hi Jim. China existed as a single unified state from the C3rdbc at least.

Dern (@guest_842322)
1 month ago
Reply to  Frank62

In fairness… the Ming defeat of the Yuan was more of a civil war, dynastic struggle than “China defeating the Mongols.”

Frank62 (@guest_842367)
1 month ago
Reply to  Dern

It was more than that. They launched many expeditions to devestate deep into Mongolia itself in the C15th, nt just kicking out the Mongols at the start of the Ming dynasty in the 1360s.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842310)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Oh well let’s go back to the Pacific War in WW2 Japan invaded China at the weakest point in its 5000 yr history Result China very quickly having been overrun changed tactics Scorching earth as they retreated delibaretly over extending Imperial Japanese forces till it was a logistical nightmare for Japan Then China deployed Guerilla tactics forcing Japan to yield conquered Cities and China hit them hard in the resulting chaotic retreat But alas Nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki But few in the West realise that over a third of Imperial Japanese military Resources were tied down in China… Read more »

Dern (@guest_842325)
1 month ago

Fucking hell, they really do go for bottom of the bargain bin hires with you lot now don’t they?

FormerUSAF (@guest_842357)
1 month ago
Reply to  Dern


Pete ( the original from years ago)
Pete ( the original from years ago) (@guest_842447)
1 month ago

Not so sure the Vietnamese would agree Chinrse have always been peaceful.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842315)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Me is referred by you as me being
YOU presume that means China
Obviously you are also a clown and a presumptuous one at that
And of all Clowns such are the most stupid and should you continue to
Presume with regards myself
Your sole achievement shall be to turn this excellent forum into a Circus

Spyinthesky (@guest_842350)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim

Not true they did in ancient times when they picked on weak and disorganised neighbours to create their Empire but hey one needs very long memories. But as the troll demonstrates their violent Imperialistic inclinations are through economy fuelled arrogance on a growth path.

DB (@guest_842312)
1 month ago


John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842321)
1 month ago
Reply to  DB

And another clown joins the circus

DB (@guest_842326)
1 month ago

I don’t recognise you posting before.

And the gumf you have posted is a wah.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842342)
1 month ago
Reply to  DB

Oh please come back with facts
Which no doubt you can’t or wise enough to know when you beat and resort to attempting to induce laughter Just as a Clown would do

Baker (@guest_842394)
1 month ago
Reply to  DB

Multi account user. Used to be JohninMK, Ulya, Herodotus oh and a welsh priest and probably many more. His latest deflective writing style is to leave out apostrophes and full stops.
Loves/craves attention.

SailorBoy (@guest_842456)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

I didn’t mind Ulya, at least he was honest in providing the Russian perspective on the “Special military operation”. He didn’t contribute much by way of debate but was certainly an interesting person.

Baker (@guest_842471)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

“He” was a “She” and a Tarter apparently, of coarse it was all lies and made up tosh.
Funny thing happened a few weeks back, I mentioned her whilst replying to “Brian Doyle” (that was “his” original name for this particular account) and low and behold, Ulya turned up just minutes later after a 3 month break.
This appearance was expected though.
A few months further back “He” was a welsh Priest called Wyn something Jones ( can’t remember exactly).
It’s all very clever stuff, I find much amusement here.
How are you enjoying the school holidays ?

DaveyB (@guest_842490)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

He hasn’t been on for a while, wonder if he escaped to Georgia or got conscripted?

Baker (@guest_842502)
1 month ago
Reply to  DaveyB

“He” was apparently a “She”. She is always on here but mostly as a “He” and under a different guise.

SailorBoy (@guest_842503)
1 month ago
Reply to  DaveyB

I hope it’s the former, he seemed a nice enough person if a bit misguided

Baker (@guest_842529)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

Hmmmm 🤔 He was deffo a she, You must have missed that Outing then ? Reckon you might have been about 12 at the time though, was that before your time on here ? 🕵

SailorBoy (@guest_842541)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

No clue, I started here, according to the user history, 10 months ago and read the articles and comments a bit before that, maybe up to a year ago.
If it was before then I must have missed it.
It says you’ve only commented here for a month, how long did you spend just reading?

Baker (@guest_842808)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

I’ve been here since the very early days, every so often I get banned so I just re-appear. I was Borg for ages but originally I was a name that now evades me. Even when banned, I still look in and read stuff.
I’m also on NL and a few other sites but this one has way more articles.

