Professor Chris Whitty, an epidemiologist and head of the public health profession, has been harassed by a man accusing him of ‘lying about covid cases’ whilst getting lunch today.

Professor Whitty is Chief Medical Officer for England, the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser and head of the public health profession.

“Chris is a practising NHS Consultant Physician at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, and Gresham Professor of Physic at Gresham College.

Chris is an epidemiologist and has undertaken research and worked as a doctor in the UK, Africa and Asia. He was Professor of Public and International Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) before becoming CMO.”

There are, in my mind, very worrying security implications here. It would appear the man was able to approach the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser, something more extreme fringes could easily take advantage of.

Witty has given public lectures outlining his views on tackling current challenges in medicine and public health include over 20 Gresham lectures including on infectious diseases, public health, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and the 2017 Harveian Oration and the Milroy Lecture at the Royal College of Physicians.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Sorry but I think that individual should be arrested and charged with as may different breaches in law as can be though of by the crown prosecution service.

    If it turns out he has not broken at least one law, then our law makers need to start working on that.

    How on earth have we got to a point where individuals who have been provided with a decade of free education and access to information academies would have killed for a century ago not be able to understand that we are in a once in century public health crisis, fighting new disease that has kill 2 million people in one year.

    For FS that idiot is going to have to spend the rest of his life living with the impact of SAR-CoV-2. He’s going to be poorer, not have the same opportunities and in his old age have a fair chance of dying of it and he does not even believe it exists.

    NHS staff have even had to be warned not to identify themselves as working for the NHS to some groups of people due to risk of serious harm and physical assault.

    I despair, I just about manage to accept and understand that most people are not yet ready to think about the big questions we are going to have to answer over the next decade, I get the fact it’s hard to process the world has simply changed and there is nothing this thinking ape can really do but adapt how it lives and bunker down….. but denying 2 million dead and 10 of millions suffering horribly, there are words I could use.

    • Jonathan……. his sentence should be to do a weeks work in a COVID 19 ward in teeshirt shorts and flipflop…… as he thinks it’s a lie he will be fine..

      • Only reading a few days ago about a 40s active denier died of the disease one can only hope it had an effect on his groupie but I fear they will simply claim he was assassinated by those trying to silence him. The madness o& these people is endless and sadly exhibits all the oppression of those they themselves accuse possess. For example the idiots who road blocked the Dodgers stadium where people were being vaccinated, not only want the right not to be vaccinated themselves which they have of course but want the right to take it away from those who do.

    • Absolutely sums it up Jonathan, these people are just simple fuc*wits, nothing more to it than that…..

      Re education and information, absolutely spot on, but you can’t educate Pork, no matter how hard you try….

      These delusional fools are reading from the same book as Holocaust deniers….

      • Yes John, that’s the worry, these idiots are unable to review and process simple information and make appropriate moral decisions. They are are a danger. The fools would burn down the building they are in if l someone they followed told them to”. extremism all types seems to be a bit of a 21 century problem, the internet of all things seems to lead to no sense of of balance.

    • Not even a remote sign of an offence being committed.
      I am rather concerned that so many people think this is even that bad, we have a country of idiots with cell phones doing worse than this every day.

      • It’s the nature of the offence against the person. Violence and aggression against the person does not always need a physical element. It’s pretty much looked like a Section 4 public order offence as starter.

    • So you want people jailed for expressing an opinion in a robust manner? Regardless of whether you have this view or that view or the person is talking bollocks however far out freedom of expression and opinion is the bedrock of any free functioning society.

      if you want to live in a country where the state dictates what is “truth” and what to believe and if you don’t then they create laws to lock you up? Total shite and 1984 comes to mind.

      Listen if you want to believe the world is flat or believe in Sharia law and that we should all be bending the knee to a golden calf or anything else for that matter and you want to express your opinion then you should have every bloody right to. Just because you don’t happen to believe it doesn’t give you the right to shut everybody else up.

      what because a virologist/epidemiologist/Dr doesn’t work for SAGE or the WHO then they aren’t allowed to put forward their views on this matter? Or the ordinary bloke /woman on the street ?

      thankfully for now the courts (mostly) even in Englandshire wouldn’t entertain shitey so called crimes like this but watch this space when “hate speech” laws are tightened as is already happening in bonnie Scotland then you might find you will be facing the long arm of the law for having an “opinion” the state or someone doesn’t agree with..

