Commandos of 1 Assault Group Royal Marines (1AGRM) are honing their tight formation skills in the ice-filled fjords of northern Norway, say the Royal Navy.
According to a statement:
“As part of preparations, 539 Assault Squadron of Plymouth-based 1AGRM tore through the water at close proximity at speeds of up to 50mph, refining their ability to spearhead amphibious attacks in freezing conditions on their specialist Offshore Raiding Craft (ORC).
This is vital training in their newly upgraded craft, ensuring coxswains are acclimatised to the unique surroundings of the fjords before taking Royal Marines into the heart of combat in up-coming seaborne raids.”.
Corporal Ryan Joslin, ORC Section Commander, said in the release:
“It’s great getting myself and the rest of the lads used to a completely new environment. We’re typically used to operating the craft in milder climates, which presents different challenges for the craft and coxswains.
Since being upgraded, this is the first time we’ve had a chance to use the new engines in extreme cold weather and they’ve handled it perfectly so far. This, mixed with the incredible scenery is making every trip out in the water, as cold as it is, pretty special.
Floating ice can be hard to spot and poses risks to the craft. It’s the first time I’ve personally manoeuvred a boat section through an area of surface ice and had to overcome the challenges it presents.”
How many royal marines do we have altogether ?
and in peoples opinions is it enough ?
7,760 Royal Marines
530 Royal Marines Reserve
539 Assault Squadron as mentioned above is approx. 100 strong
No it is not enough many more needed.
I can’t find the exact number but it seems during Falklands (a relatively minor conflict compared to what could happen) 4k marines were deployed, so approx 50% of today’s total number. I doubt we could deploy that many today, which answers the question on whether it’s enough or not
Most of 3 Commando was involved in Corporate.
Today only 1 Commando is at readiness. With other bits and pieces.
A brigade in name only, or as a holder for units.
No longer a self contained deployable formation at brigade level without enhancement.
Paper strength looks fine. In theory 5 maybe six deployable battalion plus sized units. But the reality is that for our cutting edge troops the blade is always blunted. Why do our chiefs allow this to happen?
Lets keep pouring money into tinpot sh*thole countries for nothing in return whilst China reaps the trade benefits. The F.O. is a shadow of its former self. Brexit should make this country face the reality check it needs to re its place in the world.
That takes moral courage which we lost some time ago.
Lets welcome back non-repentant IS lovers by all means – well we will won’t we lets be realistic- and shove them and their ghastly broods into prison for 10 years and let them chew on that. But no, it will be a slap on the wrists, a house with benefits , more benefits and a slick fit back into the muslim community while their photos of severed heads sit snugly in their holiday albums. Job done.
Welcome to England 2019. RIP.
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