Spyinthesky (@guest_842348)
1 month ago

You wouldn’t believe China has a 3000 year history of oppressive Imperialism starting all manner of wars would you my peace loving friend. In modern times threatening various neighbours doesn’t sound that peaceful by the way, but hey I guess the Philippines in particular must be a really scary threat to you to have to be bullied by your brave military thugs. Very surprised that such a self confident Nation needs to oppress the odd dissident on London streets too or is that just an expression of Nationalistic fervour? To paraphrase Monty Python we piss in your South China Seas.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842352)
1 month ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

China never threatened any it only Promises what will happen should any be foolish enough to threaten And as for the biggest clowns off all who have the audacity to attack Then their demise is a promise that’s always fulfilled I do believe Monty Python indeed followed the principles of clowning around but only so for a good old belly laugh The clowns in NATO are not actually clowning they are merely glove puppets of Neo Liberal Capitalism Deployed in a vain attempt to maintain USA hegemony and make a fortune by sending in the clowns to do the fighting… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by John Brian Doyle
Frank62 (@guest_842373)
1 month ago

Tibet 1950. No threat to China but brutally invaded & annexed.
1979 Sino-vietnamese war, surprise invasion of Vietnam in support of the genocidal Khmer Rouge whose bloody reign had just been terminated by the Vietnamese.

Last edited 1 month ago by Frank62
Paul.P (@guest_842429)
1 month ago
Reply to  Frank62

Absolutely! You and I might think all those pottery soldiers are just a case of narcissistic OCD, but I watched Tomb of the Dragon Warrior. Its all very scary…😉

Last edited 1 month ago by Paul.P
Bleak Mouse
Bleak Mouse (@guest_842590)
1 month ago

Question: Is Winnie the Pooh still banned in China, and if so, why??

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842708)
1 month ago
Reply to  Bleak Mouse

I continually asked of those who elect to reply to come back with facts Winnie the Pooh ( Disney version ) Or any other version is Banned in China Disney Land still displays much of Winnie at it’s Chinese theme park What is banned is Internet images Making a mockery of President Xi By presenting him as Winnie the Pooh The ban which still stands was regarded as extremely offensive and more importantly disrespectful Please understand the Culture , history and beliefs of the Chinese Civilisation China always operates on the basis of mutual respect and gives short shrift to… Read more »

SailorBoy (@guest_842458)
1 month ago

My God, he’s become self aware!
The AI will destroy us!
Either that, or your handler has taught you humour.
Can you request that the next lessons are on English punctuation? It might help us understand you so that your point comes across and we can finally bow to the might of China.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842464)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

English A weasel language developed by Weasels for weasel and nefarious purposes Go to hell with that language where it is instantly recognised for the Thourghly evil it has been used to justify over whether directly or indirectly to inflict horrible conflicts and wars upon many people’s By the hand of the UK and USA over 300 such conflicts in the last 100 yrs alone For example Iraq 2 totally illegal Afghanistan and you ignemonious Retreat and in your haste to depart you left behind the DNA fingerprints of the Afghans you employed to help you fight your disgusting War… Read more »

Baker (@guest_842472)
1 month ago

Crying here now 😂😂😂

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842475)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

Crocodile tears do not let any escape Hell

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842476)
1 month ago

Considering SB is still at school, he’s doing rather well to have a place at hell already reserved. 🙄
A little more respect for the junior of the site, please.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842479)
1 month ago

Point taken However respect can Never be asked for it can only be given
Therefore before i give any respect
Then that’s entirely a matter for others to attend too
Words are just words
Tis actions that only matter
And those shall be your Judge and Jury

Baker (@guest_842486)
1 month ago

Please tell me you are on Facebook and that your real name is something like Kevin or Perry, i’d love to add you as a friend ! 😂

Bleak Mouse
Bleak Mouse (@guest_842594)
1 month ago

Question: why are there still wet markets in China despite the rise in Supermarket Chains??

Baker (@guest_842485)
1 month ago

😂 everyday is a school day on here. ( I don’t really think Toby J is still of school age personally )

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842489)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

Hi mate.
I know, you smell rats and double accounts in all corners!
I tend to take people at face value until proven otherwise, as, why not.
I’m me, I’d hope most on this site are them!!

