Prime Minister Boris Johnson has confirmed that the Royal Navy will acquire 8 Type 26 Frigates, 5 Type 31 frigates, the “next generation” Type 32 frigates, the new Fleet Solid Support Ships and a new multi-role research vessel.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“We are going to develop the next generation of warships, including multi-role research vessels and Type 32 frigates. This will spur a renaissance of British shipbuilding across the UK, in Glasgow and Rosyth, Belfast, Appledore and Birkenhead, guaranteeing jobs and illuminating the benefits of the Union in the white light of the arc welder’s torch.
If there is one policy that strengthens the UK in every possible sense, it is building more ships for the Royal Navy. Once both of our carriers are operational in 2023, the UK will have a carrier strike group permanently available, routinely deployed globally, and always ready to fight alongside NATO and other allies.”
The Prime Minister announced the above as part of what the Ministry of Defence have called “the biggest investment in the UK’s Armed Forces since the end of the Cold War”, confirming an “injection of £16.5 billion” over four years.
Johnson said that the funding would allow for:
- A new centre dedicated to artificial intelligence
- A national cyber force
- RAF space command launching British satellites from Scotland
Johnson added:
“Our plans will safeguard hundreds of thousands of jobs in the defence industry, protecting livelihoods across the UK and keeping the British people safe.”
Trust T32 will be either a beefed up T31 or slimmer T26. Adding another hull design and propulsion system etc alongside T45/26/31 and legacy T23 will (Imho) add supply chain complexity and dilute benefits of steady construction drumbeat.
Add complexity. Maybe. Maybe not. The engines, generators, radars, sonars, weapons etc could be the same as what is used in the rest of the fleet not adding new logistical pathways. Just adding to what is already in place. 5 more ASW vessels would make me smile. Will be interesting to see what happens.
As long as we kit them out properly and don’t go down the dreaded “fitted for but not with” route again.
The T45s are 10-years old or more already and still don’t have the Mk 41 VLS installed, we have still no replacement for the Harpoon, and Storm Shadow or any likely replacement isn’t going to be integrated to the 20 or so F-35s we currently have. Still no timely commitment to 138 we’re supposed to be getting either.
Things could be worse for sure, but at the moment I think this announcement is largely about damage restoration following previous cuts. Really need to sort out procurement efficiency as well (e.g. Crowsnest still not delivered)
So let me get this straight. This boost aspires to deliver:
Replenishment ships
The full order of 8 T26s and 5 T31s
An unknown (likely 5) number of “T32s” – as yet unspecified
A replacement for HMS Scott
Am I missing any?
The reviews not published yet. There will be lots more detail on the RN, Army, RAF, with some cuts and more enhancements, hopefully.
So far, despite the positives, we must remember there is a lot if re announcing ( typical of HMG spin ) of old programmes and T32s that are years away.
Indeed. The T32s are almost certainly T31 batch 2 so will be follow on orders. The last T31 is due to be handed over to the RN in 2028 so any T32s will be at least a year or two behind.
T32 really is key Rob.
As things stand, in reality, as far as the RN and escorts is concerned, HMG have pledged to maintain the below bare minimum – 13 Frigates.
In 2004 it was 20.
I’m not moaning, so far positive stuff coming out.
But the forces lack kit and numbers of every kind. Let’s see if they address that with real world increases in some areas.
I agree Daniele. Let’s see the substance properly delivered. For all we know it may be hype to blind side us to further cuts in the pipeline. The next SDR will be crucial.
Such a change to get good news & funding increases though. Easy to get euphoric.
Personally rather than focus too much on a new line of frigates I’d prefer that we fill in existing gaps in equipment/capability. Fitted for but not with would be a disaster if a conflict developed quickly. The we have the capability gaps, anti-ship, land attack and a whole host of stuff not ready for the F35 yet. Increasing ship numbers is great, no question, but it does increase the pool of ship not fully armed. Additionally we need more subs, go slow sub production must end and open ended production runs started.
Indeed just been reading how the requirement for what became Brimstone was put on hold as the wall came down and then actually military experience proved it a necessity if the aircraft themselves were to be little more than target practice and it was re instated. Seems we still need to learn that lesson if our navy in particular is not to lose or at best withdraw all its ships in a conflict before they can actually be properly armed for that conflict.
Quite so. We all welcome sanity & funding being restored to defence. It’s the guarentee of our freedoms for goodness sake. Once lost, they cost many lives to recover. Past policy effectively sends our troopps into battle with hands & bootlaces tied together rather than properly armed & equipped.
It’s a dreadful lie/Russian roulette, often with far greater chance of failure, to suppose we’ll always see any threat coming. History is littered with pre-emptive attacks cathing under prepared/unalert nations out. We’ve been bareing our throats too long. It’s criminally reckless to so run down our conventional forces that it makes the use of nuclear weapons far more likely.
I’m not in favour of slowing anything down., but I think the 31’s armament could still be beefed up and if the T32 is any time off, taking the 31’s up to eight hulls with an immediate order would be a good thing.
Looks like Type 32 will simply be a beefed up version of Type 31, so in that case we’ll be getting 10 hulls, as their stated goal of increasing from 19 to 24 escorts.
