Dave Cullen captured the moment French destroyer FS Chevalier Paul made her grand entrance in the port of Leith, Scotland, ahead of the multinational maritime exercise, Formidable Shield.

This annual event, hosted by NATO, brings together naval forces from various countries to strengthen their cooperation and readiness in a rapidly evolving maritime environment.

The stunning photographs have attracted widespread admiration from military and maritime enthusiasts alike. Give Dave a follow by clicking here, you will not be disappointed.

As the FS Chevalier Paul cruised towards the port of Leith, the sight of the powerful warship was nothing short of breathtaking. Drone footage captured the vessel cutting through the waters with ease, showcasing its sleek and modern design. The 152-metre-long destroyer, with a displacement of 7,050 tons, is one of the most advanced and capable warships in the French Navy.

The stunning drone imagery of FS Chevalier Paul’s arrival in Leith offers a glimpse into the world of naval warfare and the impressive capabilities of modern warships.

As the French destroyer joins its NATO allies for Exercise Formidable Shield, it is a reminder of the importance of collaboration and preparedness in the face of evolving maritime threats. These awe-inspiring images not only provide a captivating visual experience, but also instill a sense of pride in the prowess and unity of the naval forces that protect our seas.

The image is Copyright Dave Cullen Photography 2023 and was produced here with permission.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Interesting it looks like the offspring of an illicit affair between T-45 (as expected) and a T-31. Good looking ship.

    • Yes she is what France built after the Horizon nations spit. We built T45 and they built this. The specs are very alike. However the T45 was optimised for area defence against multi-vector simultaneous threats. T45 has the better radar. The French ship is more focused on carrier escort and task group protection. This UK desire for a more capable air defence ship split the joint project.

      I think we got the better ship minus the US engine intercoolers…

  2. I like having two smaller guns instead of one bigger main gun. This is in keeping for an air defence role. A 57mm or 76mm would be better for anti-air. We should remove the 4.5 on the T45 and replace it with a 57mm like on the T31. Also replacing Phalanx with two 40mm would also be better and promote communality with T31. Leave the frigates to carry the NGS guns.

    • However I do not care for the placement of the heavy guns – I suspect the arcs of fire do not cover the stern. The CIWS placement on the T45 looks better.

        • Good move…

          Perhaps we should refit T45 with a 57mm main gun, 2x40mm side mounted guns in place of Phalanx. 2xDEW instead of the existing 30mm. Plus the Sea Ceptor upgrade.

    • Agree about replacing the 4.5” which are only there because they could save money by using refurbs from Type 42s.
      A 57mm – or Dragonfire eventually – would be a better fit.

      • Yes the DEWs are still not powerful enough to take down a missile… so gins and missiles will still have a place. Once DEWs have matured they will replace guns as CIWS.

        Though Dragonfire would be good against drones – perhaps one should be fitted to the hanger roof.

    • Not being an expert on the French ship, but it Looks like they might have left enough space up front for a bigger gun….

  3. Add the Sadral launcher (FFBTW 🙄) A lot of real estate up front wasted?
    lets use that for more A50’s (Asters) or even A70 cells (Scalp Naval/Aster mix)
    €1,080,000,000 a pop with only 48 AA missiles and no secondary land attack capability

    Turn this into a something of a Multi Mission Ship 🤔


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