Baker (@guest_842492)
1 month ago

It’s my specialist subject though, being in a certain line of business, this and a few other sites provide a wealth of entertainment that keeps me amused !

DB (@guest_845970)
24 days ago

I’m ‘He/Him’ sod that pronoun tosh.

SailorBoy (@guest_842494)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

Nah, I’m still in school holidays, moving into Sixth Form.
I used to call myself that but decided to go with the flow and have a username like everyone else.

Last edited 1 month ago by SailorBoy
Baker (@guest_842499)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

😂😂😂 I believe you 100%. 😎

SailorBoy (@guest_842555)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

Do I detect sarcasm? 🧐

Baker (@guest_842621)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

Nope, I’m a firm believer in your assertions that you are still at school

SailorBoy (@guest_842639)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

You have no idea how strange this feels for me

Baker (@guest_842646)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

As a bloke of 72, I have no Idea how it might have felt for me too at your supposed tender age.

SailorBoy (@guest_842687)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

I don’t know what about me you sense is suspicious.
You’d have to be a really odd person to get a kick out of pretending to be a child.
Nothing I say will convince you further (I can feel how odd my arguments sound) so I won’t reply to any further comments. I would be interested in how you arrived at that conclusion though.

Baker (@guest_842807)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

I’m very observant and I read peoples stuff from when they first appear on here.
You said you were a year off leaving school so I assume you are saying that you are @15 ?
Your contributions suggest not.

SailorBoy (@guest_842824)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

Ha, I’m too clever to be a teenager? Is that what you mean? 😂😂😂😂😂

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842858)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

The lads been trained up well here!

SailorBoy (@guest_842496)
1 month ago

I love JBD, he does the best comedy posts on here.
I sometimes wonder if he is actually a CCP shill or just someone with a very twisted sense of humour.
Thanks for the support DM, means a lot 👍🥇

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842862)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

Even I’m starting to see second accounts and fake profiles all over the shop. 😳
I don’t think it’s healthy.
I’ve no idea what he,she, it is, I’ll leave that to Baker and his Mole hunting squad.
I just know I don’t agree with what it posts.
Some of us at least are actually real on here mate and use our real names. Me, geoff ( no capital ),Robert B, and David L.
Klonkie is also genuine, his names actually Chris.

SailorBoy (@guest_842943)
1 month ago

I try not to think too much about the people writing comments and just engage with the debate, which includes avoiding any reference to political parties etc. I’ve understood for a while that there is a “hard core” of UKDJ hobbyists like yourselves who generally have something to contribute to most discussions. Hadn’t realised you were using your real name though, the profile pic threw me off. I have said before that I wonder what a “UKDJ convention” would look like in terms of demographics and backgrounds. Bit weird to have my identity questioned by Baker but it probably happens… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842969)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

Yes. I understand why some current and ex military types don’t use real names if they’ve been involved in certain activities.
I’ve nothing to hide, I’m a real person.
As for rhe pic, I’m a big Tolkien, LOTR, fantasy genre fan and I like the Gandalf/Mithrander character.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842987)
1 month ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

Identity is nothing, I used to get my gender questioned here!!!😄😚

SailorBoy (@guest_842504)
1 month ago

And yet, here we are, talking in English.
Go and look up the history of the language on Baidu or whatever it is you use and then tell me how on earth it has been “developed”.

DaveyB (@guest_842477)
1 month ago

Try the last Chinese-Vietnamese war. Do believe China kicked that one off! Plus they were lobbing artillery shells over the border until relatively recently. Not to mention the numerous incidents caused by China trying to enforce their nine dash line South China Sea territory grab.

Perhaps you need to reappraise your assumptions on the friendly CCP and their stoically peaceful nature!

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842501)
1 month ago
Reply to  DaveyB

Sth China sea grab Firstly tis not a grab Go check the facts China has documented proof beyond all doubt and in some instances going back more than 1500 years that the various small islands and shoals are irrefutably Chinese With regards Tawain do not believe a single word that spews forth from the forked tongues of Western War Mongers The Taiwanese issue is unequivocally a civil war that still has to conclude So there are only the following possible solutions China surrenders Tawain surrenders China and Tawain by negotiation Return Tawain to the Motherland Tawain attacks China and wins… Read more »

Baker (@guest_842509)
1 month ago

Kill me now. 😂

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_842527)
1 month ago
Reply to  Baker

If you have suicidal tendencies
Enlist , Take the King’s Shilling
Then Should NATO elect to cross the Red Line / breach the 2 Nd Great Wall volunteer for action

Enlist for HMS Trident Submarines
And When Missile Launch ordered
Then if unlike the 100 % test launch
Failures since 2016 Whereby it was
Launch then Plop
Should the Missile be armed
Good chance Launch , Plop followed by BANG

Bleak Mouse
Bleak Mouse (@guest_842600)
1 month ago

Question: if China is so wonderful, then why is their infrastructure so poor?? and also why is their belt and road initiative such a disaster??