      • Ffs absolute shite i bothered to view it I retract my use of the word “Robust” ? a silly dude smiling saying “ your a liar” repeatedly without shouting ? give me f%£@£% strength oh yeah he needs the jail lock him up 25 yrs ???????????????????????????

        • I get what you’re saying and I don’t think the boy should be getting the jail but its piss poor to harass a guy in the street like that. Not sure if the boy has mental health issues (looks a bit like that to me) but filming it suggests that it was done to show off. I’m not sure I’d have handled it as calmly as The Prof did.

          • II did not comment on the sentencing or punishment I was talking about prosecution. I’m not a slam them all inside for breathing wrong type person,but he needs to be prosecuted and given a sentence appropriate to the crime.

            But verbally assaulting public servants needs to be taken more seriously in this county. We are developing a pick on those who can’t respond culture,especially when it relates to health, public health and social care staff.

          • Cool, agree with you. I wasn’t implying that you personally were looking for a public hanging or the like.

            For clarity, in my opinion nobody should have to put up with crap like that and people using cameras is a cowardly way to carry out this stuff, if Whitty had sparked the boy out on camera he’d have been the ‘baddy’. I’d be delighted if the guy does get lifted for this, whether its for Covid denying or football or just a drunk guy, you don’t have the right to accost people in the street.

            Having said that, its not the crime of the century and some of the rhetoric on here is a bit OTT (in my opinion).

          • Now I have an image in my head of Prof Whitty turning around and popping one on the guys nose. Totally do not condone such actions…..

        • As far as I’m concerned you can have whatever stupid view you want and you can express that views, wave placards etc, what you can’t do is verbally assault a public employee ( or anyone) when they are either walking down the street or doing their job.

          If you don’t like a law write to you MP or stand out side parliament shouting you message. Assaulting a Dr on the street, sorry you should be arrested and charged.

          • Well let me tell you that’s exactly what happens Police get abuse and hate on the street for simply doing their job. A sheriff set a precedent in relation to someone who was charged with Breach of the peace for shouting and swearing at Police. He said something along the lines of it should be expected and perfectly understandable that people when they interact with police they get upset and shout and swear at them so in one stroke justified the accused’ s behaviour. So I’m guessing being a cop or paramedic wouldn’t be your idea of a fun job? Cos the ?they have to put up with really would make your blood boil.

            I’m not sure what this verbal assault is ? How do you assault someone with words? Maybe Englandshire has something as stupid as that on the statute books? . But here up here no such thing I think you are meaning something akin to threatening and abusive behaviour however calling someone calmly a liar is neither threatening or abusive.

            Listen I’m in total agreement you should be able to go about your business without being harassed but the Prof decided to engage he should have walked on

          • however calling someone calmly a liar is neither threatening or abusive.”

            Really ??? You don’t think repeatedly calling someone a liar is absusive ???? I don’t know what to say to that.

            As for ‘engaging’, I maybe didn’t see the whole video but he stopped and put a mask on, arguably containing the anti social behaviour, he had to think on the spot too as I’m pretty sure he wasn’t anticipating being accosted.

            Sorry mate, I think you’re way off on this one.

          • Sadly we will have to disagree I can’t speak for engerland however I can tell you for a fact calmly calling someone a liar even repeatedly does not constitute a crime here in the old country I don’t think it I know it.

            I think you need to go look at criminal justice and how it all works. Even if by some fantastical stretch of the imagination he was charged no way it would ever see the inside of a court . It would result in a caution down your way and an RPW up here basically wagging ones finger telling him been a naughty boy don’t do it again.

            the lads behaviour was not necessary or nice but sorry it wasn’t criminal

          • You can stick with it not being criminal if you want mate, you’re right, I have no idea as its not likely something I’d consider. I’m trying to think of a scenario where I would approach a random in that way. Nope. I’m not one of the ones claiming he should be publicly hanged although I do think his behaviour was totally twattish.

            Oh I’m in sunny Scotland too and generally in my limited dealings with the police I’ve found them quite helpful and sympathetic.

          • Alas this is common nowadays neds all carry phones and film everything. They film police all the time during simple interactions just to be dicks, I don’t appreciate it and don’t see the need for it but what do you expect when people are now conditioned to be attached to their phone.

            there are no scenarios you or any other normal decent person would do such a thing .


          • Hi Artist, not sure re Scotland but I’m pretty sure in England that would hit the threshold for a section 4 public order offence.

