The UK’s Joint Maritime Security Centre (JMSC) is looking to engage with commercial aviation providers to deliver a new aerial surveillance service, aimed at enhancing maritime security across the UK’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

The service, which will replace current arrangements with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and Marine Scotland, is designed to provide real-time surveillance data using both manned and unmanned aircraft equipped with advanced sensor systems.

This new service will contribute to the UK’s maritime domain awareness (MDA) by delivering timely situational information to decision-makers across various government and operational agencies.

The aerial surveillance service will support the Royal Navy’s Maritime Domain Awareness Programme (RN MDAP) by filling gaps in shore-based sensor coverage, which only extends a few tens of miles from the UK coastline. “The data-layer from shore-based systems is limited, hence there are large areas of the UK EEZ that require alternative aerial surveillance to provide data to the COP [Common Operating Picture],” the notice explains. The Common Operating Picture is crucial in offering a complete overview of maritime activities within the UK’s EEZ, allowing for better situational awareness and response.

The new service will require the provider to conduct covert and non-covert aerial sorties across all areas of the UK’s EEZ. These operations are intended to detect and identify vessels, including those that are not broadcasting identification signals. Aircraft sensor fit will include radar and Electro-Optical Infrared (EO/IR) systems, and the surveillance data must be communicated to the JMSC in as close to real-time as possible.

The contract, which is expected to last between three and five years, with an estimated total value of up to £19 million, will require the service provider to deliver high-quality imagery and data around the clock, covering both day and night operations. The procurement process aims to “determine the level of interest, capacity, and capability to meet the requirement,” while also exploring “the most cost-effective way to deliver the requirements, including any alternative or creative solutions,” the notice details.

The new surveillance system will replace the services provided by Marine Scotland and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. To date, these agencies have supplied aerial surveillance data, but the JMSC is now seeking to engage a commercial provider to ensure sustained, comprehensive coverage. The provider will be required to undertake missions using rotary or fixed-wing manned or unmanned aircraft, with the capacity to conduct surveillance over large swathes of the UK EEZ.

The Home Office has outlined steps for interested suppliers to express their interest in the contract. Suppliers must be registered on the Home Office e-Sourcing Portal by October 4th, 2024, in order to participate in the tender process. Additionally, they will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to access further details and participate in a virtual engagement event expected to take place later in October 2024.

The notice specifies that the procurement route will likely be via the Crown Commercial Service’s Space Enabled and Geospatial Services RM6235 Dynamic Purchasing System, meaning interested suppliers will need to be registered on this system by December 2024, when the tendering process is anticipated to begin.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Spyinthesky (@guest_856133)
3 hours ago

Just give it to SERCO I’m sure defence of our realm will be safe in their hands. 😂

George Amery
George Amery (@guest_856162)
2 hours ago

Hi folks hope all is well.
It all sounds good and all hitec. Wonder if this will stop illegal migrants? Put trust in the hands of private companies, well that will work well then. “To support the Royal Navy ” why not give the budget to them in the first instance?
On a more serious note, couldn’t the data be manipulated by a foreign power; giving wrong data to confuse the authorities and military? After all, firms change hands. And the Home Office will be managing this project, God help us.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_856188)
1 hour ago
Reply to  George Amery

Of course it won’t, it will only help spot their arrival.

Martin L
Martin L (@guest_856200)
11 minutes ago
Reply to  George Amery

For only 19 million pounds over 5 years it will be pretty small aircraft and probably second hand. The Defenders recently disposed of were probably in the right ball park for the job but someone decided to get rid of them. Perhaps prematurely!

Illegal immigrants probably use less than 0.1% of the EEZ so they won’t get much coverage. As I see it it is filling the gap which can’t be covered by P8 training and routine operational flights. 19 million over five years is cheap compared to a couple of extra P8 which could do the same job.

Jonathan (@guest_856165)
1 hour ago

What a great way to create complexity and more interfaces between organisations that can go wrong and block up information flows…

when it comes to security of the EEZ it should really be a state agency that already exists.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_856189)
59 minutes ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Assume HMCG has no money for this or the expertise?

Jonathan (@guest_856201)
23 seconds ago

I would image that between the relevant agencies you would find all the expertise you need ( HMCG, board force, fisheries and RN)..they could cross fertilise whichever agency got primacy on this one. In reality any private provider is literally going to have zero expertise or exposure to monitoring the UK EEZ so will have to learn everything ( including the simple fact of how to take to the other different agencies and how they all work)..they will probably do this by trying to steel away government agency staff. As for funding simply move the contract money into the primary… Read more »

Paul.P (@guest_856168)
1 hour ago

A permanent policing presence; surveillance of our EEZ; the equivalent of Bobbies on the Beat. I approve.