The UK government has ruled out setting a specific financial commitment to Israel’s war effort, focusing instead on a broader strategy for stability and peace in the Middle East.
In response to a question from Andrew Snowden, Conservative MP for Fylde, about whether the £3 billion annual support for Ukraine’s war effort would be mirrored for Israel, Armed Forces Minister Luke Pollard made clear that such an allocation was not being pursued.
Instead, he emphasised the government’s commitment to achieving a sustainable resolution to the conflict.
“A resolution to this conflict has been a priority since day one of this Government. An immediate ceasefire is just the first step towards a lasting solution to the crisis,” Pollard said in his written reply.
He added that the UK continues to fund its operational presence in the Middle East to support regional stability while advocating for a two-state solution as the cornerstone of long-term peace.
This stance reflects the UK’s broader approach to balancing diplomatic efforts and operational commitments in the region, while avoiding direct financial pledges to specific conflicts outside its current priorities.
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Why should the UK finance Israel’s war effort, Isn’t that Americas job???
Israel is the biggest grifter on the planet and it brings nothing but trouble, who on earth outside of the US would ever think about giving them money.
Hopefully the Donald wakes up and cuts Israel and Egypt off, only in America would the government keep such a dodgy deal going for so long.
I can see why US tax payers are pissed, it’s just a pity they are not pissed at the right people.
The military industrial complex and special interest donors keep this entire thing going.
Oh, the US taxpayers are pissed all right, pissed at the real grifters – the Europeans.
The US spends more money on supporting Israel annually then it does supporting NATO.
As usual and expected everyone talks but do not put any data on their words.
USA forces, exercises and nuclear umbrella in Europe it is certainly bigger than what support for Israel.
USA spends 2B money supporting Israel to make Israel buy US weapons and build their factories in USA.
For comparison the military assistance to Ukraine is more than 64B since 2022.
What nuclear forces does the US provide NATO please, can you list them?
What’s a nuclear umbrella, where do I get one.
Seriously with comments like that you would be better on CNN or BBC rather than a defence journal.
You have been soliciting nuclear information from posters on this blog for months. How long have you been working for the Russian FSB?
Two weeks after I started working for MI6. I have to say none of us in the intelligence community’s where aware of these nuclear umbrellas but we had seen the advertised on the main stream media 😀
Oh please that is the typical US Govt message massaged for public consumption by political elements intent on self indulgent and self serving policies. It’s ironic that the MAGA mob have an inherent hatred of Jews while ironically their religious Masters overtly support the financing of Israel because the whole religious right power construct and their followers obedience to it rely on biblical texts that would be totally undermined by the failure of Israel itself. The political and economic power and influence of the Israeli and greater supportive Jewish lobbiex is far, far greater than the negligible Jewish population of the US which adds to the unholy pressure to that pro Israeli mix. It’s toxic but if your allegiance to the Old Testament is religiously required by so much of the MAGA ‘cause’ then whatever anti-semitism exists within its truly an unholy but necessary alliance to hold it together if uneasily.
No such love of Europe or Britain inherently we were rejected without any such self serving ties despite us being far more important to the US long term if they are to survive in a future increasingly dominated by Asia, like it or not. Ironic considering US greatness was intrinsically linked to the exploitation of European destruction in WW2. Fact is various US Administrations made a policy of suppressing Europe since that time, keeping us in our place at their feet existing only to support of they World aims and dominance. They didn’t want a military powerful Europe, they wanted control until Trump decided to fuel the anti European hate campaign for internal benefit. We should always have empowered ourselves in anticipation of this US turn of events that in reality has resulted for perceived internal decline. Europe is the easy target, but it’s vital we now escape from this semi colonial hook the US has hung as on because the new World Order is not going to be singularly US led anymore and we shouldn’t be tied to their boot strings any more. But as the Trump camp has just effectively said Britain needs to become their colonial lackey, a sort of Western European Costa Rica if we want a trade agreement according to the Times some tough decisions will required.
Worryingly both Putin and Trump see making Europe an exploited compliant entity in their battle to be relevant in a feared Chinese dominated World as their prime foreign policy. We better wake up because Danial Morgan’s warped thinking and historical and geographic perspective is becoming the new meme of the declining US Empire as it flails out at ‘foreigners’ for its decline and electing the village idiot as the cheer leader who disguises their fears with his delusional koolaid mixers that may have short term kicks to fool the masses but inevitably just further fuels longer term self destruction and decline on someone else’s term in Office as China buys ‘friends’ as the US antagonises its former ones and loses influence all over the World.
