The Defence Secretary confirmed delivery of an additional 200 Brimstone anti-tank missiles to the AFU, bringing the total number of Brimstone provided to Ukraine to more than 1,300

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said in Parliament:

“As President Zelensky said to me when I visited, the UK’s contribution has been monumental. He pointed out that, since the start of the conflict, the UK has sent almost 400 different types of capabilities to Ukraine. Together, we have shown that when Ukraine gets what it needs, it can win, which is why the UK is continuing to step up our support. Last month, the Prime Minister announced that we will be investing a further £2.5 billion in military support for Ukraine, taking our total military package so far to over £7 billion and our total support to over £12 billion, accounting for humanitarian and economic support as well.

In that spirit, today I can announce a new package of 200 Brimstone anti-tank missiles in a further boost to defend Ukraine. These missiles have previously had significant impact on the battlefield, in one instance forcing Russian forces to abandon and to retreat from an attempted crossing of a river. Members will recall that, a few days ago, President Zelensky told the Munich security conference that an “artificial deficit of weapons” will only help Russia, and he is right.

So today we are giving Ukraine more of the help it needs, inflating its capabilities so that it can defend freedom’s frontline. Other capabilities will also be coming its way. Our UK founded and administered international fund for Ukraine has pledged more than £900 million to help Ukraine plug gaps in its capabilities, delivering cutting-edge drones along with electronic warfare and mine clearance capabilities, with millions of pounds of kit to come.”

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_796759)
6 months ago

Great news. We also need some Brimstone in our Army on a light tracked chassis to replace CVR(T) STRIKER, axed in 2005 without replacement.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_796762)
6 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

Murmurings of an Overwatch Boxer being planned, but beyond that, as usual, we are very good at supplying Ukraine but not so good with our own Army.

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_796778)
6 months ago

Agree. We have the weapons but no political will to properly equip and resource our armed forces

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796791)
6 months ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

Our politicians need head’s out of sand and a Rocket 🚀 up they backside, other wise handover UK to Putin. 🙄

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_796826)
6 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

I wouldn’t go that far. You think Putin defeats NATO?

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796961)
6 months ago

No way does he defeat NATO ,meaning our government not giving enough to our Military Budget . 💰

George (@guest_797401)
6 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

Well said.

Jim (@guest_796892)
6 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

The UK would wipe the floor with any Russian forces at any level of fighting beyond a nuclear exchange which no one would win.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796963)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Well on that would say better kit and planning on our behalf ,but to be honest if your talking of just the UK on its own then Ammunition and numbers would become a problem.Nuclear we all know game over.🙄

Spyinthesky (@guest_797320)
6 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

We would be lucky to last a few months even as we ‘win’ on the battlefield 5-1.

George (@guest_797403)
6 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

That depends if you honestly believe any of our politicians have bottled to launch a nuclear strike, retaliatory or not. I think you could count on the fingers of one hand, those MP’s with the testicular fortitude to press that button.

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers (@guest_797438)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

We don’t win a nuke fight as ours don’t work, so the Russians can actually win.

Jim (@guest_796891)
6 months ago

Perhaps the issue is that we are too dismissive of our own army and its capabilities. People have been slating challenger 2 on here for decades and the Ukrainians rate it as the best tank they have similar parallels with a lot of our kit. The army is certainly small and no doubt some of our stuff is out of date which is always the case with any army but what’s currently be procured from challenger 3 and Ajax to boxer and Ajax is all top class, literally the best platforms in class in the world with outstanding capabilities like… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_796910)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Morning Jim. You’re up early? Well we know there are posters here who literally just moan. Nothing else, one liners without a shred of comparison, or consideration of logistics, intelligence, professionalism, training, available infrastructure, and a whole lot else that still make the UK military a reference military others look to. The angst is usually about numbers, all of which must be compared with those factors. And it is in numbers where our military now suffers, badly. I have always called for a better quality, quantity balance. Achieving that through better procurement practice and some OTS purchases of “good enough”… Read more »

Frank (@guest_796912)
6 months ago

War…. Is a game of numbers. always has been, always will be.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796968)
6 months ago
Reply to  Frank


Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796967)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Challenge 2 great Tank ,even no upgrade over the year’s I personally would pick challenge over other western Tanks .👍

Spyinthesky (@guest_797327)
6 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

We do far too easily criticise ourselves at every opportunity whether it’s earned of otherwise. The Leopold has come in for a lot of criticism in Ukraine not because it’s not a great tank but because they see it as over engineered which in battle situations can be a serious deficit. It’s ironic that the Challengers gun has come in for great praise despite it being referenced as a fundamental deficiency because it’s rifled. But as a gun it was once the best around and only because smooth bore offer so much more flexibility in munitions and development has that… Read more »

DaveyB (@guest_797704)
6 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

From what I have heard/read, Chally 2 has being doing alright against up-armoured T72s and T80s. I’ve yet to hear if they have faced a T90M? In theory the CHARM armour piercing fin stabilised discard sabot (APFSDS) round or Fin in tanky speak, should struggle to penetrate the T90M’s armour. Which is made up by an outer layer of Khontakt 5 explosive reactive armour (ERA) and then the main composite and spaced armour. The CHARM uses depleted uranium as the dart material. But the dart’s penetrative capability is not only determined by the material used, but also the length and… Read more »

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_800734)
6 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Chally has much better suspension than anything else around. It probably is no slower than Leo x-country.

George (@guest_797405)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Our army, air force and navy are still qualitatively better than Russia in all ways. But numerically is at a huge disadvantage. History teaches us that wars are won as much in factories as they are on the battlefield. Our strategic industries are in a far worse state than the armed forces and will take longer to rebuild. We would struggle to supply the existing force with quality equipment, never mind the absolutely essential conscripts. Russia has been increasing it’s military industrial capacity to wartime levels for two years. Building new factories and the supporting infrastructure as fast as they… Read more »

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_796958)
6 months ago

Overwatch Boxer with Brimstone has been mentioned on these pages to close out the 20 year capability gap since STRIKER was axed.

I agree your point. Shapps, Sunak, Cameron, Hunt – very interested (obsessed even) in rapidly and effectively supplying Ukraine with warfighting equipment and munitions; virtually totally disinterested in doing the same for our forces, especially the army – even when we are in a pre-War situation.

Spyinthesky (@guest_797329)
6 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

All very confusing, especially when you saw not long ago Truss fighting very hard to outdo others at being anti Putin while last week she seemed to be trying very hard in the company of someone too right wing and controversial for even Trump to stomach to out do others at looking like Putin.

Expat (@guest_797337)
6 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

But its more effective to defeat Russia with out ever having to fight them. A US politician highlighted this that for 10% of US defence budget was taking out a far great % of Russian forces = good use of defence funds. Let be honest if we go to war with Russia its going Nuclear, that was the thinking in the cold war, it’s not changed. NATO will hit targets within Russia to prevent supplies getting to the front lines, Russia miltary supplies will start drying up, supply lines from other countries will be fair game also. Strategically Russia will… Read more »

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_797345)
6 months ago
Reply to  Expat

I agree. Its a pity certain US Republicans have trouble seeing that Ukraine is fighting a proxy war for the West against our biggest and closest threat thereby reducing it, as well as an existential war for themselves.

DaveyB (@guest_797707)
6 months ago
Reply to  Expat

The easiest option would be to cut off the head of the snake. But leave in place elements of lower levels of Government to maintain order. Whereby the decapitation can bring about a negotiated ceasefire without Russia loosing too much face.

Expat (@guest_797880)
6 months ago
Reply to  DaveyB

I agree but easier said than done.

Ian M
Ian M (@guest_797039)
6 months ago

There has been an ARES overwatch platform demo’d. It has Brimstone, just needs some Mandarin to get the chequebook out I suspect.

Paul.P (@guest_797140)
6 months ago
Reply to  Ian M

I’m a bit confused. Do we not need 2 different vehicles: an overwatch vehicle with Brimstone and a tank killer with a shorter range missile like Javelin to augment the tank force?

Ian M
Ian M (@guest_797185)
6 months ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Not a call I’m qualified to make Paul. Max and min ranges for Brimstone are probably the question to answer here.

Paul.P (@guest_797300)
6 months ago
Reply to  Ian M

Yes; cost too, I would have thought.

