The idea of establishing a British-led naval task force in the Black Sea has been put forward as a critical response to Russian aggression and a step toward reinforcing NATO’s presence in the region.

The concept, detailed in a recent article in Britain’s World, the Council on Geostrategy’s online magazine, explores how the UK could reshape the geopolitics of the Black Sea through deeper engagement with regional allies like Romania.

Britain’s World offers expert analyses on Britain’s global posture, publishing articles such as “The Case for a British Task Force in the Black Sea” by James Rogers and George Scutaru. This memorandum underscores the strategic significance of the Black Sea, where Russia has pursued its revisionist agenda most forcefully.

The article argues that:

“If Kyiv loses the war, the threat from Russia will grow; and if the Ukrainians win or receive security guarantees, the threat from Russia will not subside. Should the Kremlin remain in control of Crimea, it will possess a platform from which to strike Ukraine and contest the Black Sea.”

The authors outline potential threats, including:

“Blocking perimeters under the pretext of naval exercises, placing real or fake mines, intense electronic warfare, jamming and spoofing GPS signals, abusive ship inspections, cyber attacks, and disinformation campaigns.”

To address these challenges, the article proposes a joint British-Romanian naval task force to uphold security and freedom of navigation in the Black Sea. It highlights Romania’s growing strategic importance, particularly its Neptun Deep gas project, which could reduce European reliance on Russian energy.

The authors note:

“Romania is particularly important because it is building a large gas project… By 2027, Romania plans to become the European Union’s largest gas producer by exploiting up to 100 billion cubic metres from these offshore fields.”

The proposal suggests leveraging Romanian shipyards to construct warships compliant with the Montreux Convention, which limits naval re-entry to the Black Sea. It recommends using the Type 31 frigate as a cost-effective and flexible option:

“A fleet of four Type 31 class frigates—two procured by Romania and two by the UK—could provide significant operational flexibility, carrying advanced weapon systems and mission-specific payloads, including undersea drones and mine-clearance equipment.”

The article further asserts:

“Just two operational Type 31 class frigates could contain up to 328 missiles, which, when working in tandem with NATO air and land forces, would provide a formidable defensive screen with which to strengthen the alliance’s posture in the Black Sea.”

The value of Britain’s World

This memorandum, featured in Britain’s World, highlights the magazine’s role in delivering thought-provoking analyses on geopolitics, defence, and foreign policy. By exploring ambitious and complex issues, such as a British task force in the Black Sea, the magazine provides a platform for high-profile contributors and in-depth strategic discussions.

Britain’s World offers readers regular insights into the United Kingdom’s evolving role on the global stage, making it a valuable resource for those interested in understanding how Britain navigates an increasingly complex international landscape.

Subscribers can access articles, memorandums, and expert commentary that continue to shape discussions on the UK’s position in the world.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Right now I’d welcome a British Naval task force operating in the waters around the British Isles. Problem is we have too many clown politicians “self-pleasuring themselves” over meeting a reality detached objective of meeting a NATO minimum spending target. The fact that this funding wasn’t enough to sustain defence capabilities is completely lost to them. Next time a Tory politician opens his mouth and brags about it somebody should metaphorically give them a smack in the mouth,

  2. Obviously deploying ‘just 2’ ships to the Black Sea makes them unavailable for other NATO taskings, so the meaningful question is whether the Black sea is the most useful place to deploy, given a finite number of hulls. If NATO naval assets are required there then it seems more logical for Italy or Turkey to provide them.

  3. Essentially your tying 10% of the UKs major surface combatants into an enclosed sea that has almost no strategic value to the UK.

    Yes it’s a great way to combat Russia, but I would challenge.

    1) The flexibility of the approach and best use of RN surface combatants to support UK global interests ( supporting our strategicly important sea lanes and straits).
    2) if you assume one is available, the viability of One UK surface combatants ability to survive in an enclosed sea so close to a peer.
    3) of all NATO powers this specific job should be turkeys and the other Black Sea nations. Not the nation with a core responsibility for the northern seas and North Atlantic.

