The Royal Navy’s massive 70,600 tonne HMS Queen Elizabeth is floated out of dock for the first time in Rosyth, this happened in 2014 and work has progressed rapidly.
The Royal Navy’s massive 70,600 tonne HMS Queen Elizabeth is floated out of dock for the first time in Rosyth, this happened in 2014 and work has progressed rapidly.
brilliant to see….
i can,t wait to see it finished up and running..
Nice this means business
Im really excited and eager to see the carrier docking at Portsmouth.
A question I always wanted to ask is, whilst floating the QE out of the building dock how did they get a tug fast on the bow ? There does not seem to be enough room down the sides. I hope someone can help me solve my puzzle.
Let me know if you put it on ebay at some point, i might be interested lol
Do we have enough sailors to crew it? ?
Yes. It’s high level of automation means crew is about the same as Invincible class…
Charles, sorry I was being a little sarcastic ?
Ask about Sea Typhoon and nuclear power too ?
As an ex Tankie myself you are now confusing me Charles ?
Harry Robinson Top criticisms from apparent Facebook Military “experts” are that the carriers aren’t nuclear powered and that a Sea Typhoon would be far less costly and infinitely superior….which it wouldn’t…..ever
Thank you Jack for your explanation ?
Looking forward to seeing this arrive at Pompey. Looking at recent pictures the other day, looks like she’ll need another paint job first!!
Awesome, I’ve watched her being built over the last couple of years on my way to work.
Andy Curwen
Pity about the limitations of the “Jump Jet” configuration – it could have been so much more versatile,