Louis (@guest_797223)
6 months ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Javelin on RWS for Ares and Boxer have already been ordered.

Paul.P (@guest_797295)
6 months ago
Reply to  Louis

Ah! Thx

Spyinthesky (@guest_797333)
6 months ago
Reply to  Paul.P

There have been proposals for Martlet/Starstreak combos which could give a decent short range capability with some anti land capability. Just not sure how much capability Martlet has against armoured vehicles is there any evidence to go on.

Paul.P (@guest_797342)
6 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

I believe Martlet was developed for the RN as a weapon system for Wildcat with an intended target set of small boats/attack craft. I think it was developed from Starstreak, has a similar range and uses the same guidance system. I don’t believe the warhead is effective against anything but a lightly armoured vehicle. Happy to be proved wrong of course.

Joe16 (@guest_797370)
6 months ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Yep, that’s about where I understand them to be too. Not sure how helpful it would be mounted on a vehicle- because it’s laser guided; the launch platform will need to be LOS with the target all the way to impact…
Would rather see Brimstone, and if we need something smaller then involvement in some of the new stuff that France is sending to Ukraine may be an idea. If it’s MBDA we might be able to snag some domestic manufacture.

Paul.P (@guest_797375)
6 months ago
Reply to  Joe16

I think France is supplying Ukraine with a selection of air defence missiles: SAMP/T, Crotale and Mistrale.

Ian M
Ian M (@guest_797325)
6 months ago
Reply to  Louis

Hi Louis, I’m aware that Javelin has been trialled and can be fitted to the Kongsberg 151 (RS4 now), not aware of any money being spent, especially on AJAX.

Louis (@guest_797344)
6 months ago
Reply to  Ian M

34 of the 93 Ares are ‘formation reconnaissance overwatch’ with Javelin. 62 of the original Boxer order of 523 are recce/fire support with Javelin.

Ian M
Ian M (@guest_797464)
6 months ago
Reply to  Louis

Hi Louis, I’ve searched around and can find no evidence that the MOD has actually ordered any RS4’s with a Javelin fit. I’m well aware that it can be fitted and has been trialled before, just that there’s no cheque been written yet, as far as I can tell. Happy to be corrected though.

DJ (@guest_797467)
6 months ago
Reply to  Louis

Beat me to it. Worldwide, a number of newer armoured (non tank) vehicles are coming standard with AT missiles built in. Just about every RWS manufacturer has versions with options that include 1 or more AT missiles. You can even have both.

Gavin Gordon
Gavin Gordon (@guest_797241)
6 months ago

Though there’s also the simpler and faster Wolfram project to mount on Supercat flatbed, following from lessons learnt in Ukraine, I see.

Spyinthesky (@guest_797318)
6 months ago

We respond very well in an emergency, all manner of fast and innovative solutions come to the fore, sadly we still don’t get that this is an emergency at home too yet. But don’t worry we will no doubt get the ‘we will fight them on the beaches…’ speech from whoever is PM at the time, it just won’t be convincing this time around, indeed half the population will be angrily demanding to know why we aren’t prepared while the other half will be arguing for reduced defence spending and a bunch of roses to be sent to Putin.

George (@guest_797400)
6 months ago

Agreed. It’s time to turn that around. Anyone fancy a peaceful demonstration on Tower Bridge to make that point. It seems they take notice if of demos there.

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_796800)
6 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

Something like this perhaps?
WDS 2024: General Dynamics displays MBDA Brimstone missile integration on its TRX UGV


Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_796975)
6 months ago
Reply to  Nigel Collins

Interesting that it is on a robotic platform. Yes, we need something, anything to replace STRIKER.