    • Hmmme

      Well Ergodan spends all his time playing the ends against the middle.

      So pot stirring is endemic…..look at the S400 / F35B fiasco….he got an aircraft carrier with no aircraft in exchange for having no land AAW system….

      Turkey is half-in half-out of NATO given its cosying up to Putin.

      All that said we did send a T45 into the Black Sea before the ballon went up?

      Is A140 the best platform – depends what is bolted onto it.

      All that said there has to be an international way of calming what is going on in the Black Sea. Trouble is given the grey zone warfare I’d not be surprised if mines were ‘floated’ into the path of ships….so a good sonar fit is called for.

      • Hi SB,

        I’m not sure that it is possible to calm things down anywhere at the moment. Russia has made grey area warfare it’s normal modus operandi and been getting away with it for at least 20 years (the Soviets occasionally ‘knocked off’ a defector but basically played by the rules). China and Iran are likewise pushing their luck these days (although Iran has had a serious slap of late).

        As such I think any attempt to calm things down with a show of strength will need to be backed up with strength in depth. Two RN T31’s built in Romania might calm the Black Sea down a bit, but without a significant increase in RN strength covering the Eastern Atlantic, North Sea and North Norway there is little to stop the Russians (or any other rogue actor) from simply interfering with off-shore infrastructure in these areas. Also, we have been strengthening our relationships with NATO allies around the Baltic, so I would put the Baltic ahead of the Black Sea for our interests.

        However, the article does pose a potential future weakness for NATO, namely the gas pipelines that will be required if Romania is to supply the EU with gas. Russian crewed merchant ships dragging their anchor has become a serious threat these days, let submarine set explosives…

        We still need a much bigger navy but it seems need does not make it onto the political agenda.

        Cheers CR

      • Erdogan’s Turkey maybe has more than you think. Their well publicised UAV programme along with plane manufacture, is being being mirrored by an extensive naval production, with 31 ships and submarines currently in build costing an estimated spend of $8bn over the next few years. The new carrier isn’t a replacement for Trakya (the Anadolu sister ship), so Turkey hopes to have two hybrid LHD/carriers like the current Anadolu, and a STOBAR carrier the size of the Queen Elizabeth class, convertable to CATOBAR. By the end of the decade they will have completely refreshed their currently aging fleet and will still be building. Somehow we spend £1.5bn a year on our surface fleet which is nevertheless shrinking rapidly.

        Why Britain would wan to join with Romania in the Black Sea is beyond me.

    • Afternoon mate, that’s not how I read this article. Believe ( might be wrong), that Romania builds these 4 ships , 2 of which we pay for and crew, (a difficult proposal for our finances I know).
      Being built in Romanian yards means they cane stay in the Black sea, and this would obviously raise our numbers of T31 frigates to 7.
      The drawback being that they would probably be based entirely in this region, so we would be playing at being a policeman much like the US currently does. My take on it only.,

  4. Simply dreaming as there are NO available Ships for such a tasking and will not be for the foreseeable future as the RN is way too small even to defend the UK, Not going to happen so another load of hot air coming from the uneducated. RN Escort Fleet insufficient to cover the basics today even if they had the 19 minimum they should have today.
    There are NATO countries that border the Balck Sea, its their job to look after it not ours.

    • Selling a couple of A140s to Romania would be a plus and maybe Bulgaria and even Ukraine too if able to be constructed in Romania. Aren’t they later going more for the French FDI frigates? Expect competition from Turkey who are already building couple of ships for Ukraine, corvettes i think?
      And building a few more T31s would help the RN be in a few more critical places too!