            The reason I’m a bit sensitive to this is I spent A couple of decades putting up with verbal and physical abuse every day from individuals I was trying to help and could not respond back to the same way. So I know what it’s like to have to stand there and take it from an idiot mere moments after you’ve just seen or had to do some real life or death stuff. I have also have to support members of my team after suffering both verbal and physical assault so I have no tolerance at all.

            The challenge is a wide spreed acceptance that verbal abuse is not somehow assault. We loss good staff every year because they simply no longer want to or can’t put up with the day in day out stress of verbal assaults and the real chance it can flip to physical assault. You simply never know when the verbal will move to the physical. I’ve had the shouting at me turn into a Spit ( from people will all the blood born diseases ) or fist in the face or chair over the head. So every time the verbal assault starts you never know where it ends, ( is that person out of control, are they carrying a weapon and will they go for me is a question I have asked myself more times than I can count) that’s as stressful and damaging over time as any single physical assault. When your job is a daily rollercoaster of PTSD inducing parade of the dead and dying of all ages, the addition can be the straw that breaks the camel.

            Health care Proffesionals who work in high stress areas, sign up for what they will see/do and the guilt of the lost, they don’t sign up for the constant personal assaults people feel they can engage in as well. We are not equipped or trained to manage daily assaults in the same way as the police force are..

            we do understand that sometimes the individuals we treat are so psychotic that we do have to put ourself in harms way to protect everyone in the department….There are a fair number of times when I have I ended up on the bottom of a pile of officers as they came running in and piled on top to “ save me from the drug crazed individual” that was tying to assault me as I stopped that individual from rampaging through the department….The best one was when one of them CS gasses the person i was trying to control while also having 3 other coppers on-top of me…. the person was dragging the whole pile of 4 large men across the department…so the other officer pulled out the nuclear option….

            Anyway that’s more than a nuff reminiscent of fun times when I was young.

            just on proff whitty’s actions

            He did not walk way because he wanted to stand and take it, nor was he cool as a cucumber, he was trying prevent a trigger that would move from verbal assault to physical assault when there is no clear rout to de-escalation. That open but still posture, reduced movement and lack of eye contact was all to avoid a physical assault.

          • I take my hat off to you Jonathan for doing what you do under difficult circumstances. I used to live with a nurse who told me that they would be sacked if they struck someone attacking them. That was over 20 years ago now and I hope things have changed.

          • No there is a golden rule, never ever strike back, be that verbally or physically. Even restraining an individual for their safety must be very carefully thought through and must be justified as a last resort, if you get that wrong it’s not great.

            That’s why we need the police and crown prosecution service to be very hot and combat this as we cannot.

          • From the outside looking it that just seems like dogma being more important than getting on with the job and protecting the work force. Organisations being dogma driven isn’t unique to the NHS but for some reason this seems particularly crappy. Good luck with it mate.

          • Andy you got me thinking about why this the case and is it Dogma ? The answer is really complex and maybe a bit of Yes and also No.

            so the drivers are:

            Public trust: the public would not trust nurses if we told people what we thought of them or hit them back . They like angles not real people.

            Organisational risk: Your staff fighting back is a great way for an organisation to be litigated against ( the payout for the ED nurse broke my nose would be high). Also public perception, Most NHS providers cannot stand bad press as they can’t fight back ( you can’t respond as it would involve discussing a patient’s care which you can’t do, cus it’s against the law).

            Professional Risk: hitting back would see you referred to your professional body. Healthcare Professionals live in fear of their proffesional bodies, if your referred as a case (and anyone can refer you) they can make You wait a year for a hearing ( while having your practice curtailed or even suspended) and then on a civil law level of proof (51% chance) you can be struck off and literally lose everything ( never work in your Profession again).

            personal practice: nurses especially are trained in using unconditional positive regard. It’s a psychological tool to separate an individual from their actions. Nurses are literally trained to see a person separate from their actions, it allows us to treat people holistically even if we cannot stand them ( rapists, murders abusers are all seen as being human beings with a right to positive regard). It allows nurse to not react to things that would send your average Joe apoplectic with rage. We also have so much thrown at us that would cause fight or flight reactions that this is very suppressed.

            its a sort of professional mask, that masks emotions as well as facial expressions. The nurse who’s using unconditional positive regard ( because they hate everything you stand for) will have the same sort of face on them when talking to you as the nurse who thinks you are just about to Try and die on them.

            most importantly for the nurse, barrier to treatment, we cannot treat people if we are reacting to what they or their relatives say or do to us. I’ve been Abused and hit by drunks and then spent the night doing neuro ops on them, with them trying to clobber me every time I wake them up…..

            so the answer is it’s really complicated why we have to not react ourselves and let the system deal with verbal and physical aggression.