PETER FRID (@guest_796764)
6 months ago

OT. For those of you that like swatting trolls JohninMK has raised his dubious head in the comments section of the Warzone on their latest Ukraine Situation Report.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_796770)
6 months ago
Reply to  PETER FRID

This SITREP needs to be sent to @Airborne for processing.

farouk (@guest_796825)
6 months ago

Watched this last night, most revealing:
Britain x Ukraine | Access All Areas on Operation INTERFLEX (Documentary)

Its a British MOD video on the training Ukrainian soldiers receive in the Uk,

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_796827)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

YouTube mate?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_796834)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

OK found it.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_796838)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

Just watched.

farouk (@guest_796841)
6 months ago

Recognized the training areas, as well as some of the British squaddies, really impressed with the training esp trench clearance which goes a long way in revealing that western military tactics has been pivotal in ensuring the Ukrainians are able to stand up to the Russian army on the FEBA

farouk (@guest_796844)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

Talking of recognising the training areas, the BBC is a f-ing joke:
Ukraine soldiers in combat-training at secret camp in East Anglia
Gee, I wonder where that could be?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_796849)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

Narrows it down somewhat doesn’t it for those who follow this stuff. Utter muppets.
To be fair, any knowledge of the ATA’s and varied Camps/FIBUA facilities in the UK will give one enough to go on but at least let the bastards work it out.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_796848)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

So did I, 2 places, one with Nissen Huts and the other, close by to it,

Jim (@guest_796893)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

Not bad for a “small island that no one listens to anymore” 😀

Jacko (@guest_796797)
6 months ago
Reply to  PETER FRID

I’m sure he will soon be sussed and sent packing with a boot up his arse

Airborne (@guest_796882)
6 months ago
Reply to  PETER FRID

Clocked him and his previous extended period of time on the warzone spouting the same shit as on here. I just popped over and said hello.

grizzler (@guest_797348)
6 months ago
Reply to  Airborne

Was he pleased to see you ….

Tom (@guest_796775)
6 months ago

Is Russia winning this war?

Frank62 (@guest_796782)
6 months ago
Reply to  Tom

Clearly it’s original objective of toppling Ukraine’s democratic free govenment & bringing her back into the Russian empire fold in 3 days has failed. She’s confined to occupying Crimea & much of Donetsk & Luhansk regions. But she is holding ground their generally & has suffered heavy losses. The Black sea fleet has been heavily hit & largely confined to port as far away fro UKR missiles/drones as prudent. But-UKR has been devestated, suffered terrible losses & is still held back from doing better by limited supplies & support from the west, even over 2 years into the war. The… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Frank62
Jim (@guest_796897)
6 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

It’s no longer possible for Putin to win in Ukraine, he may eventually claim some form of Pyrrhic victory by holding on to the land bridge in the south but he already had Crimea and the Donbas before the war. Putin being badly defeated by the poorest country in Europe where he had every military advantage does not board well for any attempt against a NATO member. Our principal concern was the the Baltics, Putin regime won’t be repeating their Ukrainian adventure against any NATO member because they know how shit they are now, just how capable NATO weapons are… Read more »

Jonathan (@guest_797311)
6 months ago
Reply to  Tom

It all depends on what the objectives and win state are…look at Afghanistan the west essentially destroyed the Taliban and removed them from power, but in the end lost that war completely. The fact is the Russian win state was to behead the leadership of Ukraine and place its own puppet in power that would have the support of a reasonable percentage of the population to ensure it stayed a stable ally of russia while the political warfare people worked on the rest of the population… That win state failed catastrophically, russia is now hated by the entire population it’s… Read more »

Frank62 (@guest_796777)
6 months ago

Good job too. HMG also need to be rebuilding UK armed forces & increasing our own ammo stocks. Sadly that’s up to 200 Russian AFVs etc & their crews who will be snuffed out or injured for Putin’s ego.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796785)
6 months ago
Reply to  Frank62


Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_796793)
6 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

👍Hopefully snuffed out.

farouk (@guest_796779)
6 months ago

Like most on this board. I am happy to see support for the Ukrainians continue. But and a big but, what I cannot understand is how this (and no doubt the next one) ruminates and procrastinates over supporting the British armed forces. All we hear from the Gov is : “Look, at how much money we are spending on the British armed forces” And then when we look at the small print, we find that they not only intend to drag out that spend (Looks at Type 26 build, F35 purchase, MH procurement, Wedgetail debarkle) they continue to cut back… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by farouk
Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796787)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

Very true words 🍺

MT1 (@guest_796816)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

Sadly, very true. UK Government would rather take the cheap option of weapons to Ukraine rather than invest in our own military. We of course could and should do both. This isn’t new for UK however, rather than invest in more RAF Regiment Field Squadrons during Iraq/Afghan conflicts they simply stated we didn’t need SHORAD anymore and what was needed could be handled by the Army. Thankfully they were right, the Ukraine war has shown air defence isn’t important… oh wait..

