After successfully attracting funding from Pepsi, the famous Red Arrows are to be painted Blue.

The Ministry of Defence said previously that it remains “committed to supporting the Red Arrows” despite a recent report suggesting that it can no longer afford to finance the Royal Air Force’s aerobatic display team.

The Red Arrows were recently “saved from the axe”, but a senior defence source told The Express here that the “clock is ticking” for the display team to find more funding.

The source said:

“Given the financial challenges which the RAF and, indeed, all services are facing, and anticipating no sudden upsurge in budget, funding the team is becoming challenging to the point that we must consider either finding a new, additional and substantial stream of income or letting go.”

That funding source has, finally, been found.

A statement from Pepsico reads:

“Pepsi is trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding. Clearly we are delighted to be able to announce our partnership with the Royal Air Force in order to fund the newly created ‘Blue Arrows’.” 

Congratulations and thank you for reading the whole article, this is just an April Fools Day joke. The article above is not true and if anyone is sharing this after the 1st of April, please do remind them of that fact. The purpose of this article, aside from our usual April Fools’ day joke, is to make the point that reading beyond the headline should be the norm every day, not just on the 1st of April.

There’s a large volume of misinformation online, make sure you don’t add to it by sharing articles without reading them. Finally, be careful of the person sharing this article after the 1st of April as they very clearly don’t read what they share.

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Daft Lad
Daft Lad (@guest_714397)
1 year ago


Frank62 (@guest_714401)
1 year ago

Actually looks quite cool in blue!

Stonker (@guest_714406)
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank62

Yup it does, as they say a change is as good as a rest 😂

lonpfrb (@guest_714562)
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank62

According to my copy of RAF News (paper #1556), ‘The Reds’ are due at RIAT ‘Skytanker 2023’ so let’s hope George can get on the phone to Coca-Cola Schweppes Beverages the UK bottler for Coca-Cola. Obviously Britvic, the UK bottler for PepsiCo will be disappointed but Red is the correct colour and being based in Chelmsford they have non conflicting sponsorship opportunities with the British Army bases in East Anglia.
Red One, you are cleared for takeoff…

Spyinthesky (@guest_714876)
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank62

Pepsi is still active in Russia so I see this as a complete sell out to Putin. I suspect the Hawks with their ongoing engine problems likely unsolved, will be replaced by Yak-130s decorated by Pepsi owned Walkers crisps within a few years with Gary Lineker in a promotional video dressed as Sergey Dronov, You mark my words.

Frank62 (@guest_714928)
1 year ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Thanks Spy. So much great expertise on this site.🙂

Mark Forsyth
Mark Forsyth (@guest_714405)
1 year ago

Sure I saw a similar article a few years back, with the Red Arrows being sponsored.
I think one of the best was in Soldier Magazine in the 80’s (I think), when it was announced that all the Cavalry Regts would be renamed with “decimal” nomenclature. Hence 14/20th became 0.7’s, 9th/12th would be 0.75 Lancers. They even showed pictures of the new decimal shoulder tabs. The outcry from retired of Salisbury etc was a joy to behold.
Well done George.

James M
James M (@guest_714463)
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Forsyth

I have to admit, I kind of like the sound of the Three Quarter Lancers.

Brian Holden
Brian Holden (@guest_714584)
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Forsyth

I think it was reported in the 6th Sense newspaper in Germany. I was REME attached to the 3.2 Lancers or 16/5th Lancers as they preferred to be known.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_714602)
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Forsyth

Yes, some of these are repeats. Doesn’t matter, it’s the tradition that counts.

That decimal wind up sounds hillarious, wish I’d seen it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Daniele Mandelli
Tommo (@guest_714416)
1 year ago

And the Navy will be using the New Rainbow dazzle paint on New hull’s George

Tommo (@guest_714473)
1 year ago
Reply to  Tommo

I better settle for a Can of Tartan Paint then George

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_714626)
1 year ago
Reply to  Tommo

Can’t we all just play nice and declare everyone as “non binar” that way no one gets offended? Ban the use of he/she her/ him. Come on HMG get with the woke agenda.

Kjell (@guest_714450)
1 year ago

April 1, Fools’ Day 🙂

James O'Sullivan
James O'Sullivan (@guest_714480)
1 year ago
Reply to  Kjell

You’d hope so

terence patrick hewett
terence patrick hewett (@guest_714452)
1 year ago

Rhapsody in Blue.

George Parker
George Parker (@guest_714459)
1 year ago

Ho ho ho. Should have been British Gas Blue Flames.
Happy April.

Jonathan (@guest_714479)
1 year ago

I’m sure if allowed the Coca-cola company would come back at that and sponcer the whole armed forces.

coll (@guest_714496)
1 year ago
Reply to  Jonathan

It would be like going back to their semi-roots in ww2.

Last edited 1 year ago by coll
Jonathan (@guest_714510)
1 year ago
Reply to  coll

interestingly WW2 was probably the greatest sales and development opportunity and coca-cola exploited it to the max…5billion bottles to service personnel and expanding bottling to every nation containing US troops. from the companies history: “But the presence of Coca-Cola did more than just lift the morale of the troops. In many areas, it gave local people their first taste of Coca-Cola – a taste they obviously enjoyed. And when peace returned, the Coca-Cola system was poised for unprecedented worldwide growth. From the mid-1940s until 1960, the number of countries with bottling operations nearly doubled. As the world emerged from a… Read more »

mark (@guest_714487)
1 year ago

🤣🤣 For a moment I though Ryanair had bought them out 😅

Sleeve (@guest_714488)
1 year ago

Pinch, punch……..

Wilsy28 (@guest_714492)
1 year ago

April Fool

Jewson (@guest_714497)
1 year ago

It is the 1st of April guys.

Bulkhead (@guest_714503)
1 year ago

Should be navy blue 😎

Ray.T. (@guest_714561)
1 year ago

It would not be the first aircraft to painted up in Pepsi colours.
I had the pleasur of despatching the Air France Concorde out of Gatwick on a special charter flight to New York.

MJ (@guest_714566)
1 year ago

Avril, was permission sought to use this photo?

Michael Hill
Michael Hill (@guest_714599)
1 year ago

Haha. Would of been more believable if coke cola were sponsors and the French blue arrows had Pepsi. Good effort thou. 🙂

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_714608)
1 year ago

Looks like they’re sponsored by Pepsi… Lol 😁

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_714609)
1 year ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

I have to concede, Ionpfrb got in first.

Jim (@guest_714614)
1 year ago

Please can we quit the spoof articles !!! Its confusing 😅😅

Longtime (@guest_714617)
1 year ago

If the Navy get really desperate they can talk to Ann Summers about sponsoring the Silent Service. The shapes there🤷🏻‍♂️

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_714627)
1 year ago
Reply to  Longtime

Bagsie NOT serving on any submarine sponsored by Anne Summers….unless it has an all female crew that is.😁
[email protected] (@guest_714641)
1 year ago

Damn and I just sent some blue paint as a contribution!!!

Steven greathead
Steven greathead (@guest_714642)
1 year ago

Why don’t we scrap our entire armed forces? The government is set on net zero.Lets dispose of the past discretions of slavery,and legal theft by the state.

Spooky (@guest_722261)
1 year ago

Geniuses… Look at the date.