Could well be right Steve…wait and see, I suppose.
BJ referred to T32 as a ‘next generation’ frigate. Well that could be his disposition to optimism, another ‘world beating track and trace‘ remark.
But it could mean a ship based on the Arrowhead hull equipped with laser weapons. The Arrowhead 140m hull offers lots of growth potential for electrical power and and future long range strike weapons. T26 has taken so long it probably makes sense to let it focus on its core global ASW role; swap out its Mk41 tubes and put them into a new design.
I would agree, logic would indicate we are talking about a batch 2 T31.
At least the forsight was taken with the Arrowhead design to select a hull that’s big enough to grow in capability and change with the times.
Certainly a not towards a more robust all round capability is needed, with a basic ASW fit and an uplift in SAM fit….
Now not being cynical or anything, but I’ve just had a thought, is this an new BJ campaign to try and win back the Scottish vote….just a thought.
lot of military spending that will head the way of Scotland. I suspect he’s trying to start to remove some of those nails i the coffin lid of the U.K. as we knew it. This is a good thing for both the defence of our nation and ensuring the stability of our nation.
Hes also setting up a union task force.
The SNP needs confronting head on. The rubbish that they come out with that UKDJ often highlight with articles should be made national news and debunked by the PM on national TV.
That way the left wing media cannot distort.
It should also be made clear that there are no new referendums as we just had one in 2014, and that should hold at least until our ship building orders with Scots yards are completed, as we cannot procure warships from non UK yards. So decades away.
By then Brexit will have been shown to not be the disaster many wish it to be so they can pursue their pro EU anti Tory agenda. People wish to judge Brexit instantly knowing full well things take time.
Respected journos like Andrew Neil – freed of their BBC chains – are starting to take the SNP to task. I just wish that all the people of Scotland (who we love and are part of our big UK family) are made more fully aware of the history of these islands, and not the Mel Gibson/SNP version.
i.e. From pre-historic times we were all one set of tribes: “Britons.” All came together for a big knees-up/hog-roast at Winter Festival time down south. A lot of “Scotland” spoke Welsh (Cumbri tribe and Picts), and it was the invading “Scotti” from overseas that changed this. Politically correct school history or the Media narrative never reflects this.
The SNP never had any intention of making devolution work; why would they? For them it is just a step towards complete independence. This is what BJ was saying in his outburst. They are an historical aberration.
Scotland is a slightly older nation state than England. With king MacAlpin ( who had unified the Gaels and the Picts) in 843 AD they beat England to it by a hundred years. Aethelstan became king of all England in 927AD at Eamont Bridge, the then king Constantine of Scotland pledging his allegiance. He subsequently broke his word and had to be brought to heel with the Danes and the Welsh at the battle of Brunanburgh where Aethenstan gave a good hiding to an alliance of the Danes, the Scots and the Welsh. Sound familiar?
The Union of 1707 was just the parliamentary union. Scotland and England were joined at the hip when Margaret of Wessex fled England after the thugs of the Norman invasion and married Malcolm III. She is remembered for having brought grace and good manners to the Scottish court, becoming St Margaret of Scotland for her efforts. She was the sister of uncrowned Wessex claimant to the throne of England who became Queen of the Scots. Scotland is where fate decreed the memory of the English kings Wessex culture of grace and learning should be taken for safe keeping.
The Royal Navy has its roots in the ships Alfred the Great deployed to fight off the Danes. The white ensign is the union flag in a corner of the English flag.
I agree still need to be convinced global Britain will flourish but it’s only right it has the chance before the Scots make a choice based on simple prejudice and propaganda by those with an agenda and just see them as cannon fodder to achieve it.
Ok I don’t do this very often so I am going to do a bit of fantasy fleets or at least frigates. What will the new T32 be?
I’m going to try and be realistic, so I’m not going to suggest a 10,000 ton all singing and dancing super ship. I’ll start on the assumption that Babock are in pole position after a ‘competition’ and I’ll also assume there is a cost ceiling on the project. These are justified because Babock’s investment at Rosyth suggest they believe they are in a good position for a Batch 2 so must have been given some reason to believe that and the defence budget will still be under pressure even after the up lift so no money for another super frigate.
So if we allow the cost to rise by about 20% to 30% only in real terms there are going to be some real limits on what can be achieved. Firstly, accoustically insulating the hull to T26 standards would be a tall order if you want do anything else on a limited budget, so the ship will not be a full blown ASW platform.
So given we are starting with a General Purpose hul we will end up with a General Purpose hull or risk blowing the budget. So what to put on a GP frigate? I know some would like a 5″ gun for Naval Gunfire Support, but given the cost of the weapon and the move away from amphibious assults against defended coasts I would be more inclined to safe the money and put it towards a much more effective deep fires capability such as Brimstone 3 in the short term and SPEAR 3 longer term. So I would retain the T31 gun fit.
