Royal Marines, say the Ministry of Defence, will “strike faster and further across the Arctic snow” thanks to a £10m investment in new snowmobiles for reconnaissance and raiding operations.

The UK Commando Force is the nation’s specialist extreme cold weather troops, capable of surviving, moving, and fighting across the Arctic’s inhospitable terrain.

“Royal Marines have traditionally moved across the snow on skis, snowshoes or towed by their armoured vehicles (known as skijoring) to get into combat. But the Commando Force’s battlefield tactics have rapidly evolved, with smaller teams deployed across a wide area on reconnaissance, raiding and strike missions to disrupt the adversary behind enemy lines, allowing freedom of action for the UK’s F-35 stealth jets operating from a Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier. That means there is a growing need to move more quickly over longer distances and across very difficult terrain.”

The snowmobiles will be supplied by BRP from March 2025 onwards, read more here.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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Mickey (@guest_808053)
3 months ago

Good contract for Bombardier. Quality snow cutters too. Braaap!

Martin (@guest_808092)
3 months ago

If its light forces you need call on us, any thing a bit armoured then don’t. It like the old 5AMF but that is all the Army can get any where nothing else.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_808413)
3 months ago

This was for 159 apparently.
More were procured previously, possibly 37. Details were on UKAFC.
Assume 45 Cdo and SRS are the main users.

Dern (@guest_809354)
3 months ago

I mean it’s the RM so they’ll probably act like every Marine has a snowmobile for the next however long 😂
From what I’ve seen it looks like the Vanguard Coy of LSG North are getting them though.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_809358)
3 months ago
Reply to  Dern

Hi mate. Thanks.

Ex-Marine (@guest_809726)
3 months ago

Dern, it’s an improvement from the old 1-between-10 on artic exercise when I was an active RM. It certainly will be more toys for the boys.

Dern (@guest_810017)
3 months ago
Reply to  Ex-Marine

Oh definitely. I’m just having a gripe about the difference between RM PR and RM reality is all.