” It’s ironic that the MAGA mob have an inherent hatred of Jews “
Impressive ignorance, i guess you only read progressive sites.
At least do diligence and search for Israel flags in Trump MAGA reunions.
Actually three quarters of US Jews when polled considered Trump and Vance to hold antisemitic views or at least promote them..Vance has always refused to condemn a number of far right antisemitic statements..he also holds a view that the US should withdraw military support from Israel..he was always clear on that, he’s an isolationist. Maga is rife with antisemitism..many U.S. Jewish groups have been very active in pointing it out.
to be honest I’m coming to the conclusion that the U.S. and European powers just possibly may rapidly diverge.
I suspect the U.S. could possibly be coming to end of its role as hegemonic power as I think it’s possible it’s lost the political will.
This does not mean I don’t think the US will not still be a great power, but I think it’s time as “the” great power may be done.
I personally think that the worlds declining geopolitical situation as well as the U.S. falling into itself will require greater integration and cooperation between the European powers..what possibly will this mean ?
Europe: Without the U.S. smaller European states will essentially become dependent for security on the big 4 UK France, Germany and Italy…the EU and UK are going to have to get on a lot better.. the Uk is half of Europes power projection and Europe is going to need power projection in a multi polar world, Europe will have to walk away form from none proliferation treaty and I can see a massive expansion of a European nuclear deterrence. Any new European alliance will be a lot tighter than NATO, probably require increased spending to around 2.5-3% including a treaty around protecting European interests around the world…i suspect a few nations that have not played ball will be out as well.. I can see the UK, Germany, France and Italy essentially having a..this is what the defence club looks like, take it or leave it..view… I can see the EU moving from a cultural experiment to a nuts and bolts military economic alliance ( actually what the UK aways wanted TBH).
from a rest of the world powers point of view could see the following becoming possible…
1) US a friendly neutral.. I can simply see the U.S. essentially walking way from the international stage and it’s alliances…US and Europe become neutral..with the UKs job to make sure it stays a friendly neutral position ( best not left to the French…they would rub a neutral US up the wrong way)
2) western pacific liberal democracies, friendly neutral ( I think the western pacific liberal democracies are going to have to form their own version of NATO if the U.S. goes all isolationist, that will include developing their own nuclear deterrence). To be honest if the US does go isolationist Europe probably has less need to be interventionist in the pacific and would likely develop all pacific powers as neutral trade partners.
3) china..guarded neutral..we all know where china is going it’s aiming to become the preeminent western pacific power and reunify..if the U.S. goes into isolation it will do this without a war, If the US just disengages with the European powers but still engages in western pacific geopolitics there will be one hell of a all cases if the US walks way from Europe the European powers would be better keeping china as a neutral trading partner and stay right out of any’s likely china would would also move from seeing the European powers as enemies to neutral.
4) India..neutral friendly..the European powers need to keep the Indian Ocean open and have access to East Asias markets and Products, one of the best ways to do that would be to formalise some form of treaty with India.
5) Russia.enemy Cold War…let’s be honest if the U.S. turned isolationist russia is going to re exert power across all the old Asian soviet nations as well as a few Eastern European nations. It will be Russian and around 8 satellite nations facing Europe, the European powers overmatch them but it will force the European powers into a level of military and economic cooperation that you would not have seen without a collective enemy. It’s probably a good thing..if we can stabilise as a Cold War’s good for European co-operation…as long as there is no war.
6) Iran..enemy active, Iran will try at all times to spread the Islamic struggle and overthrow the monarchies in the region.Europe will need to actively support the monarchies, to ensure access to the Indian Ocean and resources.
independ monarchies in the Middle East and Isreal, friendly, likely to support with military aid. Europe will need to support these so they don’t collapse into Islamic states.. Europe will need to engage in this region and counter Iran..this may be the area that most Misses US support and European nations will need to support the UK and France in taking the strain.
africa and South America will be the geopolitical playground where the powers via for markets, influence and access to raw materials…I cannot see any likelihood of a major power or power block developing in these two continents..Brazil will try and likely fail to become a power. Europe will need to heavy engage In Africa..that will be the job of France and the UK.
