Ultra say they are delighted to announce a contract award to commence work on the S2150-C Hull-Mounted Sonar (HMS) system for the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) programme.

The Canadian Surface Combatant is a variant of the Type 26 Frigate.

The firm add that this award comes soon after Ultra’s recent award of a contract to provide the CSC Variable Depth Sonar, something we covered here.

These subcontracts move the development of CSC’s anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capability from the programme definition phase into the substantive manufacture and delivery of the vessels’ suite of sonars.

“The Ultra HMS selected for CSC is part of the world’s most advanced HMS product family, with a level of operational performance that meets stringent Canadian technical requirements. Additionally, its innovative design provides significant ship design advantages as well as logistical benefits and cost-savings in the maintenance and upgrade of the system through its operational life.

The S2150-C HMS system is a prime example of the inward technology transfer and sovereign capability that the CSC program is building for Canada. The system was originally designed for the UK Type 26 platform, meaning it is optimized for the vessel design that has been selected for the CSC program.”

The firm also say that this technology will now be transferred to Canada, with Canadian workers and Canadian suppliers being skilled up to provide significant material elements of the system, as well as to conduct design customization, system integration, installation, acceptance and in-country support.

Furthermore, due to the same HMS system family being present on the UK programme as well as the Australian Hunter Class frigate program, the firm say that Canadian suppliers will have the opportunity to be considered as suppliers to these programmes, thus lifting the export potential Canadian industry as a result of CSC.

Isabel Tassé, Ultra’s Senior Program Manager for CSC, was quoted as saying:

“I am very proud to be leading Ultra’s team in the delivery of the CSC sonar suite. We are providing the Royal Canadian Navy with a world-leading capability in anti-submarine warfare, and at the same time bringing technologies, jobs, innovation and investment into Canada. Alongside our partners on the CSC program – most notably Irving Shipbuilding Inc. and Lockheed Martin – we are laying the foundation for a sustained sovereign naval capability for the nation.”

Lisa West
Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.


    • Why? They won’t be able to start building them until 2024 with their yards fully taken up and a 6 year turn around from start of build to in service for a first in class is not bad by any stretch. HMCS Halifax took 5 and a half years to go from laying down to in service. HMS Norfolk was laid down in 1985, and completed her trials only in december 91, so yeah, these timelines are not ridiculous.

      • Why?! +1/4 of the non obsolescent life of the ship is thrown out. How many years Chinese, Korean, even Italians take to build their warships?

        And what you think a sonar starting being build in 2020 will be in 2030?

        • Except that as I pointed out this sort of timeline is completely normal for modern ships?

          Italy: last time they introduced a new class the first ship took 5 and a half years from start of build to entry into service (and it wasn’t even the first of it’s class since the French started a FREMM before them).
          Chinese and South Korean build times are harder to judge but given from launch to comissioning times and comparing them the time scale seems to be very similiar (1-2 years from launch to comission then sea trials).
          Hell even the US takes 5-6 years for a first in class frigate to enter service from begining of construction.
          So you seem to be having a bit of a meltdown over nothing out of the ordinary.
          As for your last point: Pretty decent? Type 23’s are using the 2087 towed sonar that was introduced in 2010 and that seems to be doing well enough that they want to keep it on the Type 26. But it’s not like ships havent had their sensors upgraded throughout their life if that really was a problem.

          • You know that a Type 26 are already being build and Canadian one will only be at sea by 2030’s ?

          • Okay, thanks captain obvious.
            1) HMS Glasgow is in build, I know this, thanks for stating the obvious. It’s also expected in service in about 2024-2025 after a (surprise) 6 and a half year build, fitting out and trials process.
            2) As pointed out the Canadian shipyards currently have a full order book, so unless you want to unbuild ships already in progress you are not getting Canadian built warships starting construction until 2024.
            3) They will be at sea probably in the very late 2020’s, they will enter service in the early 2030’s (given normal timelines probably 2030-2031 for the first ship). So you’re wrong there.
            4) But despite both navies having the words Royal and Navy in their titles the RCN is not the RN and still has to run first in class trials, and since it’s not the same shipyard building the Type 26, and the CSC lessons in efficiency still will have to be learned. Plus the CSC is different from the Type 26 in enough ways to require a thorough shakedown of the first in type.

            But I’ve said most of that already and you still want to cry about what, as I said, is a fairly normal build schedule. So you’re clearly just looking for something to be upset about rather than actually having an interest in what’s happening.

          • No it is not. The USN FREMM is also different from Italian FREMM, i would say the difference is even more stark and should be at sea by 2026-7.

          • Do the math genius:
            Take 2027, subtract 2021 and you get… six years. About the same as CSC from build to in service.

          • What you talking about?
            The FREMM USN won the competition in 2020.
            The Type 26 CDN won the competition in 2019.

          • You’re clealy not a maths tutor as you have no time for retards 😉

            Now, are you gambler and will any other nations buy into T26?

          • I’m normally not a gambler but if I had to guess?
            I’d say no. As far as I can tell everyone who might want a new Frigate in the next few years a) has an in-house design and construction industry so will probably want a home grown design (eg Spain, India etc) or b) are probably looking for something a bit cheaper (eg New Zealand). As I said that’s just a guess though.

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