Jim (@guest_796899)
6 months ago
Reply to  MT1

Are our SHORAD missile not currently performing exceptionally well in Ukraine? For years everyone has been slating the UK for not having SHORAD despite the fact that starstreak was still relatively new and available in decent numbers. In Ukraine it’s performed amazing work. CAMM appears to be the best all round missile system in class in the medium domain. Where we are lacking is Theatre level long range system, however the argument that such systems are A stupidly expensive and B not that useful holds more water after seeing how badly S400 has done. I’m all for us making a… Read more »

MT1 (@guest_796950)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Jim, I agree with you, I was being sarcastic. The RAF certainly need to get back to having something like Patriot or SAMP/T

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796969)
6 months ago
Reply to  MT1

Absolutely 👍

Jim (@guest_796898)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

The Torys have been doing this for hundreds of years. That being said in budget terms things have now largely stabilised as we are so close to the NATO threshold we can’t cut much, procurement is improving to a certain extent in that we are stretching procurements like F35 out but at no penalty cost. We don’t have any more MRA4,TSR2 prospects at present. Also we are adding capabilities in areas like Cyber and space but that’s being done at the expense of traditional capabilities. We are boosting numbers at sea with each capability being significantly better and in some… Read more »

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796976)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

A lot what you say Jim is true but don’t be over confident 👍

DJ (@guest_797483)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Have a quick look around your house. China is not just a Pacific problem. If China, Taiwan, South Korea & Japan are at war, just about every electronic gadget you own, every computer everywhere, every cash register, electronics based medical equipment, your local bank, transport system, motor vehicle etc etc will be on life support. The west went cheap & bought from the cheapest supplier. They allowed government owned Chinese companies to buy whoever they liked with the money the west gave them. East Asia looked to the future & invested accordingly. Nobody else bothered, they looked at ‘but they… Read more »

Spyinthesky (@guest_797383)
6 months ago
Reply to  farouk

Only good thing is we may end up having more ‘AWACS’ aircraft than Russia soon.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796784)
6 months ago

Sure Brimstone will be put some Soviet AFVs etc ,out of Action but there really need that green light from the USA for more Ammunition .Has Ukraine are runing low .Europe could increase stock levels but Ammunition factories still running and peace time leaves.Unless something is done soon Russia Tanks may after all be in Kiev 🤔

Jim (@guest_796900)
6 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

How would Russian tanks get to Kiev? I can’t see Belarus repeating 2022 again.

Russian tanks could not drive to Kiev from Russia even without the Ukrainians shooting at them. There logistics limit them to 20 miles from a rail head.

Their o when sitting in a fortified position but their army is completely incapable of manoeuvre warfare.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796977)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Really Jim 🙄 don’t be surprised .

Pongoglo (@guest_797573)
6 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

Actually Andrews right – there are plenty of Russian tanks in Kiev – burnt out hulks on public display in Mykhailivska Square 🇺🇦👍

JK (@guest_796788)
6 months ago

Weren’t Ukraine supposed to have won by now? I thought that was the whole reason we were sending them so many weapons/money. If this thing is just going to go on for another decade or until Ukraine run out of men, wouldn’t it be better to negotiate some sort of peace, even if it means Ukraine giving up land? Neither side is going to give up, and I’d quite like to see people on both sides stop dying.

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_796794)
6 months ago
Reply to  JK

F-16s arriving this summer, let’s wait and see how Russia survives after that. They have already been green-lighted for legitimate targets inside Russia so one can guess what they will be.

Paul T
Paul T (@guest_796822)
6 months ago
Reply to  Nigel Collins

If you are expecting the arrival of a few F16’s to make a significant difference to the War and its outcome you might be dissapointed.

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_796863)
6 months ago
Reply to  Paul T

Well, they seem to be doing very well with what they have at present and 60 will make a very big difference.

“Denmark is one of the countries, along with the US, the UK, France and Romania, that train Ukrainian pilots. The total number of F-16s Ukraine could receive is as many as 60.”