Well that’s my “one way the world could go” prediction post a trump win and if the U.S. shuts iself away behind trade tariffs and walks way from its allies.
Cool 😎 ! Many are destined to reason wrongly; others, not to reason at all; and others, to persecute those who do reason.
Love and peace brother. ❤️✌️
How much foreign military aid does the US provide European NATO members? To my knowledge the figure is zero but perhaps you have a different figure, please do share.
Your anti-American pro-Russian bullshit is irritating to say the least. When were you recruited by the FSB? Do share your experiences
I can’t be FSB I would have seen you in the Troll Farm,
If you picked up the English reading part of your training comrade and read my comments you will take note that I am very pro America, I am just anti MAGA bullshit.
So do you believe that Jim was the real, formerly, Steve Taylor and X on NL? I’m still interested to know who they really were? He did post on here several years ago, 2017?
Remind us again who the only NATO member was who invoked article 5 looking for help from it’s European allies after 9/11 and then threw them under the bus following the “deal” made by the orange oaf.
Or is that too hard for your dumbed down, thick as mince MAGA narrative?
23 members contribute at least 2% of GDP on Defence as per NATO figure, ie most of ENATO. Very wrong to tar all ENATO with the same brush.
Maybe Jim can explain the problems in Philippines, India, Nigeria, Northern Mozambique, Mali, Sudan as fault of Israel, i will be well seated waiting for you.
I guess you are one of those sycophants.
We would probably be dead without Israel in Cold War. Some Czech general said that the Israel aerial victories in 1982 was what prevented the more bellicose Warsaw Pact generals from having the hear of politicians for a last dash against West.
Ok now I know your joking 😂
Get your self across to info wars, I think their comments section is perfect for you if it’s still there. Even better if it’s the Onion they love a good satire.
“ we probably be dead without Israel” 😂🤣
Why the personal abuse? Your comment tells us a lot about you. Stop being a Troll!
Sad Troll.
The best thing you can do is find another blog where you can continue to solicit classified defence information. Your constant trolling, particularly of new posters, is pathetic.
Absolute rubbish. How much longer are you going to continue posting this sort of pro-russian anti-american claptrap?
I will stop posting five minutes after you actually read something I wrote and make an informed comment on it although perhaps your algorithm is not so advanced 😀
Nobody here, other than you, wants to read your rants abusing other posters.
Sad troll.
You realise that would create a risk an attempt by the Arab world to genocide Israel
No! I think his type neither realise nor care. That would require thought.
An immediate ceasefire is just the first step towards a lasting solution to the crisis,” Pollard said in his written reply.
Always the same ridiculous opinions.
Lasting solution is the destruction of Ayatollah regime, and its minions. That was it was done in WW2.
At some point the west is going to have to deal with the Iranian regime, but to be honest it’s probably better done by political warfare and massive destabilising operations..the west should be doing unto the regime as it’s does to the west and its allies in the region… a lot of the population of Iran don’t like the regime at all and there is a good number who would have a far crack at overthrowing it…feed them money, support, training and weapons..then watch the country itself rip the horrible regime apart the next time it’s thugs beat an innocent girl to death. Have proxy forces in Jordan ready to jump in stabilise..make sure the good guys are supported..and hopefully the Iranian people take their nation back..without any of the horror that a full scale invasion would entail.
Thinking about this I think it may be time for both the UK and Europe to consider military aid to Israel,
why is that, well to be honest I’m coming to the conclusion that the U.S. and European powers just possibly may rapidly diverge.
I suspect the U.S. could possibly be coming to end of its role as hegemonic power as I think it’s possible it’s lost the political will.
This does not mean I don’t think the US will not still be a great power, but I think it’s time as “the” great power may be done.
I personally think that the worlds declining geopolitical situation as well as the U.S. falling into itself will require greater integration and cooperation between the European powers..what possibly will this mean ?