          • Thanks for taking the time to explain your take on it Jonathan. I totally get the ‘game face’ angle of dealing with people that makes sense to me, up to a point. What I feel has no bearing on it but that would be a working environment that I would struggle with. Respect to you and those who do it.

          • I agree with everything you said man I just hate that verbal assault term as there is no such thing. An assault is an attack (evil intent not just simple making physical contact) directed to take place on an individual physically whether or not physical actual contact is made not uttering some words

            s4 public order I’m not sure of ?unless it’s same as a S38 here in Scotland which is basically a breach of the peace

            Anyways the only point I was making is it’s a slippy slope when folk start wanting people arrested for being a dick which all that wee Ned is guilty of.

            ha ha interesting stories you have yes c/s is a nasty bugger completely incapacitated me ? We use PAVA now up here .

            anyhoos I see the prof wasn’t bothered by it in the slightest by this looks like his balls are solid? ???????????

          • I do get the whole slipper slope thing and my free speech brain completely agrees. I suppose my view is probably obscured by all those people I wish I could have given back what they gave me ( the angry emergency nurse syndrome ….TAENS…I’m patenting that).

            Its a beast I’m sure our local coppers enjoyed bringing in C/Sed patients just to watch our faces and eyes go redder and redder as we had to do the physical exams.

            The best one was when this PC Came in looking a bit shall we say “fraught” he goes can you come and look at this guy please….I says yes…walks out to the ambulance bay and there’s about 6 or seven coppers all surrounding this meat wagon from a distance Just watching it as it literally bouncing up and down and side to side on its springs.

            The prisoners got a head injury they say….

            So we walk over and PC opens the side door while standing well back with me peering in close with a torch to get a better view of this persons head as he madly bashes around from side to side, he tries to grab me I take a big breath and double over…..the prisoner and van were a flipping chem hazard.

            PC….Ohhh yes really sorry we Sprayed him and the van a bit sorry should have mentioned that first ( which explained the all standing back in a circle).

            Me… cough splutter cough cough dribble…cry….thanks a lot.

            I got my revenge…said yes he’s got a head injury, he will need 15 minute obs…but can’t come in here if you can’t control him…as he a danger… will need to do 15 min observations in the cells and call in your custody nurse…and left them all staring at the gyrating meat wagon .walked away with my head held high while dribbling, crying and coughing.

          • Ha ha yup it seems your experience of these matters from a different angle is universal ? no matter what the location or the Ned involved always the same outcome and always the opportunity to gain a wee bit of satisfaction at the expense of those who behave badly ?

            respect ????????????

      • There has to be a line between free speech and all that lies beyond. Sometimes that line is very difficult to define without as you say, lapsing into censorship BUT do you allow a modern day Hitler the right to free speech? My answer is emphatically no. However should Enoch Powell or Nigel Farage or the like be able to debate at Oxford or Cambridge without being insulted and shouted by rowdy students? Absolutely YES. We must remember that such people who destroy the rights of others come from both extremes of the political spectrum.
        Getting back to the moron who harassed Chris Whitty I would think that accusing him, so publicly, of lying is an offence in itself apart from breaking the bounds of decent behaviour as understood by the vast majority of us.

        • I’m all in for freedom of speech, this was not that, this was a verbal assault on a Dr in a public place for doing his job.

          • Hi Geoff, not to turn into a mutual appreciation society, but I also agree with what you said about allowing platforms for people we disagree with, we must fight this developing culture of refusing to listen to those we disagree with. Almost all complex issues don’t actually have a right/wrong answers just compromise and pragmatic solutions that all sides can live with ( after a bit of strong debate and huffery) Brexit is a classic case of it working.

            The only way to solve these big issues is first remember your human and not all knowing, listen with open ears to others ( even if they make you a bit sick) express your thoughts and needs and after you have all had a robust debate ( wave some placards, write a rant to all ) find a compromise everyone can live with.

            The problem is it’s beginning to be hip to act like the three monkeys mixed with a dose of I’m omniscient. The only time we should be de-platforming is when the individual is inciting or promoting acts of violence. Not Because we think they are selfish, grasping idiots or just idiots.

