The United Kingdom will lose its ability to conduct amphibious operations, if leaked plans considered in the National Security Capability Review (NSCR) are not cancelled, according to the Commons Defence Committee.

“We strongly oppose the withdrawal of the Albion class LPDs from service ahead of their out-of-service dates in 2033 and 2034. They are purpose-built amphibious assault platforms which provide the primary means of deploying a landing force over a beach. There are no other ships in the Royal Navy which could conceivably sustain this capability in the future. The wider utility and the versatility of the LPDs beyond their primary roles in amphibious assault are substantial, and will be sacrificed if their disposal goes ahead.”

In its Report, ‘Sunset for the Royal Marines?’, published today, the Committee warns that further reductions in the Royal Marines and the disposal of the amphibious ships HMS Albion, and HMS Bulwark, would be “militarily illiterate” and “totally at odds with strategic reality”.

The NSCR, has been carried out by the National Security Adviser rather than by the Ministry of Defence. It has led to persistent rumours of major cuts in conventional forces. Up to 2,000 Royal Marines – about 30% of current strength – would be lost, together with the two amphibious assault ships which are essential for landing personnel, heavy equipment and supplies over a beach.

News of such options being considered has met with fierce opposition within Parliament and widespread public concern. The review process has been conducted behind closed doors, without significant input from academics, think-tanks and individual experts. Any discussion of the options being considered has been dismissed as ‘speculation’ by the Government, which has not yet agreed to allow the National Security Adviser to face the Defence Committee for detailed questioning. Parliament has, in short, been prevented both from influencing or scrutinising major potential reductions in the UK’s defence capabilities.

The Report sets out the series of challenges faced by the Royal Marines in recent years. Since 2011, numbers have declined from 7,020 to 6,580; training and exercises have been cancelled; and surveys have shown a tangible drop in morale. The disproportionate contributions made by the Royal Marines to UK Defence – not least in providing up to half of all UK Special Forces personnel – are being put at risk by inadequate funding.

The report also examines the role of HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark. It concludes that their disposal would remove any prospect of the Armed Forces achieving a successful amphibious landing with a substantial force. Ships which have been touted as alternative platforms – including the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers – are no substitute for such specialised vessels as HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark. Their loss would also have a considerable impact upon the local communities where they are currently based.

Dr Julian Lewis, Defence Committee chairman, said:

“In January, we were told that the Albion and Bulwark were not due to leave service until 2033 and 2034 respectively. That such irreplaceable ships are in line for deletion fifteen years early demonstrates, yet again, the desperate inadequacy of the Defence budget. We must reinstate a target of around 3 per cent of GDP – the percentage which we spent right up to the mid-1990s, long after the ‘peace dividend’ cuts, at the end of the Cold War, had been made.

Gavin Williamson deserves credit for seizing back control of the Defence dimension of the NSCR process; but, ultimately, he will fail without extra funding from the Treasury. Unless he secures this, the Royal Marines will be reduced to a level far below the critical mass needed to sustain them as a high-readiness Commando force. Nor can there be any substitute for the Albion-class vessels: the Committee is adamant that no other ships can be used as alternatives without assuming an unreasonable level of operational risk.

In initiating the Modernising Defence Programme, the Ministry of Defence now has an opportunity to take a different approach – and to open up these drastic and dangerous proposals to proper Parliamentary scrutiny.”

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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7 years ago

I still don’t understand the rationale of cutting your most highly trained, motivated staff.

The idiots behind this leaked report should be sacked. Its the equivalent of any organisation getting rid of what makes it great and backfilling with dross.

In fairness the above is standard British management practice – so not a surprise.

7 years ago
Reply to  Pacman27

The rationale is purely short term financial. Anyone who has experienced a hostile takeover knows how it works. You start with a number and then devise the fastest way to reach it. Talent and ability go by the board.

Steve Salt
Steve Salt
7 years ago

I bet there`s no proposed cuts amongst the MoD penpushers.

7 years ago

Totally barking mad if this happens!
Is Mrs May’s memory really that short?
And the effects all this speculation must be having on morale!

Geoffrey Roach
Geoffrey Roach
7 years ago

Gentlemen. Have you actually read “Sunset for the Royal Marines”. Pacman… I was one of the “idiots” behind this report as I was actually asked to contribute. I can tell you that the full report argues long and hard for retention of our amphibious forces , in particular the Royal Marines , as well as outlining other shortfalls and calling for more money to be spent. The overall review…Modernising Defence Review, now back where it should be with Gavin Williamson and his team, will now be published in the summer so get writing people. There are over 30 MP’s backing… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
7 years ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Roach

Thank you Geoffrey.

