The Royal Marine Commando Force is looking to industry for the development of a “multi-payload, low-signature, long-endurance uncrewed surface and subsurface vessel”.

According to a pre-procurement notice issued by the Ministry of Defence:

“The Royal Marine Commando Force requires the development of a multi-payload, low-signature, long-endurance uncrewed surface and subsurface vessel (USSV). This will be able to deliver covert capability both on the surface and sub-surface. It is to have a low visual signature when on the surface and be completely autonomous whilst integrating within the Naval Strike Network.”

The notice goes on to explain that the vessel should be capable of tasks from deploying sensors to conducting strike missions.

The vessel will be highly flexible, capable of conducting multiple mission types including the deployment of sensors and effectors and strike capabilities from both surface and sub-surface. Interrogation of the operating area by this vessel will support Royal Marine Commando Forces in future operations. It will be capable of supporting long endurance missions with a loiter capability and be self-deployable at high speed, extended range and exhibit high manoeuvrability.

The platform will be easy to support, maintain and upgrade whilst having complete interoperability to be launched and recovered from the sea and current/future shipping. The platform design needs to have demonstrated a degree of maturity through use of de-risked and demonstrated technology.”

The notice also specifies that the vessel must be capable of being transported in a 40ft ISO container.

Back in 2020, the MoD acquired a MANTAS T12 USV (pictured above) for further study. You can read more about that here.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Royal Marines seem to be taking this stuff seriously. Excellent. I’m guessing it won’t be long before they start wondering how they managed without it?

    • Though it will be nice when we actually order stuff in reasonable quantity for operational use rather than the same old “informing decisions” mantra which seems endless.

      Even Mosquito and LANCA on the RAF side are not for front line use.

      The RM so far have a new uniform, rifle, and have been split into these LSGs devoid of helicopters, UAV, artillery, and above all new, fast shop to shore connectors.

      Indeed, their only LCAC are for sale with DSA.

      • On reflection perhaps I was getting over excited there😂

        I sometimes get this feeling all these drone projects are going to be outpaced by some spotty faced kid in his bedroom. Perhaps HMG need a new supplier list.

        • Not at all mate.

          It’s good they’re looking at it. I just want them to ORDER it.
          And also stuff that’s kinetic ( shock, horror ) and actually kills or harms the enemy, or carries you to him, or gives you firepower to defeat him.

          Seems it’s almost un PC now to say that.

          To me that means helicopters, UAV that also carry ordnance, fast landing craft or boats, and modern artillery.

          I know some of that was in their fancy chart but it’s always about tomorrow. Which never arrives or is altered before it does.

          Maybe I’m just impatient.😆

          • Obviously Daniele you haven’t read the newly updated ‘The art of (progressive) War’:

            To defeat the enemy one must ‘Find, fix and then lecture them interminably on their historical shortcomings and their complete inability to act in the prescribed acceptable way’.

            Thus victory is assured in all circumstances!

      • D man I wasn’t aware of this with regard marines , don’t remember seeing any articles on here about this? ( the 5G signal being compromised by that bloody ice cream van most likely) but cheers for alerting me to this new info a New uniform and new rifle👏🏻 All good stuff .I didn’t realise the C7 being rolled out for entire brigade 👍🏻 However disappointed re. The troop size reduction from 30-16 sounds like cuts .

        CB90 boats would be nice ……..


        • Artist, hi mate.

          Was a while back but there was an article.
          Regardless, look up “Future Commando Force ” on Google you’ll get the jist.

          3 Commando, in truth probably not deployable as a complete brigade for some years already, now defo moving to a more SOF set up.

          Unit ORBATs still a bit up in the air still so like the army cannot judge fully yet.

          Watch that ice Cream Van….you know “they” do actually have mobile monitoring vehicles! If one day it’s replaced by an Ambulance do a runner!!

          • 😂👍🏻 if I see the ambulance outside 😲 no point me running man I’m already flagged on the watchlist as being a CONSPIRACY MONGERER 😎😜🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠



      • What’s going on with the LSG concept anyway? Weren’t the ships cancelled or delayed or something?
        If they’re without organic airlift, artillery, UAVs and the LCAC are being sold off, just what is the plan here? There’s not the force there for a USMC style opposed landing, the FCF seems to be elevating them towards SOF and raiding, whatever use that is these days. I’m probably completely missing something though.

