Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) performed a combined training exercise with Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) mine hunters just off the island of Crete.
According to NATO, all SNMG2 Units, including the German Frigate Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, which gets routinely appointed to NATO’s Aegean Sea patrols, participated in combined training in Greek waters on Friday, March the 20th.
“In a moment of severe risk posed by COVID-19 pandemic, the interaction has provided an excellent opportunity to consolidate combat capabilities of all units, specifically in those scenarios involving asymmetrical threats, like the risk of sea mines. As part of the training, SNMCMG2 performed a lead through, guiding the surface vessels through an area with a suspected high level of risk for sea mines. At the same time, the four frigates from SNMG2 would provide force protection from any other threats. This kind of complex exercise is one of the many performed throughout the deployment of the SNMG2.”
“These activities enabled the forces to operate in their multinational mission of high readiness, maintaining broad spectrum capabilities, at the disposal of the Allied nations in such a complicated situation dictated by COVID-19. The ability to interoperate effectively and at all times, is vital to the effectiveness of a complex force at sea that aims to represent an important instrument of diplomacy and presence”, said Rear Admiral Paolo Fantoni, Commander of SNMG2.
SNMG2 is composed of the Italian frigate Fasan, Canadian Frigate Fredericton and the Turkish Frigate Salihreis, which carries the role of the flagship.
Whilst I am pretty sure that the RN has plenty of ships able to support this vital mission…no wait we sold a load off. Here’s a story which beggars belief and whilst only a few days old hasn’t hit the news as I thought it would.
On the night of the 30th of the coast of Venezuela, a small German passenger liner which was holding water whilst repairing one of its engines was been repaired apparently in international waters intercepted by a Guaicamacuto-class patrol boat and asked what it was doing and that it should follow the OPV back to the mainland, the caption got on the phone to Company HQ, where upon the OPV fired at it (or in front of it) and then proceeded to ram it. But there the tables turned as the Liner was built in Germany with a reinforced hull which allowed it to take passengers to the Antarctic. The liner lost a coat of paint, The OPV opened up a huge gash in its hull, took in water capsized and sank . the liner hung around to make sure everybody was safe, ran whoever you do when a ship is sinking and decided not to hang around for the Venezuelan navy .
I had to check as it was a day before Aprils fools day, but its gen up. Couldn’t make it up if you tried.
8500-ton v 1700-ton? Mmm…a bit like Frank Spencer stepping in the ring with Lennox Lewis?
Hmmmm…….”I’ll pay for any damage”!
I just watched a programme on ITV, which casts an eye over Trump’s handling of COVID-19, and it made interesting viewing. One issue was raised, what if the end result of this virus changes the global balance of power, due to miss handling by Washington of this crisis? I believe the worse it may do is allow Joe Biden the presidency, without too much effort, as a result of American’s perceived judgment of Trump’s lack of dynamic leadership? Only time will tell, however, future budgets to equip the World with enough medical resources, maybe at the expense of defence spending? Just how much will be siphoned off will remain to be seen, but could possibly have a profound impact on NATO’s operations and budget?
Trumps ratings are as high as they have ever been. It’s a moot point if Biden can chew gum and walk at the same time.
America is made up of 50 independent states. And they guard their independence. The federal govt can throw money at them but big responsibility is on the States to use it.
This will not of course stop the liberal American media from attempting to attack Trump. But then, the English speaking liberal media will criticise Trump for getting up in the morning.
The programme I referred to was aware of the current popularity of Trump, but suggested that events could change to the determent of the President? Currently, the trend globally is to have faith in their political leaders at this time of crisis, a state of mind people have in their captain, when on board a cruise liner or aircraft during a storm. Political instability during a crisis is not a good place to be, and the mentality, ‘Better the devil you know’ comes to the fore. At the end of this pandemic, a major reassessment of national budgets will be essential to ensure that if there is a next time, the World will be equipped to manage. This will draw down on many UK government department budgets, and I fear defence will be targeted the most?
Politicians might get the blame, they usually do, but it’s the “experts”, the so called professionals and the faceless civil servants who give out the choice of a rock and a hard place.
I think the costs will be borne by the deficit. The manufacturing infrastructure is there and the banking system is not broken unlike last time. I do not think there is a comparison with so called austerity. In an effort to prop up industry then defence is a useful quick tool.
“SNMG2” “SNMCMG2” ? Huh? They are having a laugh. Could they not simply call it the Combined Mediterranean Fleet or Squadron?
Is there a deliberate attempt to obfuscate? In the first, M stands for Maritime. In the second it stands for Mine and Measures… although the C is they tell us actually means Countermeasures and the M is superfluous. Either way there is no Maritime, just to add to the confusion.
Quite pathetic. And of course all if this only works in English. As Shakespeare said, Its all Greek to me.
It would be nice if less jargon was used. We managed fine with “the Home Fleet”, or “the Channel Squadron” in times gone past.
That said, it has its place in organising increasingly complex information, so it is absolutely necessary.
Yes all fine. But organising a group of ships is not complex, nor is naming it.
I suggest it is all moronic.
Off Topic.
The AAC aviation elements are reorganised into 1st Aviation Brigade.
Lots of detail over on Gabs UK AFC.