Baker (@guest_842623)
1 month ago

Ha, I see what you did there. “Launch, Plop” lol.

DB (@guest_845971)
24 days ago

Not in international Court, you don’t; no facts what so ever.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_845980)
24 days ago
Reply to  DB

Go check UN resolutions re Tawain
And then the documents over centuries regarding Tawain being part of China
And as for Sth.China sea islands
Then you need to go back over 2000
Yes to find out what belongs to who
I know the facts go ye and find them

DB (@guest_845990)
24 days ago

No. Fabrications of facts are fabrications.

Just like your username; let me guess who you could be.

John Brian Doyle
John Brian Doyle (@guest_845998)
24 days ago
Reply to  DB

Really are UN resolutions are merely Fabrications Then why Tawain barred from joining UN or any other International Organisation that is affiliated to the UN in any manner And official Historical documents Signed by Numerous previous Emperor’s over thousands of years are fabrications Well then in the interest’s of impartiality So are The Magna Garta , The American declaration of Independence and The Good Friday Agreement are also fabrications and the signatures upon them are forged Time to lower the Stars and Stripes Above the White House and replace with the Union Jack Guess all you want my name is… Read more »

Gunbuster (@guest_842388)
1 month ago

I have done a fair number of 6+month deployments as part of the Rebel Alliance( FF/DD force) or as a Deathstar (Command Flagship). Units from all nations drop in and drop out throughout. It’s not a massive issue. When On a T23 we escorted the French Carrier as part of her group for a while then left to do our own thing. I have done escorting for USN groups. On a Deathstar we had nations dropping in and out all the time. Lots of speculation about which RFA Stores ship is going…There may be a surprise guest attending of the… Read more »

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_842398)
1 month ago

Let’s hope there’s enough ships to make up a decent CSG and the Suez and Gulf remain open. Hope the T45s might have their CAMM and NSM and even the T23 its NSM.

TonyB (@guest_842453)
1 month ago

Slightly linked to this planned deployment, Navy Lookout has provided an update on the Astute SSN availability.

Gunbuster (@guest_842466)
1 month ago
Reply to  TonyB

Yep already read it. SSN availability is a nightmare. The nuclear regulatory authority is the primary reason followed by successive Govts of all ilk’s. The RN cannot put them in dock because the docks are not up to the latest spec. It’s a big driver for get some floating drydocks back to Faslane to clear the maintenance backlog. The Regulatory Authority didn’t just move the goal posts a little bit, it relocated them into another Universe and required all sorts of additional requirements to be in place to allow a boat to refit. All of this was highlighted in the… Read more »

Baker (@guest_842473)
1 month ago
Reply to  TonyB

I read this earlier and also a few weeks back somewhere else, dire situation by all accounts, just like T23 , T45 and RFA.
Let’s hope this newly elected bunch of eejits can sort it out.

I won’t hold my breath though.

Ben Lane
Ben Lane (@guest_842508)
1 month ago

Regardless of the other ship deployed Norway’s continued involvement in these and other deployments is always welcomed

Lee Duncan
Lee Duncan (@guest_842660)
1 month ago

Norway is the only European nation that has never forgotten what the UK did for Europe during WW2 with Royal Marine Commando raids and civilian rescue. Norwegian soldiers fought their war from the tip of Scotland and boy did they get some revenge. From the whole of the UK we thank the beautiful people of Norway for the huge Christmas Tree you gift our Island evey year which looks absolutely beautiful in Trafalgar Square.

Gunbuster (@guest_843546)
1 month ago

I have a picture in my head of the Norwegian drafting office being inundated with draft requests to get on this deployment. High North or Far East?
hmmm…Hard choice!

Drafty looking like Joker in The Dark Night.
Snaps a pool cue in half ” We only have so many places available on the Frigate going on the Far East deployment …so …Try outs!”