An Airbus A400M airlifter has performed an air-bridge between Toulouse and Madrid in order to deliver critically-needed mask supplies to the Spanish health system.
The aircraft, known as MSN56 and operated by an Airbus crew, took off on 23rd March 2020 from Airbus’ headquarters in Toulouse at 18.07 local time (CET) landing at the Getafe Air Base (Madrid) at 19.05 to off-load and deliver the masks to the Spanish Ministry of Defence.
The cargo is part of the approximately 2 million masks transported over the weekend by a test Airbus A330-800 aircraft from Tianjin, China, to Europe.
This air-bridge will enable the delivery of a significant supply of masks to the Spanish public health network in support of current COVID-19 crisis efforts. This comes on top of donations by Airbus in recent days to provide thousands of masks to hospitals and public services around Europe. The Company will continue to support with additional flights planned to take place in the coming days in coordination with national authorities.
The picture shows the off-loading of the cargo at Airbus Getafe site in Madrid, Spain.
I’m hoping that once the virus is contained and a vaccine is made available, the World will attempt to co-ordinate a global response through an international organisation, that can call on military assets in times of contagion. Obviously, this body would operate under the W.H.O. and possibly the terms of strategic planning, but would be a joint effort, by nations to act more speedily in the event of an outbreak. I’m sure military assets would be allocated by all nations, to ensure that next time, the World could cope in a well-co-ordinated operation. Much will be learned from this virus, and how improvements can be quickly implemented for all our sakes.
I think given that China was the initial source of avian flu, swine flu, SARS and SARS-COV2 (roughly spaced five years apart) I think it is high time they closed down the wet markets that deal with endangered and rare animals like horse-shoe bats and Pangolin’s. If they refuse to close these awful and barbaric wet markets that lead to severe animal suffering and viral inter-species transmission routes then China should be locked out of the international markets. It’s no longer good enough for the wet to shrug its shoulders and ignore these inter-linked issues of the trade in live endangered species and viral inter-species transmission. Next time this pandemic may mutate into something far, far worse if we don’t. As an aside the latest research into Spanish flu indicated it started in 1917 in Northern China and workers from China needed on the Western front, in Canada and the US spread the virus. I also don’t believe the numbers China are pumping out. There is strong evidence that they had the virus in September. This would make sense as that is the end of the summer. There were significant numbers of migrant worker Chinese taking chest X-rays in Japan as shadows on the X-rays are early indicators of the virus penetrating into the respiratory tract. If one assumes that September was the initial outbreak in Wuhan you are probably looking at between 300-500,000 infected by December which again makes sense given the Chinese rushed the building of major new hospitals. Death rates in China are under-estimated as well as the population (not as much as Italy but still quite a lot) and their age demographics is not massively behind that of Italy. The WHO needs to do an independent study of what happened in China and get some figures everyone can rely upon rather than the current fabricated numbers.
I agree. China are probably not on their own
The way these peasant like people live is disgusting and disgraceful. No need for it.
China is a miserable place … it should be told so.
“I think it is high time they closed down the wet markets that deal with endangered and rare animals like horse-shoe bats and Pangolin’s. If they refuse to close these awful and barbaric wet markets that lead to severe animal suffering and viral inter-species transmission routes then China should be locked out of the international markets”
Hear Hear!
I agree, I’ve always felt that we treat China with kid gloves. Their human rights aren’t great. A lot of the poaching in Africa stems from the Chinese wanting Rhino horn, their environmental standards aren’t great. we are closing coal fuelled power stations and they’re opening them. Where I have a choice I dont buy Chinese product, unfortnately sometimes there is no choice
If I’m not mistaken, swine flu started in the USA. But yes, China should make a concerted effort to educate its rural population and stop these practices. But throughout the world, rural populations tend to be very traditional and highly distrustful of central governments. Won’t be easy
Most scientists agree that the likely origin of swine flu was China that then transferred to Mexico and then to the US. Sanctions from western nations to China would be an effective measure to enforce implementation – and yes that is absolutely feasible.
The irony is, these wet markets aren’t traditional, nor are they depended upon by peasants. They only began in 1980 and they cater for those looking to acquire unusual ‘delicacies’ rather than everyday basics to survive.
Like all hear I agree re the barbaric animal trade and indeed the general treatment of animals in China. This is their mess and the World should not forget it.
This whole China is helping thing is an attempt to change the narrative by China. Its cold calculation by them and certainly not altruism.
Looking ahead coronavirus is likely to seriously weaken the West financially and by implication seriously change the strategic balance in China’s favour. Its coming.
I would agree. For some reason there are lots of moronic left wing idiots in the UK and US that want to help China achieve financial dominance. For instance the reporter that said it was racist to call the virus the “China Virus”. Why precisely is that racist to call it the “China Virus”. Personally, if this happened through negligence, lack of transparency and deliberate actions then we are in our rights to call it the “China Virus”. This has now smashed the west financially, severely weakened our economies whilst China remains relatively unaffected by this virus. We must, absolutely must, force them to shutdown these wet markets. eliminate the trade in endangered animals and ensure that an international standard on animal and food hygiene is implemented world-wide; with a level playing field on standards set at a high level with international inspectors from WHO to check on compliance. This must also apply to Africa too as some of their populations eat “bush meat”.