          • Ha Jonathan-nothing wrong with a bit of mutual appreciation 🙂 As a child we were in awe of Policemen,anyone from the Church, Headmasters and other such figures of authority. Now things have swung the other way(in some cases not without justification) but also too far-the way some pupils treat their teachers is appalling. When i was a nipper we would get a belt round the ear’ole!! 🙂

        • I understand what you are saying however again I need to emphasise being a moron or accusing someone of lying is not and never should be an offence for if it ever were to be that’s a slippy slope indeed and half the country would be guilty. If N.K Russia or China is your societal ambition then good luck with that.

          Listen nobody on this forum has to listen to folk talking utter shite every day as much as I do. Every day I’m at work I listen to bucketloads of it. I’ve had people shouting at me the virus isn’t real (albeit they were our European continental friends) so I’m well aware of how peoples views can seem so out there the difference is I believe in free speech.

          I would also point out those who understand boundaries and decency are on the decline and it won’t be long before we are the minority. We get the society we deserve in the end.

          .So Mr Whitty should grow a set and accept he’s in the public domain and needs to accept many folk aren’t happy with him .

          total non story scraping the barrel ….


          • Mr Whitty took the gig when SAGE weren’t in the public eye, they’ve kind of been thrust into the limelight so I don’t think its fair to be saying he “should grow a set”, would you be saying that if it was a woman, there has been a shift in society that seems to think they have the right to say whatever they like to whoever they like.

          • Eh yeah I would Mrs T had a bigger set of balls than most blokes?? Ah the good ole days when people with 10 clues ran the show ?

          • Nah, not for me, whether male or female you shouldn’t have to put up with some random coming up to you and giving you crap and constantly calling you a liar is pretty crappy. The camera being used to intimidate is poor too, it smacks of ‘look at me’ and also its there to prevent the person you’re hassling from retaliating, especially if they’re caught on the hop.

          • Andy you need to get out there more often every man and his dog are using camera phones to film every single interaction then posting it on YouTube and FB! I don’t agree with It but this is reality now nobody or nothing is safe?

          • Yup and I’ve used my phone to photograph anti social behaviour round my way. Its a great way to let people know they’re actions are accountable. I forward to the police as to post on youtube right enough. I’ve also been in slightly more ‘physical’ confrontations where it wouldn’t occur to me to film. Waving a camera in someone’s face to try and provoke them then whine about it afterwards is just low.

            While the boy does look like he’s not right in the head, filming it to put on youtube/facebook suggests a ‘look at me’ aspect rather than any ‘noble’ reason. I was speaking to guy a few years back who was telling me he’d taken a tumble from his scooter while riding through a town and a nurse was passing by and tried to help while all around everyone else had just whipped out their phones and was filming it, the nurse was trying to keep him still in case he’d broken his neck and he was trying to get up to leather the folk taking pictures he was so angry.

            We live in strange times but that doesn’t mean we have to just lump it. For whatever reason, you don’t seem to have a problem with the behaviour of that lad, personally I think there’s no justification for it each to their own I guess

          • I never said I condoned it I just said it’s not criminal big difference but I think this ones been done to death so to speak?

          • I here you, but I’d still be calling the police if someone did that to me, especially if I was in a position which meant I could not turn around and give it back.

            Also we have to be careful about the public life domain thing He is a Dr working as a Dr, the pandemic had forced him into the public light as part of his job. He is not a politician or a celebrity who as part of the compact expect individual scrutiny and to answer in the court of public opinion.

            i spent many 10s of years getting daily abuse and even physically assault by those who I was employed to help. It does not make it right or something we should accept.

          • Oh I agree with you on that front it’s sad common decency and respect have gone out the window and basically today’s generation think they can do and act any %€£@& way they like. But that’s the reality of today.

            my point is people should be allowed to express opinions not target abuse . I just want to remain in a free society for as long as possible

            and I like lobbing handgrenades ?

          • Thanks Tafcalpc! There are more important things to worry about nowadays I agree but sad to see the decline in civility but again that is the way of History-we wander through from dictatorship to anarchy to dictatorship with periods in between of mild sanity!! 🙂

  2. Guess the kid may want to look at today figures:

    16, 840 new cases and 1449 deaths

    These left-wing, covid denying, anti vaxer loonies make me sick

      • Indeed if anything I thought the majority are on the right, certainly are in the US but in reality they are just on the fringes of civilisation I guess.