Feb 19, 2024,09:46pm ESTSukhoi Massacre: Ukraine Has Shot Down Six Of Russia’s Best Jets In Just Three Days

Spyinthesky (@guest_797385)
6 months ago
Reply to  Nigel Collins

7 with a possible 8th unconfirmed and of course another AWACS of which they have very few.

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_797402)
6 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

I very much doubt you will see many of them flying in Ukrainian territory once the F-16s arrive, hopefully with long-range air-to-air missiles and fitted with Meteor as a bonus.

Last edited 6 months ago by Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_796866)
6 months ago
Reply to  Paul T

30 Nov 2023
The integration of the Meteor missile is possible on the F-16 fighter jet due to the use of the modern MIL-STD-1760 Aircraft/Store Electrical Interconnection System, which allows the use of this type of missile by updating the software and recording the relevant information.”

Ukraine’s F-16s Could Come With These Weapons
A detailed breakdown of the munitions Ukraine is likely to get, and some it is less likely to get, with its F-16s.


Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_796905)
6 months ago
Reply to  Nigel Collins

Why broadcast the whole list of weapons, be selective. Let your adversaries figure it out first hand. Ukraine needs any advantage it can get at the moment.

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_796915)
6 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Good morning Quentin D63, They will know what weapons the F-16 carries or might carry.

The question is, what will they carry on any given day!

Jim (@guest_796929)
6 months ago
Reply to  Nigel Collins

Would be nice to see what happens to the Mig31 on over watch if meteor suddenly shows up.

I could image it having a similar effect in the air as stormshadow had on the ground.

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_796994)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

I doubt you will see many Russian aircraft straying over the boarder that’s for sure!

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796984)
6 months ago
Reply to  Paul T

Hopfuly your wrong ,but I agree with you one can’t be over confident like have said to some other poster 🤔

farouk (@guest_796823)
6 months ago
Reply to  JK

What you are saying and promoting is appeasement and as we have seen throughout history appeasement doesn’t make for a safer world (As the people who promote that stance claim, rather it makes for a an unsafer world, where those who have got their way (Japan, Italy, Germany and Russian during the 1930s, felt emboldened to try their luck) Let’s be honest here other nations are watching how the world treats Moscow in regards their own empire building, we know for a fact that China covets its neighbourhood, Venezuela Guyana, Turkey the Eastern Med, Argentina regards the Falkland’s. The only… Read more »

Airborne (@guest_796883)
6 months ago
Reply to  JK

Not really, they were expected to lose in 72hrs! Hence now why they are holding their own, and ensuring that the Russians are taking losses which would be expected to be given by NATO. A destroyed Russian tank, crew killed, by a western weapon system, operated by a Ukrainian is still the expected result of western weapons on Russians. Who cares who is pulling the trigger, the Ukrainians are doing the hard work, we are giving them the means to do so. Win win for NATO, and Ukraine. However over time Putins Nazis will learn, re-arm and the chase continues.

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_796918)
6 months ago
Reply to  JK

Do please remind everyone of any time when appeasing a murderous dictator like Putin ever worked out well.

Jim (@guest_796921)
6 months ago
Reply to  JK

You may have noticed but we not at war so how would we negotiate a peace. Ukraine’s at war and they dont want to negotiate, our contributions are minimal.

Gavin Gordon
Gavin Gordon (@guest_797247)
6 months ago
Reply to  JK

Sorry, JK. I’m sure we’d all ‘like to teach the world to sing’, as it were. However, earlier watched the Russian expert Justin Bronk, RUSI on the latest Perun broadcast. Obviously watch it all with regard to your above; but I’d recommend taking especial note of the open section during the final few minutes.

Spyinthesky (@guest_797388)
6 months ago
Reply to  JK

Don’t remember any time limit, just surviving was the original goal. The trouble with negotiations would be that it would freeze the war so Russia can gave another go after rebuilding over the following years, give much of Ukraine to Russia and they would as things stand insist on no NATO or I suspect EU membership for Ukraine ever and demilitarisation which would only make an eventual take over certain. They would also insist on full removal of sanctions which would be a disaster for the rest of us and a threat to our own European soverienty. The hoped for… Read more »

Micki (@guest_796811)
6 months ago

What about the increasing in british defence spending ?