Couldn’t agree more. In the future when a disease like this is detected as it emerges in whichever country. The country of origin should be locked down. This quarantine should be enforced by the whole world regardless of country of origin. Coronavirus should never have been allowed to escape China and spread around the world as it has.
China in response has done what to help the world? A few plane loads of equipment sent to Italy. Jez thanks China.
Meanwhile they are actively marketing their mass produced ventilators at full list price. Star Laboratory ICU ventilators for £16.5K . No discount. They should be loaning these to the world free of charge not trying to make a quick profit out of the worlds suffering.
Wet markets, if one is detected should be attacked immediately with a napalm or thermobaric weapon, this should be a world wide agreed process, no more dead and alive animals stored next to each other. No more reptiles sold alongside mammals and 100% definitely no bats at all. Bats are filthy animals and are hosts to some truelly frightening pathogens, coronavirus, SARS being examples.
China are now duff medical equipment and tests that don’t work…surprise, surprise…Who bets they sell a vaccine that blinds people, or cripples them next. I won’t trust any vaccine coming out of China…either invented or made. If that means i suffer from corona virus so be it…better than being poisoned by the Chinese communist government.
I will keep saying this for as long as people dont get it
Is it a conspiracy theory ? Make your own mind up
What fools have we all been about this country
The rise of China in the last 30 or so years has been to say in the least amazing
Now my 2 penneth
This was planed from the outset
Just think of all the outbreaks that have stemmed from that country in that time
It was all planed so that the Chinese Race will become masters of the world
Whilst the Western Economies and for that mater others as well put all there eggs in one basket because the labour cost were so cheep we have become reliant on China to such a degree that they know that we cant do anything without them first supplying at least some of the parts for whatever we want to manufacture
So using there own people as collateral damage they started this Corona virus They tried with the others but they never took off
Whilst we bankrupt ourselves trying to survive the Chinese will come along and buy up our debt and then without using there considerable military power begin to rule and own most of the world
So i hope the governments around the world wake up and stop all manufacture in China and make things in there own country
Thing is debt is only as good as the contract, so they can buy it all up, but at the end of the day the only collateral they can liquidate is within the terms of that contract; si they cant rule anything. With bonds, UK Govt promise to pay, but they dont have to, just get a massive hit to the SPR.
China are already there and dont need epidemics, so dont worry it just BAU.
This thread sums up for me some of the appalling attitudes displayed at times on UKDJ. Intolerant, bigoted, fundamentally ignorant, reactionary, conspiracy theory driven and downright stupid. Take a break guys….go wash your hands and whilst you are about wash your mouths out as well!
Well said sir, this is no time for ignorant Racist based comments about this World Pandemic or its origins.
What is racist about highlighting wet markets and the trade in endangered species or the lack of action when internally China had been dealing with this virus since end of September (I have friends in China that can confirm). They were not transparent and the communist government tried to hide the true extent and numbers (even now). We are highlighting the actions of the Chinese communist government and not Chinese people. I think it is you who are probably racist in my opinion as often I hear people shout racist at the first opportunity but are some of the most racist people you could meet underneath the mask they wear. This is a world-wide pandemic caused entirely by the Chinese communist government not banning the trade in endangered animals like the horse shoe bat and the pangolin and selling them live on wet markets where they are killed in front of customers in the most barbaric and inhuman circumstances. I’m deeply appalled at your attitude Nicholas as it shows a level of ignorance bordering on stupidity. I would level the same criticism at Herodotus whom has actually described himself quite well as intolerant, bigoted and fundamentally igorant and reactionary. Now please go and educate yourself about the crimes of the Chinese communist governent which include mass murder in the 1960s, the invasion and pillage of Tibet as well as the suppression of free speech. Not to mention these issues of wet markets which have now caused four major pandemics in the world.
You can cry all you want, I stand by my statement and I am sure “Herodotus” stands by his.
I think this one is a trifle dim Nicholas…..almost certainly not worth bothering with. His comments remind me of the old Baddiel and Skinner sketches about the infantile professors …..”see that lump of muck over there, that’s you that is’ ?
“trifle dim” is a good description. I thought this site dealt with UK based Military matters and not used as a stage for the likes of Self Righteous ranters like Mr Shaw?
Infantile comment and didn’t address the central issues. You have adequately described each other. Please grow up Herodotus and Nicholas and stop acting like children. As regards defence matters the negligent release of viruses is a major security and defence issue.
So I guess the pandemic fell out of the sky then….good to know you support the Chinese communist government…..also you support the trade in endangered species linked to wet markets
Your comment is more a reflection of you Herodotus. You have aptly described yourself