The UK Defence Journal understands that Typhoon jets will be deploying to the Arctic later this month for what is intended to be a secret escort mission involving a cargo aircraft.

We can also confirm that the RAF also plan to deploy Voyager tankers in order to refuel the inbound cargo aircraft.

Voyager, the RAF designation for the Airbus A330 MRTT, began air-to-air refuelling flights and made its first operational tanker flight in May 2013. The UK operates a total of 14 Voyager aircraft, 5 of which are leased for commercial purposes when not required.

In addition to fuel, the Voyager aircraft is also expected to transfer over some biscuits and a large quantity of Brandy on behalf of the British people.

Typhoon jets will be available to escort the unknown aircraft as part of Operation ‘Jolly Red’, the flight plan is likely to involve low-level flights over the homes of good girls and boys in every British village, town and city.

This comes after news that the Royal Air Force was on high alert in order to intercept and track flights from the Arctic region.

RAF on alert due to upcoming Arctic cargo aircraft activity

The move has been prompted by an incident around a year ago in which Typhoon aircraft escorted a Lapland registered aircraft over every home in the country, the pilot of the craft was said to be under the influence of alcohol and very “festive”, this is especially dangerous due to the sheer volume of cargo the aircraft was carrying.

This is expected to happen again towards the end of this month.

MoD spokesman Chris Mass was quoted as saying:

“Interception is part of what the QRA force do. We have to identify and confirm who or what is flying through our airspace or approaching our airspace and since the craft appears at the same time each year, we have a fairly good idea who will be flying but we don’t take any chances.”

The Ministry of Defence used satellites with infrared sensors to track the aircraft last time this happened, it is understood that the heat from an animal’s red nose was clearly visible.

More on this as it develops, expect an update on the 24th and 25th of this month.

For an extra bit of Christmas fun, have a look for the people responding to this article with comments like “Not that secret!“, they haven’t read the article.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_772131)
7 months ago

Dear Santa, I would like……..Oh, hang on, I can’t write that in public.

Frank (@guest_772144)
7 months ago

This is all very worrying now, first we had SU30’s trying to bomb us now it’s off to the Arctic to shoot down Dangerous cargo aircraft, at this rate we’ll be lucky to live till Christmas.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_772172)
7 months ago
Reply to  Frank


Frank (@guest_772176)
7 months ago

No, I think they are Russians…….. 😎

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_772184)
7 months ago
Reply to  Frank


River Rha
River Rha (@guest_772320)
7 months ago

It would seem that I could be wrong but, Didn’t their Biblical Representative PASS BY ON-THE-SLY, Or am I thinking back to the Unidentified Clergymen and getting confused with the Tot-of-Navy-Rum that I received AFTER Spirited Action in the face of Determined Navy Stonking from Opposition? Splice-the-Mainbrace.

Tommo (@guest_772159)
7 months ago

First time the RAFwill have been early usually the Meto stalls flights due too inclement weather George

River Rha
River Rha (@guest_772336)
7 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

From past times Cycling around Scotland on Youth Hostelling events in 1980s, It would seem there are Golf-ball Radar Tracking Facilities in the Southern Uplands near-to Daer Reservoir and Wanlockhead and further North in the vicinity of Strathallan Airfield, SO, It would seem Quite Possible for the Required Low-flying “Even if Innebriated with the VSOP Quality Brandy on-the-night” AND Sufficiency of Winter Season Feeding from local Grazing Pastures or Packaged-Up in Farm Steadings for the Reindeer en route with Sufficient Forward Planning by/with the Rural Communities and Gamekeepers’ help ~ Devils Beef Tub for Afters, before Returning to The Arctic… Read more »

David (@guest_772178)
7 months ago

Well done! At least we are putting our guys to good use😵‍💫

River Rha
River Rha (@guest_772319)
7 months ago

Last time I was flying, It would seem to have been Aboard an Iceland Air Boeing 757 with the name David Livingston (of Blantyre fame) on the fuselage, near the Front Door. To Gran Canaria and back, in the 1990s. Seemed to know its way around the Bay of Biscay, hunting ground of HMCS Haida in Second World War (Tribal Class) I would seem to have learned via YouTube, Captain Hard-over Hardy apparently. Even if OT. Unfortunately, Don’t have Documents for the Purposes of Jaunting near Barents Sea, nor any Modern Insulation Duffle-coats for the Arctic Convoy Conditions that an… Read more »

FieldLander (@guest_772328)
7 months ago

The Policy makers probably believe this is real.

Clive Cartey
Clive Cartey (@guest_772406)
7 months ago

Really……..? Honestly…again, the same puerile childish ‘humour’.

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_772411)
7 months ago
Reply to  Clive Cartey

Yes! Lovely for the time of year isn’t it!?

Best wishes to all who serve and those away from home at this special time. God Bless them everyone!

Lesley (@guest_772945)
7 months ago
Reply to  George Allison


Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_772410)
7 months ago

Again!? They mucked up last time! Stealth they said! That and HoHoHo E.C.M. that our kit couldn’t cope with.

I dispair! (And would like warm socks please)

geoff (@guest_772419)
7 months ago
Reply to  Barry Larking

I would like some Smith’s Crisps with the little blue bag of salt, a bottle of Tyzzer, and a few bars of Fry’s Five centres( airlifted to Durban in time for Christmas)
Please, Santa.

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_772503)
7 months ago
Reply to  geoff

Ho Ho Ho!

(Tizer! That takes me back!)

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_772435)
7 months ago

Is it me or does the airplane in the picture look like it’s smiling?

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_772504)
7 months ago

It’s you. You must have charm. Lord knows how.

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_772509)
7 months ago
Reply to  Barry Larking

Genetics probably.

Andy (@guest_773306)
7 months ago

This aircraft has a highly novel propulsion system fuelled largely by carrots. I hope the Voyagers are being suitably modified for this fuel type.