A vehicle has been driven into people in Lower Manhattan, New York City in what is being described as a terrorist attack.

The vehicle reportedly struck multiple pedestrians and bikers and caused at least two fatalities, with as many as six initially reported dead.

US police are describing the incident as a terror attack.

The driver crashed at Chambers Street and reportedly shot people. One man was taken into custody afterward according to the New York City Police Department.

The crash is being investigated as a terrorist incident and a Joint Terrorism Task Force is involved.

The New York Police Department described what happened:

  • Earlier a vehicle entered the West St. pedestrian/bike path a few blocks north of Chambers St.
  • The vehicle struck multiple people on the path. There are several fatalities and numerous people injured.
  • The vehicle continued south striking another vehicle. The suspect exited the vehicle displaying imitation firearms & was shot by NYPD
  • The suspect is in custody. This is preliminary, more information to follow.”

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Ok, another Jihadist attack in the West and as per usual the media in Europe are refusing to call a spade a spade. The bBC until this morning reported this about the bloke behind the wheel:
    “The driver emerged holding what appeared to be two handguns and made a statement “consistent with a terror attack”
    Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor is getting crap for tweeting this:
    London, Barcelona, Berlin, Nice, Paris and now New York. Fabulous cities now having this dreadful thing in common: #VehicleAttack

    The media keeps on telling me that Muslims are living under the jackboot of terror in the UK, yet in 2017 35 people have been killed by jihadists, and 1 Muslim was kileld in North London by a white welshman.

    Currently the ethical latte crowd is promoting the view that ISIS returnees should be allowed to return no charges pressed. Have a butchers at this young lady on the telly:

    Anybody else get the impression that the liberal elites of this world are leading us all on a one way path to suicide?

  2. I wonder if the girl inn the clip would be saying the if a loved one was a victim of one if these nutcases?
    I say kill everyone of them, even those back in the uk already, bring back the death penalty and try them treason before they kill more innocent people!!
    Rant over!!!!

  3. At least in the US the minimum he faces is life without parole. More likely a death sentence at the hand of the Federal Government. In the US you have to serve the harshest sentence first so he will be tried by the Feds before New York.

  4. We have a PM who stood outside Downing Street after the London Bridge attacks and said “enough is enough” in her best Thatcher Iron Lady fashion.
    Were any of the thousands MI5 were watching interned?
    Was anybody deported?
    Now returning Jihadis are being considered for council houses.
    You couldn’t make it up. This nation is destroying itself.
    They have committed treason and should be treated as such, deprived of citizenship if they have it, and refused entry.
    Or, why not put them on Ascension Island or similar.

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