People will be able to step on board over the weekend of the 29th of February, the first time one of the new aircraft carriers has been open to the public.

According to the Royal Navy in a news release:

“Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales will visit Liverpool later this month in a demonstration of the Naval Service’s close ties with the city. The second of the Royal Navy’s giant new aircraft carriers will arrive in the city on 28 February for a week-long visit packed with celebrations and engagement with the local community.”

Captain Darren Houston, the Commanding Officer of HMS Prince of Wales, said:

“My ship’s company and I are hugely excited about our first visit to Liverpool. This is an opportunity for us to cement our bond with the city as one of the newest warships in the Royal Navy’s fleet. We’re looking forward to hosting people from the local community on board during our time alongside, and I know we will receive the warmest of welcomes.”

Deputy Mayor and Liverpool City Council’s cabinet member for culture, tourism and events, Councillor Wendy Simon, said:

“It’s a huge coup for Liverpool to welcome its affiliated ship HMS Prince of Wales on its inaugural, history-making visit. The sheer scale of the ship will be a real spectacle on the River Mersey and is set to attract national and international attention, drawing massive crowds. Maritime events always prove to be hugely popular in Liverpool, and this will be no exception. Once again our world heritage waterfront will provide the incredible backdrop for a striking vessel, and we look forward to welcoming her at the end of the month.”

Exact timings for the ship’s arrival in Liverpool, and details of how to obtain tickets to visit the ship, will be announced by the Royal Navy in due course, we’ll keep you updated.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. You can just see the pictures now the PoW propped up on four stacks of concrete blocks and her propellers being nicked .

    Actually I think it is good PR by the navy ,good recruiting ground lots of smart young people in liverpool and the wirral.

    • I wish they’d do a full tour of U.K. ports. Expensive but amazing PR (ulterior motive – would love to see it on the Humber).

      • She is affiliated with Liverpool & Bristol … but with a 10mtr draft she will on fit in a small number ports around the UK … even Portsmouth had to be specially dredged

  2. This is an opportunity that I for one am going to get on board with ( pun intended ). Really can’t wait, been dying to see our new Aircraft carriers up close but know a chance to get a look around the ship this truly is a once in a lifetime opp…

  3. Believe affiliate cities often help fund recreational spaces. I personally look forward to seeing the Chief Petty Officers’ Mess decked out like the Cavern Club.

    Barn dance esque mess a la The Wurzels for the Junior Rates from Bristol?

      • Aye I know Mike from speaking with the Ship Staff. Bad attempt at humour on my part.

        Know on Lizzie the Chiefs mess got a refurb paid for by a brewery. Think it was the stokers who had the best “homemade” as they had a former kitchen fitter in their number who did a great job.

  4. Its a cracking run ashore.
    I was born there and for many years crew mates would rag us scallies about the city being full of thieving scousers etc etc.

    I have been on ships doing the Battle of the Atlantic celebrations and Tall ships and stopping there for close to affiliated towns ( Bolton) and every time we left everyone wanted to go back for another run.

    My defining memory is arriving outside a city centre pub in a fire engine, with the lights going as we couldn’t get a taxi and the local brigade who where visiting the mess that day offered us a lift…great times.

  5. Liverpool is one of the busiest locations in the world for Save The Children. Many veterans are on the street, many people are relying on foodbanks, which are proliferating. Teachers in Liverpool are handing out sanitary towels and lunch money. There was the kid in Liverpool, forfeiting lunch so his mother could eat.

    The Royal Navy have had absolutely nothing to do with this, but Boris’s dad is not going to let you help. Oh, you didn’t know. Boris’s dad is now foreign secretary, passing messages to the Chinese. I doubt he even has DBS clearance, let alone NSVS clearance.

    The Royal Navy must be feeling terrible, sailing into a famous humanitarian disaster like Liverpool, unable to feed anyone, hand out sanitary towels or meet with homeless veterans. What a crudshow.

    • The story that veterans are on the streets is just pure fantasy. Sure, there may be some but it’s not a national crisis. This fallacy is pushed by unscrupulous charities for cash injections.
      Up until recently I ran a veterans org and we conducted numerous academic studies, worked with the office of national statistics and vetted veterans homeless charities. One even told us they got their stats from a daily mirror article!
      If there are some dossing on the streets it’s because they have chosen to be there. There are so many places they can go if they are struggling for shelter.
      Don’t push a false narrative, do some homework.

      • You’re insulting yourself. Google “Homeless Veteran Liverpool”. This one shows the general attitude problem there and here.
        If anything you said is true, why are Save The Children busy in Liverpool. Why is David Clapson dead? Denying veterans and their suffering is unbelievable on your part.
        The DWP admitted to TheGuardian themselves, they sanctioned 650,000 in 2012, of which they later admitted 75% were innocent. 10,000 people died in 10 months as a result. Of course some were terminally ill, but many were veterans, including Clapson, many were in Liverpool. I try to leave you guys alone to have your fun, but when you are despicable to citizens or start lying, then I wonder whose side you’re on. Clearly not that of homeless vets.

