The Ministry of Defence has released the latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine as of 12 June 2024.

According to the update, “Russian Ground Forces (RGF) have likely achieved a limited break-in of an eastern suburb of Chasiv Yar, a town located approximately 8km to the west of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine. They have also likely taken control of Ivanivske, a village southeast of Chasiv Yar. Heavy fighting is reported in the urban areas, with the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) contesting RGF advances.”

The update also notes that, “Russian forces likely remain on the east side of a canal that runs through the city which presents an obstacle to their advance.” The RGF is likely employing a dismounted infantry approach to clear the suburbs, resulting in a high casualty rate among Russian troops. The UAF reports an artillery-centric assault on the city with thermobaric munitions in use.

Chasiv Yar is considered strategically valuable to Russia due to its position on a plateau and its historic use as a logistics hub for the UAF. “Chasiv Yar is likely of value to Russia due to its strategic position on a plateau, as well as its historic use as a logistics hub for the UAF,” the update states.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_826174)
3 months ago

As much as we can give as fast as we can give it.

Jacko (@guest_826188)
3 months ago

Not much of a strategic logistics hub under constant artillery fire is it?
Its the same pattern over and over Orcs bleeding for a few yards of gains!

Steve R
Steve R (@guest_827153)
3 months ago
Reply to  Jacko

Reminds me of that scene in Blackadder Goes Forth, where Darling says their last offensive captured 17 square feet.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_826191)
3 months ago

For a few months now I keep hearing and reading of UKR on the retreat and Russia advancing.
I stopped following things closely last year, when the fighting was around Bakhamut.
And since then, they’ve got 8km further west in that sector ???
UKR is hardly on its knees is it. I hope UKR is managing to limit it’s casualties while continuing to maximise Russia’s, as that gain for the loss is ridiculous, even for Russia.

Slava Ukraini, always.

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_826194)
3 months ago

It is estimated that Russia can sustain its current losses for another 2-3 years.

If Ukraine can hold out for that long, while inflicting the same losses on Russian forces Russia will be forced to give up.

I think Russia is willing to accept ‘pyrrhic victories’ with a view to either exhausting the UKR militarily and economically or creating war weariness in UKRs troops and civilians. If they succeed that will be the breakthrough moment.

Joe16 (@guest_826375)
3 months ago

The likelihood is that their loss rate will continue to increase if anything, as time goes on. The quality of their troops and equipment is constantly going down, and while they are producing a lot of drones and artillery, neither can actually take and hold ground- they still need to move forces forward in vehicles or on foot. They’re already assaulting on motorbikes and small ATVs, and running through APCs that make our FVs look positively sprightly. The comments that have been made by US and other military figures the Russia has “reconstituted” its forces, and the quantities of equipment… Read more »

Spyinthesky (@guest_826252)
3 months ago

At their present rate it will take around 25 years just to take all of the Donbas.

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_826349)
3 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Let’s hope they are gone from UKR territory long before then.

Chris (@guest_826212)
3 months ago

While HIMARS is great, it is expensive and running low on ammunition. The US Army has even slowed down training on it to conserve ammunition for Ukraine. Russia still has fire superiority with basic 152mm artillery. The fire almost 10,000 rounds a day. China has to be supplying them at this point.

Collectively the west needs to be producing 1,000,000 155mm rounds a month. We are at a fraction of that.

Gunbuster (@guest_826309)
3 months ago
Reply to  Chris

Whilst Himars has been very good at what it does the ATACMS that are now being used are shredding irreplaceable assets behind the front lines. ivans air defence systems are getting a real pounding. Radars, launchers, command trailers…all getting hit. Its one of the main reasons that the slow drones can now reach so far into russia to hit targets that ivan previously thought to be beyond reach. Some LTV designers from 30-40 years ago when the system was thought up and designed are rightly sat with their feet up sipping brandy , smoking a cigar saying ” We told… Read more »

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_826340)
3 months ago
Reply to  Gunbuster

One of the reasons certainly, but also its quite possible, considering the vast amount of undulating terrain the brackets the boarder between Ukraine and Russa, to sneak drones through the gaps. The Russans would have to place every single air defence system they own in that huge area to try and stop them. The Ukrainians also have the advantage of NATO ‘assets’ letting them know where the holes in the Russan air defence umbrella are from day to day. I remember a conversation I had with a 47 squadron pilot a good few years ago now. As SF transport assets,… Read more »

Steve R
Steve R (@guest_827154)
3 months ago
Reply to  John Clark

Even then the Russians couldn’t stop the Ukrainian drone strikes.

SAM systems like S400 are designed to track faster targets, things that are likely to be an incoming enemy aircraft or missile. The radars filter out small, slow returns that are likely to be birds etc.

So low, slow-flying Ukrainian drones get through undetected, because they’re literally not what the SAM radars are looking for.