    • Um I don’t think covid denying, anti vaccination is related to any particular political spectrum. Most are just very ill informed or if it politically driven it tends to be focused more on to ultra Libertarians or nutty anti government no one should tell me what to do ( but actual if I am dying in a ditch please save me ) types.

      Very much agree on the whole making sick front ( in-fact anti vacc’s types literally make us all sick).

  3. Horrible example of British youth. Not only is he wrong he also can’t speak English. Throw the book at him.

    However for every single person like him there are hundreds of fantastic young people, many of them in the Armed Forces.

    Just heard Capt Sir Tom Moore has died. What a wonderful man, RIP.

    • Well to be fair bio security is a fundamental of defence, public health systems were developed to ensure there were alway healthy recruits for field armies to turn into infectious disease statistics.

      football on the other hand….that never killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

      • Yes. GCHQ and the new Space initiatives are all related to defence of U.K. and her citizens and fair game here so why not the UK’s defence against pandemics? This has I hope been a real wake up call with most experts in the field saying there is a very high likelihood that this is not a once-in-a-generation event and that most of us we will probably see another pandemic during our lifetime, perhaps not as bad but also possible that the next one could be even worse.

        In the same way that the U.K. has started to put some organisational structure and focus behind our space activities I think that we need to put in place a similar pandemic response organisation, maybe even as a branch of the military but if not there are definitely a number of military principles that should be applied.

        For instance once we beat this pandemic we can’t afford to have tens of thousands of contact tracers sitting at their desks doing nothing waiting for the next one but, if/when another pandemic hits, having a large well trained contact tracing “army” there and ready to go will, along with testing, be the first line of defence so I really hope that as the current contact tracers are stood down some or all become reservists and are called in for a week or two every year to make sure their training is kept current and that they are still available for call up if needed. I bet there are lots of other elements of military organisation that could be applied to a pandemic response organisation (properly managing the PPE inventory and not allowing it to date expire would be another one).

        And as for the tosser in this video. What an idiot. This stuff makes me so mad especially the poor hospital staff at some hospitals who have to come off long and harrowing shifts only to run the gauntlet of groups of Covid deniers waiting outside to heckle them. A bit of Army intervention there wouldn’t go amiss in my view!

  4. too many youths with the i know everything attitude because i saw the truth on the internet.Couple that with teachers who teach their own version of events instead of telling the truth and this is the society we now have,the sad thing is these idiots will one day end up running our country

    • Nah, not teachers. Uni lecturers yes but teachers are ridden hard against the curriculum. They don’t teach their own versions

      • I would have to agree Damo, teachers are absolutely tied to the curriculum.

        Two friends of mine are department heads and zero latitude is given to actually ‘teach a subject’.

        Today, schools are examination factories, not teaching subjects, but inverting the whole process and teaching how to pass a specific exam only, any real understanding of the subject in question is entirely incidental!

        Our universities unfortunately are bastions of Left wing politics and indoctrination.

        Nothing new there though, but this traditional left wing ethos is today compounded by an almost religious woke mindset, fanned and amplified by social media …. No wonder so many of them are so easily led and seemingly incapable of Indipendent thought…..

        Not all are the same by any means, as had been said, look at the amazing youngsters in our Armed forces.

        • John, when you talk on subjects that you know about, you come across as quite sensible. When you start commenting on education in schools, colleges and universities you are only repeating urban myths. To suggest that our universities are bastions of left wing politics is just plain silly. I have been involved with college and university education for nearly half my life and I do not recognise the picture that you, and other badly informed punters, paint of it. Engaging with politics is all part of the academic experience….it promotes intellectual growth and is an essential part in developing the rounded mind set of an educated person. Students are not hot-housed socialists by any means. Most of the present government, and indeed the Conservative Party, are university educated. Indeed, Boris comes from a long line of public school/Oxbridge prime ministers. Political diversity is a feature of university life and always has been! As for university lecturers being cultural commissars of socialism……if only you knew how silly, uninformed and hilarious that viewpoint is. By heck, I’ve come across a couple of pretty wacky profs in my time….one was close to being a member of the Brown House. I have a wide experience of undergraduates in our university system….having helped send hundreds there myself over the years. I simply don’t recognise your characterisation of them as weak, politically vulnerable, intellectually inchoate and gullible. Far from it, I have always been impressed with the calibre of the young people in my classes. They have an independence of mind (and politics), an excellent grasp of the limitations of main stream information and a healthy scepticism of politics in general.
          As for teaching students to pass exams….err I think that is what students and parents want! A level students will use their studies as part of a wider learning experience that is self-directed. Developing the independent learner, at Level 3, is core to the success of Britain in the future.