      • I don’t know if you’re the types to call Corbyn a “traitor” or remainers “traitors”, but I think you’ll find, while Stanley Johnson is running around without DBS/NSVS clearance, Penny Mordaunt was fired, Gav Williamson opening his mouth and the tabloids calling democrats “traitors”, that you are just another piece of flotsam and jetsam in the whirlwind of crud.

        Did the Royal Navy plan to do ANYTHING for homeless vets while in Liverpool. Did they plan to show strength and solidarity to those being abused by fireworks on the streets. Perhaps you would like to go to youtube and watch people burning sleeping bags?

        The least you owe them is a public show of strength and solidarity for the vets. Recruiting is pointless otherwise.

      • I was funded by The Scarman Trust and Brent Council and about 40+ other non-profits or charities. Doesn’t make me an expert. I’m pleased to hear you are community-minded, hence why there is zero tolerance to divisive talk when it comes to Liverpool, or trying to deny there’s any homeless vets in Liverpool, or who might be responsible for the unprecedented rise in that. I represented the Red Cross, RSPCA, I was in-house for guide dogs, I’ve worked for over 40 national charities, plus around the same number of local ones. You and I are not the experts, just because we helped out. I am the major factor in the Red Cross getting an extra £70k a day for 18 months, doesn’t mean I know what I’m talking about. Ask Save The Children why they are busy in Liverpool, if any parents are vets.

      • The armed forces will never be full strength if the armed forces are on the Daily Mail and TheSun, or anywhere, taking the mick out of the 48% in any way, shape or form, let alone calling remainers traitors, or Corbyn a terrorist. How did a video of the Paras shooting Corbyn targets surface in TheSun. Literally shooting yourselves in the foot. Anyone with a brain cell would not want to join, if taking the mick out the UK’s biggest poverty zone is fun.

    • You have zero idea about what the RN and its people do when visiting towns and city’s in the UK or abroad because most of the time it goes unreported but it happens all the same.

      Right Pin out.

      I was born in Liverpool. I joined the mob at 16 because the place in the late 70s and 80s was a disaster zone. On one side Thatcher and the other Deggsy and Militant.
      Has the place improved since then ? Damn right it has but the issues you highlight are not exclusive to Liverpool. Pick any village, town or city in the UK and its the same. People living rough, no money, food banks, kids in worn out hand me down clothes. That is a political issue to fix …not the RNs.

      Unless you have visited some of the places I have been to you have no idea what poverty, real poverty is. From what i have seen Real poverty does not exist in the UK.
      Kids with no family, home or social service system begging on streets with one are cut off so they couldn’t use a rifle in a civil war.
      People out of there heads on glue or drugs because their village was flattened by a hurricane and they have no shelter or help from anyone.
      People living in tin shacks with no running water, sewage system, no electricity or gas. living off scraps found on the local tip.

      The ships and messes I have been in all help where they can when they can and that is without any guidance or instruction from the Command Headquarters.
      Build a playground in one of the most deprived areas of a UK City….Tick
      Raise funds for Baby care units and Hospitals (numerous)… Tick
      BLESMA and HFH….Tick
      Fund food for families in a Far East country so their kids dont need to work and can go to school instead…tick
      Rebuilding a home for blind kids in Africa that was decimated in a civil war….Tick
      I could go on and on….but they where some of the “highlights” if you can call it that.

      I have seen rough and tough Jack and Jenny sobbing and traumatised holding kids who are skin and bone knowing there is absolutely nothing we can do for them because they will be dead in the week after we sail off in our air con equipped, 3 meals a day, soft bunked warship.

      Unfortunately that’s life in a Blue Suit.

      So don’t have the audacity to say the RN or its people do nothing when visiting places. Just because it isn’t in the local rag doesn’t mean nothing happens.


    The ship’s Captain should reach out to the vets in Liverpool that are homeless, on ESA, or UC, or disabled, for whatever reason. It would be fantastic to show what matters.

    Ian Duncan Smith’s policies have ravaged Liverpool. The ex-soldier whose welfare policy killed more ex-armed forces than the enemy. Statistics don’t lie and actions speak louder than words.

    The vets should be the priority here.

  7. If the RN really wants recruits, it will need to learn to accept that austerity exists, that homeless vets have died at the hand of Ian Duncan Smith and Esther McVey policy change, which, let me point out, cost more in the end.

    Also your social media comments are terrible and stupid sometimes. Joking about Liverpool. Not a great advert for joining.

    How do you know when an F-35 pilot is in the room. He tells you. You guys are searching your butts too much. The UK is in a sorry state and so are some vets. The Royal Navy should reach out to those vets in Liverpool and do it in front of the press.

  8. would be nice if they do something like this around the country,obviously given the size the ship not all ports can cater but it would be nice to see her visit the north east at some point


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