Soldiers from The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 SCOTS) yesterday paraded through Inverness to mark the end of and safe homecoming from their recent tour of Iraq.

The Battalion has been undertaking a Training and Mentoring role in Iraq, on an operation called Operation Shader, qualifying the Iraqi Security Forces and the Kurdish Peshmerga in military skills, as part of the UK contribution to the international fight against Daesh, or Islamic State.

The soldiers deployed on the six-month tour to Al Assad Airbase, west of Baghdad, in early January and all were back by July.

Now, after having returned from a period of well-earned leave, the Battalion, which is based at Fort George, will be thanking family, friends and the public for their support during the extensive training for the deployment, and the tour itself say the British Army.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Wonder where they end up once Fort George closes, courtesy of Fallon and his “Better Estate” decision to close over 90 sites.

  2. Whilst based in Osnabruck (Quebeck Bks) The RE Sqn I was in, was based with the KOSB. Wow what an education:
    1) You were woken up every-morning by the sound of bag pipes.
    2) Outside the junior ranks cook-house, everybody was inspected by a Cpl from the guard before being allowed in to eat. (And the food was crap)
    3) Their prisons (Of which there were plenty) were made to double time around camp wearing Nbr 2s (which had a red strip sewn across the body) in bulled boots sporting no laces wearing a 58 pack were the straps had been replaced with wire (Inside the pack were a couple of bulled house bricks)
    4) In the Naffi , (which we were banned from entering after 7pm) the coke machines dispensed Iron bru, the Sun was replaced with the Daily Record and you could buy Tablet at the counter. (Know I know why the Scots have the worse teeth on the Island)
    5) Once when I walked into the Naffi some bright spark shouted out: ‘Paki’ I shouted back: “Where?, lets beat him together” That remark really stopped them in their tracks as they couldn’t understand what had just been said.
    6) One sat some of us popped into town to a disco. In the toilet some of the Jocks walked up to my mates and said:
    “That paki with you, is drinking our beer”
    They replied:
    “Farouk, doesn’t drink”
    “Tell him anyway”
    We left.
    7) Back to the cookhouse, I was at the hotplate when a hand reached out and pulled my hand inwards as I looked up to see who it was, a voice boomed out “Wash you hands” He then looked up said Oh and let my hand go.

    Yup, lots of fun being based on the same camp as the jocks.

        • Oh I don’t know the KOSBs were a bloody hard bunch and I learnt to shut my trap a few years before when based at Chatham.

          My then unit had a really good rugby team. They noticed that I was a good runner and asked if I would trial for them I said Ok. (Me Karate, Ju-jitsu and in the boxing team presumed I was good enough…Big mistake) got the ball ran down the wing and got lamped. No problem, got up started again, got the ball ran down the wing,,got lamped. Fine, I get up and did it again…got lamped. So I got up had a go at the bloke who had levelled 3 times and..he lamped me again. That was the end of my rugby career.

          Taught me a big lesson that did.

          • Quality stories! My section commander was KOSB at STAB depot, he was actually English being from the Lakes, they weren’t all Jocks

          • Hi Farouk-you seem to have a good handle on much of the(from the tone of your posts) light-hearted banter you have encountered in your Army career although I am sure there is some with a harder edge. I have lived in Africa most of my life and was here during the dark days of Apartheid but even in those years there was still amazingly much goodwill among people of all colours and creeds here especially on a personal level. If you ever get a chance look at the documentary about the time the US Marshalls went in ahead of the National Guard in the deep South of the US to protect the SINGLE black student who had moved on to the campus. I can honestly say I NEVER encountered such extreme and naked racism as displayed by some of those residents of Mississippi and Alabama in all my years on this Continent. Salaams from SA.

  3. “Ye see yon birkie, ca’d a lord,
    Wha struts, an’ stares, an’ a’ that;
    Tho’ hundreds worship at his word,
    He’s but a coof for a’ that:
    For a’ that, an’ a’ that,
    His ribband, star, an’ a’ that:
    The man o’ independent mind
    He looks an’ laughs at a’ that. ” – Burns

    Thanks for your service.


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