    • Selling a couple of A140s to Romania could be a plus and maybe Bulgaria and even Ukraine too if able to be constructed in Romania. Aren’t the later going more for the French FDI frigates? Expect competition from Turkey who are already building couple of ships for Ukraine, corvettes i think?
      And building a few more T31s would help the RN be in a few more critical places too!

    • The story suggests building two extra frigates for the UK in Romania not transferring any from elsewhere. It would mean a permanent UK presence in the black sea with the two vessels never leaving the area.

      T31 is a design which the UK are building anyway and crew could be trained in UK and deployed to Romania to operate the vessels, just as we already do with a type 23 frigate in the Gulf.

    • This new comments format is dismal. No edit facility & no email when someone replies. Plus we alll become “Space Invaders” icons. Exasperating.

  5. Dearie me……lets actually build dome 1st. Surely other nation(s) would be better suited. We (when built) still wont have any spare to casually assign here & there.

    Lets build them, get them into service, fitted with and assign them to OUR priorities. Turkey…..if really onboard with NATO can deploy

  6. Well that was a magnificently bonkers waste of pixels. It’s politically impossible for a government of any persuasion to build major surface combatants outside Scotland so the idea that two RN Type 31s will be built in Romania is ludicrous.

  7. Romanian English naval task force 🤦‍♂️
    Four frigates to control the black sea 🙅
    Romanian gas, missiles, Britains world vision, containing Russia, the light brigade. 🤹
    No ambassadors have spoken with Lavrov since the invasion, this ain’t the mid 20th century when there where no nukes.
    What we have here is the last leaders of our civilization squabbling over ‘allegedly’ the last of Earths resources.
    Make peace you imbeciles. 🫶✌️

    • 100%. The Russian Black Sea fleet has been based at Sevastapol Crimea since before the US war of independence, yet the author thinks putting Nato ships in the black sea is acceptable ? The Wests empire building project seems more real than Russias

  8. The RN will be lucky to come out of the SDR with no cuts to the existing order book, let alone getting more T31s. Pie in the sky stuff.

  9. These think tanks can propose anything.
    HMG and HMT think differently, no matter how much grandstanding they indulge in.
    As it’s not a vital artery like the Indian Ocean, Med, Gulf, Red Sea, or our GIUK area, isn’t the Black Sea the last place we’d want to send assets anyway ?

  10. With the coming Strategic defence cuts (review) the R.N..will be reduced to little more than a coastal force.

    1 carrier to be sold/mothballed
    The orders for the type 26 and 31 Will be reduced
    At least another auxiliary ship Will be axed.

    The current government is not interested to defend Britain quite the opposite, even less than the previous one, they,re more interested to protect ilegal inmigrantes and to Islamize the country.

    • Oh yes of course they want to “Islamise” the country, it was in Thier manifesto just after “implement the great replacement program” what bonkers crap.

      • Have you read the news lately ? It,s very clear that Britain is already an islamised country where muslims have impunity, that you din,t want to see the reality doesn,t mean isn,t happening.

        • Do you live in the UK?

          Well obviously we have adopted Sharia law where I live I mean it’s obvious that any old local authority can just do that right?

          I would love to know what sort of “news” you read and watch If It weren’t obviously the sort owned by foreign billionaires or ex pats living in tax havens.

          Muslims have impunity to do what exactly? Pray at mosques, dress as they see fit?

          No your going the Muslim sex trafficking gangs aren’t you?

          Go on blame Kier Starmer for being head of the DPP at the time and show how little you understand of the way the law is implemented and works in the UK.

          • “Muslims have impunity to do what exactly?”

            Threats of violence as seen in their protests.
            You are no more equal under the law.

  11. A T45 or USN AB is essential as part of such a force for air defence. Also NATO air cover. Better still send much of NATOs amphibious assets(reactivate at least one of the Albions) & retake Crimea for UKR who it belongs to. There’ll be no security for UKR or the Black sea until the Rusian threat is contained. The US also needs a POTUS who doesn’t endorse invading neighbours & supports democracy & the rule of law.

