Royal Navy patrol ship HMS Spey has stepped in to assist the inhabitants of Tanna, one of 80 islands in the Republic of Vanuatu, as they grapple with the aftermath of two devastating tropical cyclones.

The island has been left struggling to restore regular water supplies and repair its infrastructure after being battered by storms Judy and Kevin.

The cyclones struck the islands within days of each other at the end of February and beginning of March, bringing with them winds reaching speeds of up to 120 mph. The international community, particularly Australia, provided initial aid to help restore basic services and support the islanders.

HMS Spey’s Timely Intervention

In response to the ongoing crisis, HMS Spey delivered three ten-tonne water tanks, as well as additional aid and equipment, to Tanna’s residents. The installation of these large-capacity tanks will help store and provide clean water for the island’s inhabitants, while the other supplies will aid in repairing the island’s infrastructure.

“The island is located near the southern end of the chain which makes up the republic and proved to be among the most interesting the Portsmouth-based warship has visited on her five-year mission to the Indo-Pacific in company with her sister ship HMS Tamar.”

You can read more about this from the Royal Navy here.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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farouk (@guest_721312)
1 year ago

Australia has a defence arragement with Vanuatu (which is just over 1000 miles away) and on Sunday deployed HMAS Canberra with 600 troops and at least 3 CH47 Chinooks (aka Wok a woka) they already have a small team on the ground

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_721324)
1 year ago
Reply to  farouk

Great chance for joined up working with the Aussies.
Australia does a lot for its smaller neighbours. Proud of them.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_721341)
1 year ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker

Which sadly begs the question of what a River brings to the party if AUS is sending a 20kt vessel with 3 x chinooks?

I could see what a T31 with a cab would contibute.

Coll (@guest_721359)
1 year ago

Vanuatu is 9,713 miles from the UK in a straight line. Considering it will be the only Royal Naval craft in the area. Also, it won’t be just humanitarian aid, but it will be to show face because Vanuatu has the tribe that worshiped Prince Philip, and now, King Charles III. just a guess.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_721361)
1 year ago
Reply to  Coll

Good spot on the tribe that worshiped Prince Philip.

Proper cargo cult stuff.

That might well be the reason then!!

Coll (@guest_721377)
1 year ago

They seem happy. There’s a documentary from 2009 about the tribe coming to the UK to meet Prince Philip. It’s a pretty good. Karl Pilkington also visited them on Tanna, and tried to get him to wear a Namba. Really good Pilkington episode.

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_721375)
1 year ago
Reply to  Coll

Missed opportunity to send the river for the coronation with a big screen. A few movies for after, BBQ, beers etc.
Hearts and minds.

Coll (@guest_721378)
1 year ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker

Send one of those life sized cut outs of King Charles III.

Jon (@guest_721384)
1 year ago
Reply to  Coll

Charles is King of Australia, so they get him both ways.

Coll (@guest_721386)
1 year ago
Reply to  Jon

Pretty sure Vanuatu is a republic.

Last edited 1 year ago by Coll
Coll (@guest_721356)
1 year ago
Reply to  farouk

Now, I can hear Fozzie bear going “Woka woka” over footage of a Chinook. Vanuatu also has the tribe that worshiped Prince Philip, and now, King Charles III.

Last edited 1 year ago by Coll
David Barry
David Barry (@guest_721388)
1 year ago

Now, try not to be facetious, and don’t take the piss either. Frantisek Jaros was a close friend who died of cancer several years back – he was educated at the University of Brno in Mechancis(hydraulics), he travelled the world creating waste water treatment plants, desalination plants, ruined parties with 2000 fecking photos of camels and was just a really great person who put in place the flood defences for Prague. Just watching the boys from Baker Company on youtube (2008ish) and the shit drill – burning it. Q. If concrete canvas can line culvets for Network Rail, create sterile… Read more »