        • Unsure but hear LSS too pricy. You know, we are unable to do anything without gold plating it.

          I’d have been happy with 2 point conversions like the USSOC examples.

          There is airlift and artillery. Just in small amounts, and it’s not clear what the plan is regards creating any forward detachments of the CHF or RAF SHF. Bays have no hanger either, one is being converted.

          Artillery is 2 batteries with 6 LG each or 3 batteries with 4. I’m unsure if the 3rd gun battery of 29RA survived when 42 went to M Ops. Will we see 1 battery per LRG?

          The LSG will be composed of 2 LRGs. LRG (N) with 1 Bay, 1 LPD, 1 Frigate.
          LRG (S) with 1 Bay, 1 Frigate.

          Both can combine if necessary for a major op like Corporate, with the CSG if needed.

          I agree with the concept, we don’t have the ingredients. You’d hope for a LPH for each.

          As I rambled on about above, where are the helicopters, longer range artillery and precision weapons? Where are the new ship to shore connectors? Are we just going to use ORCs, RRC, IRC, RIBs and the LCVPs and LCUs?? You’d hope they would use helicopters primarily.

          Until they order more enablers they can have as fancy a uniform as they like. It just makes the FCF about having an identity separate from the army as opposed to something really useful.

          Yes, more SOF orientated like the army SOps Bde. 3 Commando as a deployable brigade is long gone.

    • I agree with Daniele, the RM are making the best of capability cuts, with good PR and good will. They know their new “role” is a bluff, in order to enable cuts through the Cdo Bde, in order to “fund” a more light, agile and deployable (aka cheaper) force. The RM will however do what they do best, as ever, and get their new light role LSGs operating as best, and efficient as they can. I have no doubt they will be very useful within the future framework of the HMGs global reach and forward basing thought process, buts lets call the idea for what it it is, a cheaper and less kinetic capable group, whos future role suits HMGs purse.

      • Pretty much mate.

        I support the forward deployed concept but for God’s sake give them some proper tools to do it. So far ( unless i miss something ) it’s only trialing UAVs the size of a model aeroplane, a light vehicle ( no idea if any were actually ordered ) and this, which I’d have thought is sneaky boats territory anyway.

        Also….” shop to shore ” lol

        • Shop to shore….sounded about right with the limited capability of the RM at the mo, duty free in P&O carrier bags 😆

          • Shop to Shore …that’s because Royal can always be found queuing up at the Colonel whether its open or not…

    • This is probably a purchase for the Special Boat Service, I don’t see regular Marines getting gucci stuff the SBS doesn’t have?

      • I believe the SBS have this capability already, albeit it is “crewed ”

        I too at first thought it SBS territory ( my “sneaky boats” comment ) but thinking about it kit purchases for DSF are not usually given this sort of publicity are they. So maybe it is for the Commandos.

        Also, first I’ve heard of the “Naval Strike Network” ?

  2. There really are some fantastic new capabilities on the way. Getting the balance right between what legacy equipment needs to be recapitalized and how to invest in these types of force multipliers is both extremely important and a real opportunity.

    Royal Marines should be at the forefront of this it should come as no surprise that they are. They are seriously impressive in what they do. They should be given some more of the broad capabilities that their cousins have in the States.

  3. Hopefully there is already a vessel meeting the requirements that can be purchased ‘off the shelf.’ Thereby negating the need to shovel untold millions into a black hole of nothing that produces a few craft that fail every requirement but enrich dozens of former senior defence officers.

  4. They want a vessel to operate both on the surface and subsurface, have long endurance and high speed, loitering and high manoeuvrability.

    These slightly clashing capabilities seems like a good way to make this an expensive project.

    Why not two separate vessels? Subsurface, long endurance, loitering for one and surface, high speed, high manoeuvrability for the other. They can still share components for ease of maintenance. But surely two different hull forms are required for the stated capabilities.

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