The SONOBOT unmanned surface vehicle is a platform for planning and executing a hydrographic survey, delivering accurate geo-referenced bathymetric measurements and high-quality imagery with minimum transport, launch and recovery efforts.
The concept of SONOBOT, say Evo Logistics, is to offer the end user a modular system with several configuration options and deliver a ready-to-use USV with all the on-board equipment installed and ready for immediate action.
The autonomous SONOBOT was developed to provide surveyors, service providers and researchers with a smart lightweight solution for hydrographic surveys and other applications in harbors and inland waters.
“Specifically for the SONOBOT, EvoLogics utilised the patented S2C broadband communication technology to build an advanced single-beam echo sounder, capable of delivering precise and accurate depth measurements even in very shallow waters.
The side-scan sonar, GNSS system and other equipment options were pre-selected among commercial off-the-shelf products to best fit the SONOBOT platform and offer the user the optimal configuration for his particular requirements.”