Europe: Without the U.S. smaller European states will essentially become dependent for security on the big 4 UK France, Germany and Italy…the EU and UK are going to have to get on a lot better.. the Uk is half of Europes power projection and Europe is going to need power projection in a multi polar world, Europe will have to walk away form from none proliferation treaty and I can see a massive expansion of a European nuclear deterrence. Any new European alliance will be a lot tighter than NATO, probably require increased spending to around 2.5-3% including a treaty around protecting European interests around the world…i suspect a few nations that have not played ball will be out as well.. I can see the UK, Germany, France and Italy essentially having a..this is what the defence club looks like, take it or leave it..view… I can see the EU moving from a cultural experiment to a nuts and bolts military economic alliance ( actually what the UK aways wanted TBH).
from a rest of the world powers point of view could see the following becoming possible…
1) US a friendly neutral.. I can simply see the U.S. essentially walking way from the international stage and it’s alliances…US and Europe become neutral..with the UKs job to make sure it stays a friendly neutral position ( best not left to the French…they would rub a neutral US up the wrong way)
2) western pacific liberal democracies, friendly neutral ( I think the western pacific liberal democracies are going to have to form their own version of NATO if the U.S. goes all isolationist, that will include developing their own nuclear deterrence). To be honest if the US does go isolationist Europe probably has less need to be interventionist in the pacific and would likely develop all pacific powers as neutral trade partners.
3) china..guarded neutral..we all know where china is going it’s aiming to become the preeminent western pacific power and reunify..if the U.S. goes into isolation it will do this without a war, If the US just disengages with the European powers but still engages in western pacific geopolitics there will be one hell of a all cases if the US walks way from Europe the European powers would be better keeping china as a neutral trading partner and stay right out of any’s likely china would would also move from seeing the European powers as enemies to neutral.
4) India..neutral friendly..the European powers need to keep the Indian Ocean open and have access to East Asias markets and Products, one of the best ways to do that would be to formalise some form of treaty with India.
5) Russia.enemy Cold War…let’s be honest if the U.S. turned isolationist russia is going to re exert power across all the old Asian soviet nations as well as a few Eastern European nations. It will be Russian and around 8 satellite nations facing Europe, the European powers overmatch them but it will force the European powers into a level of military and economic cooperation that you would not have seen without a collective enemy. It’s probably a good thing..if we can stabilise as a Cold War’s good for European co-operation…as long as there is no war.
6) Iran..enemy active, Iran will try at all times to spread the Islamic struggle and overthrow the monarchies in the region.Europe will need to actively support the monarchies, to ensure access to the Indian Ocean and resources.
independ monarchies in the Middle East and Isreal, friendly, likely to support with military aid. Europe will need to support these so they don’t collapse into Islamic states.. Europe will need to engage in this region and counter Iran..this may be the area that most Misses US support and European nations will need to support the UK and France in taking the strain.
africa and South America will be the geopolitical playground where the powers via for markets, influence and access to raw materials…I cannot see any likelihood of a major power or power block developing in these two continents..Brazil will try and likely fail to become a power. Europe will need to heavy engage In Africa..that will be the job of France and the UK.
Well that’s my “one way the world could go” prediction post a trump win and if the U.S. shuts iself away behind trade tariffs and walks way from its allies.
“..let’s be honest if the U.S. turned isolationist russia is going to re exert power across all the old Asian soviet nations as well as a few Eastern European nations…”
NO Chance! And what with? China will want the most influence and access to Central Asian states resources.
Europe will defend it’s young members as well!
Refusing to support Israel after October 7th will mean there is no longer any justification for UK military action period. I have seen people compare Gaza to Northern Ireland when it is nothing of the sort. The IRA at its worst never would have committed the genocidal acts that Hamas committed that day.
Unfortunately there is no negotiation with some groups and passive leaders are angry that Israel has demonstrated you actually can while out evil if you give it a go.
40,000 deaths at least half of them members of Hamas is nothing considering how densely packed Gaza is. I saw an article yesterday stating Israel telling civilians to vacate certain areas was a war crime, wtf.
The hatred of the only liberal democracy in the middle east is very real. I have no idea why, something about imperialism, what a load of absolute rubbish.
Pleased the MP is looking after then needs of Flyde. Israel has used up the goodwill from the West. Legitimate to target Hamas but too much death and destruction on a civilian population.
F.A. for as long as it takes. 😎
That should be our policy for all bloodthirsty maniacs. 😋
Good. I have zero problem with the Israeli people, I have a huge problem with the Israeli government.
What happened a year ago was horrible beyond words but it does not give them the right to slaughter innocent civians or pick a fight with Iran.
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