Jon (@guest_796925)
6 months ago
Reply to  Micki

Ask Mr Sunak. He clearly feels because he has no comprehension of Defence, nor have the voters. So he’d rather talk about spending on health and transport and try for tax cuts.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_796985)
6 months ago
Reply to  Micki

Good luck with that one Micki 🤗

Rob Young
Rob Young (@guest_796812)
6 months ago

Good news to offset the American failings – they were quite happy to spend on their failed interventions in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc, but DT and his party are really letting the West down where it actually matters.

Pete ( the original from years ago)
Pete ( the original from years ago) (@guest_796878)
6 months ago

First real confirmation I’ve seen that the river crossing Turkey shoot was indeed Brimstone. Remember at time commenting on so many hulls around the crossing but zero signs of craters

Joe16 (@guest_797369)
6 months ago

Yes, I was interested by that too- there’s been next to nothing about Brimstone in the 2 years that it’s been in service. Not sure whether that’s a good sign or not…

pete (@guest_797422)
6 months ago
Reply to  Joe16

I think the lack of ‘news’ is due to lack of video. If they have eyes on a target they are going to use much lower cost artillery or perhaps MLRS or drones. If they don’t have eyes on a target but they know that there is something big and heavy lurking in a box somewhere then Brimstone comes into its own….but unlikely to have any video and therefore not newsworthy. Lack of numbers will also be an issue. Sounds like UP has received a fresh batch and therefore more older inventory is being released.

pete (@guest_797423)
6 months ago
Reply to  pete

‘…sounds like UK…’

Joe16 (@guest_797918)
6 months ago
Reply to  pete

Fair point, you’re less likely to have drone footage at the range and method that Brimstone engages.

Spyinthesky (@guest_797420)
6 months ago

If it’s the one I was thinking of where they took out the pontoons and whatever was on them or n the Ukrainian side, as soon as they were constructed it suggested at the time in reports it was accurate artillery fire. Brimstone makes more sense I have to say as targets would have been moving and there was no sign of concentrated fire just wrecks.

pete (@guest_797425)
6 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Indeed. Thats the one I was recalling. Hulls scattered everywhere with lots of Turret tossing evidence and, as you say, damaged pontoon but little in way of craters. Siverskyi Donets river crossing I think

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_796904)
6 months ago

If you’re going to tell everybody about this at least then send 400! Why tell all your adversaries the exact numbers ? Lol 😁 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇦🇺

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_797322)
6 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Political Grandstanding.

Spyinthesky (@guest_797421)
6 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Maybe they are actually sending 100.

George (@guest_797399)
6 months ago

The stupidity continues. We should be pushing hard to get a ceasefire, not adding fuel to the fire. The people of the region cannot wait for a change of US president to stop the killing. I know what I’ve said previously but they have suffered enough for giving the world communism. It’s time to end this madness. Ceasefire, peace talks and then partition along ethnic lines. The same solution as Yugoslavia. NATO will still have it’s buffer zone, Russia will still have it’s Black Sea port/fleet, Luhansk and Donbas People Republics. More importantly Ukraine will still exist (even if it… Read more »

Jacko (@guest_797450)
6 months ago
Reply to  George

Ah yes a cease fire the answer to all of the world’s problems! How many ceasefires and agreements have the Orcs broken as soon as they are ready to push again? I take it you have heard Pootins ramblings he is not going to stop till he has his soviet empire under his control again.

George (@guest_797692)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jacko

Come on Jacko. I’m as willing as the next Tom to accept a military solution. There are few things that can’t be solved with the proper application of high explosives. But don’t you think enough people have died caught between the squabbles of greedy oligarchs, megalomaniacal leaders and outside interest. Both sides in this war qualify as Orcs being founders of the corrupt USSR. They have both broken agreements too and overthrown elected leaders with coups. So lets leave the racial slurs to the ignorant and immature children. It’s time to work towards peace. The first step is a ceasefire… Read more »