          • Well Herodotus, it’s another one we won’t see eye to eye on…..!

            Still, healthy debate and all that.

            My information comes from two department heads, both currently working in university education, but previously in secondary education.

            They tell me that the education system is very much the tail wagging the dog these days.

            There is a ‘world’ of difference in teaching a subject, to teaching exam pass classes unfortunately. The whole thing is becoming increasingly pointless and irrelevant.

            That’s their jaundiced take on 30 years in various areas of the education system, I happen to agree.

          • You wouldn’t debate the efficacy of a welding technique with Gunbuster. Why do you think that your particular view of education trumps mine. There are lots of issues around secondary education up to GCSE that need looking at. Target setting by the department of education and league tables can be very divisive for some schools. Teacher workload can be absolutely horrendous and is a major reason for high staff turnover. The education system is under severe strain and is in urgent need of review. Most teachers are very competent at teaching their subjects as well as getting their students to pass examinations. Passing examinations and having informative and enjoyable lessons is not mutually exclusive. You are wrong about this… as you are wrong about the Marxist indoctrination of our university students. A little humility wouldn’t come amiss. It isn’t about a difference of opinion, it’s about you being substantially incorrect!

          • Bit disappointed John hasn’t come back to take apart this post, I had the popcorn on standby too….

  5. He has far more self control than I could ever e hi it that’s for sure. Don’t know if this moron is a true flat earthier or just a an idiot wanting to draw a response that can make him famous for 15 minutes. Sooner or later as we saw with the two women in the Far East something decidedly Nasty will be the result one day.

  6. What an appalling young man. I note that several right wing conspiracy websites are pumping out false information and that the comments column of that nasty little rag the Daily Mail is full of them. I was shocked too when reading the vitriol thrown at Captain Sir Tom Moore and his family by these idiots. The poor chap passed away today aged 100 years. I hope they are pleased with themselves.

  7. So now the operative word is “harassment” not “protest”?

    When it is harassment and when is it protest?

    “There are, in my mind, very worrying security implications here. It would appear the man was able to approach the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser”

    So everyone can be harassed except so called civil service. Interesting privilege.

    It is indeed harassment. But better to start calling it all the time this happen and make no exceptions.

      • Mr Allinson I think it is great you put this out there. Nobody needs this kind of name calling. It isn’t free speech but bullying. I hope the CMO gets close protection from now on.

        Well done again.

    • Yep. No individual should be subject to abuse for doing their job. Be it the chief medical officer or a nurse in ED.

      The public can hold politicians to account, that’s the point of democracy. They can also challenge public bodies, that is what complaints processes and the courts are for. Individual employees are not there to be abused ( and that’s in any industry).

      in my younger years I worked in a shop and got some abuse. Which showed clearly what some people think of others and their own importance. Then I became a public servant/nurse and realised a good portion of the public seemed to think you are their personal paid punchbag/servant. There are years worth of abuse almost every day as well as constant threat of physical violence, that you end up living with. But the one that sticks with me was a surreal “Why am I waiting, I want you to look at my splinter, I pay your wages you %#%#%”er conversation, quite amazingly at the time I was in full “trauma call PPE”. complete with blood splatter across my face shield, and I was being abused because I had polity pointed out that life and death was more important than a splinter and that sorry but I was going back in to treat a victim of major trauma ( who was in the process of trying to die) I remember it so well because it’s the one time in my long career I actually almost lost my rag ( it was only the fact I had to stay chilly and rush back to the trauma call that kept me from removing the person from my department with a flee in the ear etc).

  8. Regardless of the actions of this pratt, the Professor is a member of SAGE, who have other defence and security related responsibilities beyond Covid. This was why HMG were reluctant to publish the groups membership months back until the media wanted to be judge and jury and forced the issue.

    So this does have security implications.

  9. This kid is an embarrassment. But there are millions misinformed pandemic deniers thinking the same thing. Stupid is contagious. Ain’t no cure for stupid.

  10. Free speech – you may not like what you hear but you must hear it.

    “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” – Harry Truman


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