Two Royal Air Force Voyager tanker aircraft are now being deployed to refuel a cargo aircraft over the Arctic.

A source told me that a significant amount of goods brought to the UK over the course of December are being brought by this one cargo aircraft, so all efforts are being made to make sure it reaches its destination.

Details are scarce but it’s understood that Voyager tanker aircraft will be making sure that an unidentified cargo aircraft flying from the Arctic has enough fuel to conduct an incredibly long-haul flight. This is primarily due to the increased weight the aircraft has on taking off, meaning it burns more fuel.

Voyager, the RAF designation for the Airbus A330 MRTT, made its first operational tanker flight in May 2013. The UK operates a total of 14 Voyager aircraft, 5 of which are leased for commercial purposes when not required.

The operation, involving both Western and Russian forces, is being called Operation RED.

It is understood that the Ministry of Defence used satellites with infra-red sensors to track the aircraft, the heat from an animal’s red nose was clearly visible.

It has also been made clear in the last few moments the refuelling operation has now started and additional Typhoon aircraft have been scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth to begin escorting the cargo aircraft over every British city, town and village later tonight, but it is understood that the aircraft has only been cleared to fly over the homes of good boys and girls as discussed above.

It is expected that the soon to be refuelled aircraft will enter UK airspace not a moment before midnight tonight. In addition to fuel, the Voyager aircraft has is also transferring over some biscuits and a large quantity of Brandy.

The British Armed Forces contribution to ‘Operation RED’

Excluding today’s news, there are two main efforts supporting Operation RED.

Speaking to NATO Maritime Command Admiral Feliz Navidad, we were told:

“So here it is merry Christmas.
Everybody’s having fun
Look to the future now
It’s only just begun!”

Merry Christmas everyone.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


    • Well, many people still believe in other fictional beings especially those who are devoutly religious. Perhaps they also believe in pixies and fairies.

    • It’s clearly a complete fiction, whoever heard of the Crabs getting airborne on Christmas Eve?
      And a Merry Christmas to one and all.

      • The hint of double time pay for the gullible Crabfats or it is factual st Nick does rely on an escort in these troubled times hope he has security in San Francisco can’t leave a Sleigh unattended there

  1. I am a miserable bastard at any time.
    Christmas is what I practise for, my wife and I have a divorce every Christmas – 33 years ongoing.
    George, you are not helping.

  2. t was Christmas Day in the workhouse
    The merriest day of the year
    The paupers and the prisoners
    Were all assembled there

    In came the Christmas pudding
    When a voice that shattered glass
    Said, “We don’t want your Christmas pudding
    So stick it
    there with the rest of the unwanted presents”

    The workhouse master then arose
    And prepared to carve the duck
    He said “Who wants the parson’s nose
    And the prisoners shouted
    “you have it yourself sir”

    The vicar brought his bible
    And read out little bits
    Said one old crone at the back of the hall
    “This man gets on
    very well with everybody”

    The workhouse mistress then began
    To hand out Christmas parcels
    The paupers tore the wrappers off
    And began to wipe their
    eyes, which were full of tears

    The master rose to make a speech
    But just before he started
    The mistress, who was fifteen stone
    Gave three loud cheers and
    nearly choked herself

    And all the paupers then began
    To pull their Christmas crackers
    One pauper held his too low down
    And blew off both his
    paper hat and the man’s next to him

    A steaming bowl of white bread sauce
    Was handed round to some
    An aged gourmet called aloud
    “This bread sauce tastes like
    it was made by a continental chef”

    Mince pie with custard sauce was next
    And each received a bit
    One pauper said “The mince pie’s nice
    But the custard tastes like
    the bread sauce we had in the last verse !”

    The mistress dishing out the food
    Dropped custard down her front
    She cried “Aren’t I a silly girl”
    And they answered “You’re a
    perfect picture as always ma’am !”

    “This pudding “, said the master
    “It’s solid, hard and thick
    how am I going to cut it ?”
    And a man cried “Use your
    penknife sir, the one with the pearl handle”

    The mistress asked the vicar
    To entertain his flock
    He said “What would you like to see ?”
    And they cried “Let’s see your
    conjuring tricks, they’re always worth watching”

    “Your reverence may I be excused ?”
    Said one benign old chap
    “I don’t like conjuring tricks
    I’d sooner have a
    carol or two around the fire”

    So then they all began to sing
    Which shook the workhouse walls
    “Merry Christmas!” cried the master
    And the inmates shouted
    “Best of luck to you as well sir !”

  3. The Irish Parliament stated that the Irish Air force would not shoot down Santa. The most shocking part of that statement is finding out that Ireland has an Air Force.

    • Just how many US Navy carriers are named after Presidents with Irish roots? USS John F Kennedy comes to mind.

      It’s equally surprising the Britain has an Air Force. I thought that was wound down after my Dad and his RCAF companions came home after May 1945. (Not to be confused with my grandad who was demobilized after returning to Toronto in 1919.) The next time we’re going to be on the German side.

  4. I have just been to Church to sing carols, & the holy water did not boil, so that’s a good sign. So “Gawd Bless You, one & all!”

  5. Damned impressive that the RAF can not only transfer potable water, but also forage items for reindeer, while in-flight. Believe that may be a unique capability! 🤔😉😁


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