To facilitate the deep fires missile capability the vessel would need a significant up lift in the number of VLS. I’d do away with the very limiting Sea Ceptor VLS and provide a standard cold launch VLS pack to allow quad packing of Sea Ceptor and Brimstone SSM. I would hope the budget would allow for 24 to 36 cold launch VLS, which in turn would enable a very sizeable number of quad packed Brimstone / Sea Ceptor missiles to be carried. This would be the ship’s primary capability. Targeting would require off platform assets, more on this below.
I would retain the helicopter as the primary ASW asset for the frigate but would also look to provide a number of ‘modules’ for the mission bay. These could also be carried at least by the Batch 1 T31’s spreading the cost across the additional 5 hulls, but I would also aim to make them compatible with the T26 as well.
Three ‘modules’ would be my priority. An ASW, module that would provide addition UAV’s capable of delivering sono buoys and Stingray light weight torpedoes ( the latter is already under development) along with maintenance and weapon handling capabilities. For the mission bay to be able to handle UAV’s it should already have access to the flight deck a feature I know the T26 does have, so I’ll assume the T31 does as well.
Next I would look to develop an over the horizon naval fires module. This would primarily provide beyond line of sight reconnaissance capability again using UAV’s to enable precision targeting of high value and fleeting targets in support of principally small raiding missions and SF. The fire support could either be launched from the ship using Brimstone / SPEAR or from the UAV possibly using Brimstone or Martlet.
Finally, a Mine Counter Messure module. Given that little has been said about a replace MCM vessel and the RN’s fleet of minehunters are old to say the least (the Hunt Class diesels were second hand from 1960’s locomotives!) I would see the development of a MCM module as an urgent augmentation of the RN’s capability in this vital area. We should all remember that for a time in 1940 the biggest threat to the UK was not the Luftwaffe but the magnetic mine.
So that my fantasy frigate with a few bells and whistles.
Cheers CR
The Optimist in me would like to think we have one Eye on China, with the massive ship building programme turning out some pretty impressive ( on paper at least ) Ships and Subs particularly the Type 52 and 55 Destroyers ( 13000 tons, huge weapon fit ) not to mention 50 odd modern Frigates. If we want to go Cruising in their back yard.
Yes China have the means to export widely their sick authoratarianism & their fleet building program is a wake up call. We’ve become way too dependent on them, led by all our so-called entrepanuers exporting all our manufcturing there for many decades.
True. Else don’t do it and learn the lesson from WWII.
The only point of sending a small ship (or under-armed small group), is the knowledge that, if needed, her big sisters with big sticks are not far behind if needed.
Hi Captain p wash,
I couldn’t agree more and I think China is on the everyone’s radar, especially as the PM mentioned the QE going to the Far East in his statement.
However, we are still strapped for cash and need to walk a tight line to get ourselves through the post Covid / Brexit challenges and clearly this funding announcement is about more than just defence.
So a GP frigate is probably the best compromise we can hope for at this point. An up ‘gunned’ T31 B2 could free up the T26 / T45 combination for operations with the QE class meeting the need for serious capability when facing the Chinese Navy in its back yard. Clearly a single UK Carrier Strike Group is not going the frighten the Chinese, but a UK Carrier Strike Group with a squadron of USMC F35b on board and possibly another local ally, say Australia or Japan, providing an escort and the message changes dramatically.
The up gunned T31 could be forward deployed in the Gulf given there is only a very limted submarine threat in that theatre (I would make an ASW module available for when things heat up next) as well as other areas where they would not routinely be likely to face an agressive peer adversary.
The up gunned T31 would also provide Babcock with a production run of 10 vessels. So although the value of those 10 is likely to still be less that the 8 T26, the T31 programme would still provide the UK with 2 competing warship builders with a number of other yards capable enough to step up and support a particularly large programme. That is way better than just having BAE Systems or any other single supplier.
Just a quick final thought on operations in the Far East which some do not see the value in. Of the 5 Eyes Allies only the UK does NOT have a Pacific Coastline and all of the 5 Eyes nations have come to our aid in our back yard at least twice when we really needed it. So for the UK to demonstrate our ability to return the favour is a matter of honour between friends and that matters in international relationships. This of course goes beyond 5 eyes when thinking interms of our broad internation relationships. I think the Global Britain mantra is playing well to that unstated point. I’m sure you’d agree.
Cheers CR
Yes mate I really do Agree.
Nice one CR, now lets see if you start a trend……
If the funds are delivered plus what’s needed for the existing black hole of funding between what we’d commited to already & the clear shortfall, then yes, a limited rennaisance. We must be vigilante to see it delivered rather than allowing it to become an empty promise. The world is too dangerous with authoratarianism running rife after the west over-relaxed after the cold war & morally declined.
I think HMG & MPs should lead by example:
Before demanding pay freezes for others, MPs should commit to a longer pay freeze & never again be allowed to decree austertity for others that doesn’t affect them.
Close the tax evasion/ avoidance loopholes that allow the richest to hoard & suck up all the wealth out of useful circulation to off shore havens.
Let’s hope the procurement is managed properly and a commitment to using British SME’s as much a possible.
This is all future tense; I hope it transpires though.
It would be good to see at least one more nuclear attack sub, preferably three, but that’s too hope for.