Yes, I did read it as it had a link of Gabriel’s Blog.

I remain curious where they intend to move the RM when their bases are all closed.
Devonport I guess.

Geoffrey Roach
Geoffrey Roach
7 years ago

Hi Daniele,
Long time, no post.
Your right, at least as things stand. The phrase used in recent months is a “Plymouth Super Base” We shall see!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
7 years ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Roach

Hmmm. Straight into Devonport Naval base right by the ships.

Pity about Stonehouse though, such history.

I hope the bean counters remember to put them somewhere where there is a large parade ground and ample space for mustering en mass with equipment for direct embarkation onto the LPD’s which I am confident will be retained.

andy reeves,
andy reeves,
7 years ago

i’m surprised that basic training has not moved, h.m.s sultan(being closed) covers a vast area with more than enough accommodation, doing so, would allow the marines the option of moving lock,stock and barrel to devonport where whatever seagoing asset would be stationed.

Mr Bell
Mr Bell
7 years ago

Not just the defence select committee everyone with half a brain cell is opposed to any further defence cuts. Enough is Enough.
We cannot afford to lose anymore vital defence capabilities.

andy reeves,
andy reeves,
7 years ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

while pointless ships like the rivers there are 9 of them, these ships should be gunned up’ to corvette/ light frigate level,valuable time to increase the fleet size will have been lost.

Geoffrey Roach
Geoffrey Roach
7 years ago

TH …see my earlier post

Barry White
Barry White
7 years ago

You will not just cut the marines and the ships With these two ships gone plus Ocean gone think of what happens to the local economy Not just the marines and the bases going but whole communities devastated I think then Devonport will close as a base and leave just the sub refit complex I think then a campaign will start to get that closed as if to say if you want everything in Portsmouth you might as well take all the rotten nuclear subs to pompy as well Plus the fact that the SW is not very Labour orientated… Read more »

Geoffrey Roach
Geoffrey Roach
7 years ago
Reply to  Barry White

Dear god Barry. Have you followed anything in the correct order and where do you think the majority of MP’s backing this report come from. The south West of course. Many of the so called Tory pacifists that you talk about are ex service personnel, my MP, Johnny Mercer , being one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Roach

Devonport has already been slashed in size and capability. This group of politicians have practically given way defence assets at a dizzying rate.
The defence estate may have needed trimming, but the manner in which it has been done has been mercenary.
If only the public knew who has benifitted and just how little has been paid for some very attractive pieces of real estate they would be appalled.

7 years ago

The RM is a elite independent fighting unit the envy of the world, it does not suffer from recruitment problems like some units of the army, the ability to launch amphibious Landings is any where in the world is crucial the new carriers will not be able to do this, yes tools can be deployed by helicopters from the carriers but no heavy equipment or supplies. What I do not understand is why the RAF regiment hasn’t been cut to save money and this role taken over by the army a normal infantry battilon could fill this role if needed.

Mark Malone
Mark Malone
7 years ago

I think the big plan is as follows, we will lose the ships, then be moved to the Army to combine with the Paras saving the Navy money and upping the Armys manpower. Totally f****d up.
If this happens in any way shape or form. I will never vote in any capacity ever again.

andy reeves,
andy reeves,
7 years ago
Reply to  Mark Malone

then the R.A.F will finally be merged with the fleet air arm,and the army air corps

Barry White
Barry White
7 years ago

Geoffrey Roach I have followed this with a passion and the fact is the Tories that are backing this report are local MPS and the rest maybe are ex service personnel The ones that arnt are the ones that are the problem Maybe i shouldnt have used the word “pacifist” but i wont apoligise Never mind the correct order that you say im not following the fact is i cannot see the logic of getting rid just to save a few pounds and all the supply chain that goes with it How many people will be affected by this if… Read more »

7 years ago

Ukdj-sort the comment system out and this site will take off!!

Barry White
Barry White
7 years ago
Reply to  J


andy reeves,
andy reeves,
7 years ago
Reply to  J

the spelling on here is orfull

7 years ago

I never got the need for these for the ‘northern defence’ role. Let’s assume Russia was a threat, surely we would spot a huge amoured build up, with plenty of time to sea lift in the troops to a norway port, and not need to use amphibious landing. Combine that with the reality that if the ports did fall, before we got there, then these ships would be death traps to the russian bombers/ armour on land.

