From the 3rd to the 9th of June, the Republic of Slovenia will host the multinational exercise Adriatic Strike 2018 for the seventh consecutive time.
The Slovenian Armed Forces will collaborate with other NATO and Partner nations providing Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) training.
Approximately 700 participants will exercise Air-Land-Integration tactics, techniques and procedures at six training locations in Slovenia; half of them from Slovenia, half from Allies Albania, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and the United States and partners Austria and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Besides Slovenia, ten Allies and two Partners provide rotary-wing aircraft and fixed-wing aircraft to facilitate realistic training scenarios further enhancing the skills of JTAC that is critical during Allied and Coalition missions. Organised and conducted by the Slovenian Armed Forces 15th Wing Command, Adriatic Strike will also be supported by members of NATOís Deployable Air Command and Control Centre from Poggio Renatico, Italy. Their task is to provide mentors for the Control and Reporting Centre and air liaison officers for units on the ground.
Field activities will follow a pre-scripted scenario and the main training benefit for participants it the opportunity to work with air assets from different Allies and Partners, enabling true multinational training, interoperability and professionalism.
The basic mission of a JTAC is to advise a commander in the field on the use of air and other types of fire support such as sea-based systems, mortars, or artillery. JTACs control these support operations and coordinate continuous air support in the form of reconnaissance, convoy escorting and control of the surroundings so as to provide comprehensive protection of friendly forces.
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