  12. Stupid idea. We have already deployed Typhoons to Romania to boost their defences. Increasing that operation would be far more effective than sending under armed vulnerable frigates into an effectively landlocked sea where even Russia no longer dare risk its surface warships.
    Almost as daft an idea as the tilt to the Pacific.

    • The idea that we should commit new and expensive ships to protect future Romanian offshore gas production when the demented Miliband has stopped new licences for UK offshore drilling is laughable.

  13. IMHO The entire article is simply nonsense, the idea of an RN task force is about as sensible as 600 cavalry going for a gallop down a valley in Crimea.
    Zero RFA support, no suitable bases and in a sea full of mines and no one with a coastline on the Black Sea will be happy to see our presence. In addition Ukraine isn’t a member of NATO so why would we risk sending Warships into an active war zone, it’s just asking for trouble.

    The 2nd bright idea is to build a couple of T31 in Romania or that they would be eager to buy the design to reinforce their own fleet. To then say this is written by experts is just baffling as anyone who knows anything about the Geo Industrial reality of shipbuilding in Romania would know that there is a far more logical and quicker way to provide a NATO or EU task force in the Black Sea.
    The Dutch company Damen owns both of the major modern ship building yards in Romania and since 2010 all major Dutch warships are built there with final outfitting in Netherlands. Whats more those yards are presently building the hulls for 6 ASWF frigates for the Dutch and Belgian Navy’s and Romania is busy scoping a renewal of their Navy to protect their Gas facilities. Unfortunately they seem to be stalling when it actually comes to funding projects, so far Damen corvettes were planned then cancelled, French Go Wind Corvettes ditto and now 3 Scorpene SSK from Naval Group. Perhaps NATO or EU should step in and apply a bit of oversight and investment. Logically the highest priority would probably be to build some Damen OPV designs or CITY class MCMV motherships.

    So to summarise “Britains World” is Pie in the Sky and completely ignores the fact that the Dutch are in a way better position to provide a Black Sea solution for Romania than UK 😩

  14. The only advantage of this proposal would be to show Britain that the Type 31 can have a significant number of quad-packable Mk 41 silos, instead of what I expect us to get, 24 single-missile CAMM silos (or even only 12), eventually being suplemented with a cut-back number of Mk41s, maybe, if ever.

  15. A River class with a pop gun is sbout what coukd provide. Seriously, the dsys shen we could consider this sort of intervention are ling past. It just obscures what we really need, more aeroplanes and subs.

  16. The UK has absolutely no right to drag us into a war, to defend a Fascist renegade province of Russia. We should be friends with the Russian government after all they are a Christian capitalist economy, with the most popular leader in the world
    The simple fact is the ultra right wing conservatives, believe they can win a nuclear war, and steal the Russian resources, these people, Boris Johnson, and David Cameron, are loonballs, and should not be allowed near a tv, The fact they allow our missiles to be fired into Russia is an act of war.
    Imagine if Russia should respond with conventual weapons, this would rapidly, result in an nuclear exchange I do not believe that once Berlin, Paris, and London, are nuked, do you really believe America, would then put it’s cities on the front line, this war is over, Russia has won, yet Ukraine is still attacking civilians, which they have being doing since 2014, The European Union has been lying to the Russian since the CIA coup. where the Nazis took control even after murdering civilians in Midian, and Odessa, and 18,000 noncombatants in the Eastern republics, by the way Russia is still fighting in these, declared Republics. So the war could stop tomorrow, but how do you negotiate with an illegal fascist dictatorship

    • Our present crop of world politicians and elites are in my humble opinion the last leaders of our civilization if Donald the Maniac buys a bit of time for us that’ll be cool but things ain’t lookin’ good from where I’m sitting.
      My money’s on Israel firing the first nuke but it could be any of the imbecilic idiots including us.
      Peace ✌️ “you know it makes sense” ♾️❤️


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