In 2018, i really struggle to see a scenario where these would realistically be needed.

7 years ago
Reply to  Steve

what about hurricane relief, what about west Africa (ISIS), what about Horn of Africa (ISIS), what about south east Asian islands. ISIS is very feasible and China is emerging. Correct, euro operations not so necessary but certainly expeditionary.

7 years ago
Reply to  Julian1

hurricane relief the bays did fine. ISIS doesn’t require amphibious assaults. Expeditionary doesn’t have to mean fighting from the beaches.

7 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Massed armoured columns is not how Russia takes a country from the west influence to its own, (massed divions across the border is so 20century). it’s all about destabilising governments, miss information, using local ethnic Russian populations, isolating political leadership from the international community, special forces, armed irregulars and economics. We won’t knows Russia is moving on a Baltic state until it starts to collapse internally and you see unidentifiable uniforms supporting local armed Russian ethic groups “fighting agains oppression”. At that point a couple of amphips full of marines may just be what stabilises an allied nation and makes… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

equally at that point we could airlift in the marines, since the country hadn’t calapsed yet and so the airstrips will be open. We can also use the bays and various commercial ships to ferry the troops in, since the landing will not be contested. for the Albions to be needed, we need to be attacking from a beach, because all ports are held and can’t be secured with a initial special forces raid. In theory it could happen in a Iraq war 1 scenario but that was ultimately a coalition war where there was a friendly border to roll… Read more »

andy reeves,
andy reeves,
7 years ago
Reply to  Steve

north korea would

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
7 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Mass armoured columns??

I doubt it over that border between the Kola and Northern Norway. I don’t think the terrain lends itself to armoured movements.

1 Infantry Brigade was part of NATO AMF Land in the 80’s earmarked for NATO flanks I don’t think they were equipped with many armoured vehicles.

7 years ago

Steve, yes we may not be able to have every capability going, but these two ships: 1) cost close to a billion pounds and are not yet half way through their lives, scrapping them is the worst kind of waste of taxpayers money (I’m betting we would keep them even longer now we are only using one at a time) 2) it’s not like we rushed into getting these to ships, it’s only after fearless crapped out and had a fire at a bad moment that we really got down to ensuring we had a replacement. 3) When not moth… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

whilst I agree with most of your logic, I really don’t see the Albions being useful in a peer war, torpedoes etc would be. The command and control capability can be managed from the carriers. Whilst scrapping them seems bad value, they are the most expensive ships to run and so it would save a fair bit of money removing them, not enough to plug the gap in the budget but a start. I don’t want to see any capability cut, but if something has to be cut, it should be something that has minimal impact. There isn’t much left… Read more »

andy reeves,
andy reeves,
7 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

i’m always baffled by the phrase ‘fitted for, but not with’ the albions should, for their size have been armed, even the archers were
designed to carry 20mm cannon, as for the opv the new sigma corvette is, 10 meters longer, has 20 more crew can do 5 knots faster but, it comes with 4 exocet, a 76mm main gun two triple torpedo launchers, two quad anti air launchers and are classed by customers as’light frigates, the bonus for the R.N? our ships are already built!!!

Nick Bowman
Nick Bowman
7 years ago

I would gladly lose the amphibs if it allowed for bolstering the escort fleet. We need to focus on maximizing the effectiveness of our carriers. They must receive ample escorts and aircraft. If money is tight, that capability should be prioritized. Consider also the fact that amphibious landings are fraught with risk. If you have to land troops, helicopters offer far more flexibility for landing troops. You are not limited to storming beaches; you can fly around defences. The modest amounts of armour that amphibs can land pales into insignificance when the risks of a beach landing are considered. Arguing… Read more »

7 years ago

we went into iraq/Afghan and it came clear quickly that we didn’t have real basic kit for any form of land force, such as body armour, radios, machine guns, helicopters etc. The problem with the ied can be partially understood, since you can’t gear for every type of combat, but lack of the real basics that are needed in every combat situation is unforgivable. Then there is ships sailing without phlaanx and rumours that they don’t have their silos full, which indicate a huge lack of equipment should a conflict requiring them kicks off, resulting in the small numbers getting… Read more »

andy reeves,
andy reeves,
7 years ago
Reply to  Steve

the M.O.D should be abolished as not fit for purpose the procurement section should be jailed.

andy reeves,
andy reeves,
7 years ago

i’ve sent so many letters via my m.p to the admiralty, he calls me admiral! the mo.d do respond (eventually)