Jacko (@guest_797729)
6 months ago
Reply to  George

So what do you propose then? Cease fire in place as of positions now? Leaving UKR citizens in the control of pootin? You know as well as I do that as soon as he has built up his forces he will go again! IF he gets UKR is he going to stop not in this world! if seeing that appeasement doesn’t work then ok I’m a war dog. This can end tomorrow if he was to stop and withdraw to his own borders .in your logic if we were to be invaded and the likes of Suffolk etc were occupied… Read more »

George (@guest_797838)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jacko

We are not Ukraine and the circumstances are completely different. No Russian speakers have lived in Suffolk for the past 300+ years or more. Neither has Suffolk ever been under Moscow control. The contested area is a bombed out wasteland. The people are mostly ethnic Russian. (Arguably citizens of the Luhansk and Donetsk Peoples Republics!) It’s not appeasement, not even close. Something is going to have to give for this to end. Only our arms supplies are keeping the slaughter going. So we could stop it. It’s now blatantly clear that the Russian military is incapable of taking on any… Read more »

Jacko (@guest_797935)
6 months ago
Reply to  George

It was just an IF question as I’m sure you realise. You are sounding like Pootin going on about 300 yr old history.the fact is Ukraine decided by democratic means they did not want to be part of or ruled by Russia! The breakaway regions of course were a point of friction but despite claims to the contrary I didn’t see entire cities/towns razed to the ground and even now the civilians are not being targeted in those areas,unlike the ‘liberation’ of ‘Russian’ territory from the Ukrainians. This war was started and can be ended today by that madman in… Read more »

George (@guest_797989)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jacko

It sounded like the Suffolk example was given as a comparison. But it’s irrelevant really. Let me give a more comparable hypothetical example. If SNP Scotland decided to split from the rest of the UK of Great Britain. Berwick having been part of both countries at various times, could be given the choice of joining either. Imagine they had a referendum and decided to go with one or other of England or Scotland. Ten years later, they realised it was the wrong choice for reasons of incompatibility or even prejudice. Deciding instead to become an independent town/city state, pending a… Read more »

Jacko (@guest_798016)
6 months ago
Reply to  George

Righto it seems it’s beyond your understanding that Russia has invaded a sovereign country and they are now fighting for their very existence.i know your not a troll or a bot but their really is no excuse for what has been done whatever the history of both countries! Have a nice day because a lot of people aren’t.

George (@guest_798045)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jacko

That’s fine Jacko. We are all the sum total of our personality type and experiences. Therefore interpreting things differently. At least we can discus it like adults and agree to differ. FYI My formative years were spent opposing the Warsaw Pact and the USSR. (To the point of professional obsession, looking for exploitable weaknesses..) Ukraine was an active and very important part of the USSR/Red Army from day one. I have stories not suitable for this forum, that would shock you! Admittedly I find it hard to consider them just another democracy. Both came from the very same ideology and… Read more »

Cognitio68 (@guest_798543)
6 months ago
Reply to  George

This is not about Ukraine. This is about Russia. This is about a Russia which is led by an individual who has malign intent and is a danger to the West. He defines himself as an opponent to us and he maintains his position by confronting us. He kills Russians to maintain his position. He would have no qualms about killing Brits to do the same. Ukraine is the place where we’re confronting him because it’s better to do it there than in the Baltics or Finland.

George (@guest_798571)
6 months ago
Reply to  Cognitio68

I appreciate that view point. But don’t you think the people of Ukraine regardless of ethnicity (and Russians) have been pawns in this game long enough? Is there anything else to be gained by NATO if this war continues. Other than emphasising our inability to militarily out produce enemy alliance. Russia, N Kores, Iran, Syria and the ChiComs. (Plus anyone else they can drag in, Argentina for example.) We are rapidly depleting our ability to wage war when the time comes. It is coming, no argument. The enemies will take advantage of our weakness by opening multiple fronts. Kaliningrad, Ukraine,… Read more »

UKDJ (@guest_799184)
6 months ago
Reply to  George

Don’t pretend you give a damn about Ukrainian’s, if you did you would listen to what they’ve actually got to say.

If you want them to surrender to Russia for your own benefit or cowardice or worldview then just admit it.

George (@guest_799238)
6 months ago
Reply to  UKDJ

Who the hell mentioned surrender?
Who are you calling a fucking coward?
So much for journalistic integrity.