After a significant period of decline, Argentina has ceased to be a capable military force.

The Argentine air force recently retired its Mirage fighters with only a handful of them even flyable. The country also confirmed that all their Lockheed Martin A-4AR Skyhawk fighters have been grounded.

Argentine ground forces rarely have the resources for training and are vastly under equipped, their kit dates back to the 70’s and is in very short supply. In addition to this, the Argentine Air Force largely consists of a collection of obsolete aircraft mostly dating back to the 1970’s, which are frequently grounded due to poor serviceability.

The problems don’t stop there, their submarine crews despite benefiting from a recent upgrade need at least 190 days of immersion practice and in 2016 only spent 19 hours submerged. A similar situation is faced by their four destroyers, they don’t have any serviceable weaponry. According to IHS Janes

“The Argentine Air Force is drastically cutting staff working hours and decommissioning its last fighter aircraft amid continuing budget issues. A recently published daily agenda indicates that the service’s working hours have been significantly reduced, from 0800 to 1300; rationing of food, energy consumption, and office supplies has been directed headquarters staff and property residents; and only the minimum personnel required to staff headquarters, directorates, and commands are working.

This leaves the Argentine military with just one type of jet, the IA-63 which is subsonic, decades old and barely serviceable. Argentina had looked into buying new Gripen’s from Sweden via Brazil but this was vetoed by the United Kingdom which makes a large number of internal components for the aircraft. They had also looked at JF-17’s from China, but the JF-17s proved too expensive to modify.

When Barack Obama visited in March 2016, Air Force One was accompanied by US Air Force F-16’s because Argentina could only offer Pucarás and Pampas for air defence.

Former Argentine defence minister Julio Martinez recently criticised government policies towards the Armed Forces saying a lack of funds has caused more losses than the Falklands War.

“We have been able to begin the recovery of the Argentine Armed Forces, and the respect they deserve, since they are an institution of the democratic system”, said Martinez.

According to local media, when asked more specifically on his comments Martinez said that when he took office he was informed that during the South Atlantic conflict Argentina lost 72 aircraft, but “under Kirchnerism we lost over a hundred planes.”

Military aircraft ceased to operate because of “lack of maintenance, spares, refurbishing and simply because there no funds invested.”

He added that the Cordoba aircraft factory had a staff of 1.500, “and not a single aircraft was built in ten years”.

The last major purchase of aircraft to revamp the Argentine Air Force capacity was back in 1995 when 32 A4AR Sky-hawks were acquired from the United States, for 400 million.

According to Forecast International, recent reports indicating Argentina plans to purchase $2 billion worth of military equipment are unrealistic. The group say that for the time being, Argentina will have to rely on donations from other countries to fill the gaps in its military capabilities.

In a letter leaked to El Destape, Argentine ambassador to the U.S. Martin Lousteau listed equipment needed by the Argentine Army and Air Force to conduct peacekeeping missions, combat terrorism, and counter illegal trafficking. The list, which would be the envy of even the best-equipped militaries, included F-16 fighter jets, Stryker armored vehicles, air surveillance radar systems, AH-1 Cobra Helicopters, UH-60 and CH-47 transport helicopters, and anti-tank weaponry.

The list has become a scandal in Argentina, as political opponents of President Mauricio Macri have attacked him over its contents.

Since his election in 2015, President Macri has drastically cut government spending and subsidies. And, while these measures will improve the government’s finances and help the economy become more sustainable in the long-term, they are causing short-term hardships for many Argentine citizens who have been accustomed to receiving government subsidies.

Rumors that the Argentine military is purchasing advanced, and expensive, weaponry during a time of government austerity has angered those who are now suffering. It would be callous, to say the least, if the Argentine government were to spend $2 billion on advanced weaponry while cutting back on popular social services.

Argentina is not, however, planning to purchase this equipment. In February, former Minister of Defense Julio Martinez ruled out a purchase of fighter jets. So, that takes at least one item off the list. Furthermore, Forecast International conducted an analysis of the letter between Ambassador Lousteau and US Representative Pete Visclosky. Based on that analysis, Forecast International does not believe that Argentina’s government has any intention of purchasing the listed equipment.

The group say that Argentina just doesn’t have the means to purchase the equipment it listed. In 2016, Argentina’s defence budget was about $4.6 billion. And, with 73.9 percent of that funding going towards personnel expenses, there is little left over to acquire expensive equipment. Instead, Argentina will have to make due with purchasing less expensive equipment, such as T-6 Texan II trainer aircraft, and upgrading current equipment such as its IA-63 Pampa III.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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6 years ago

How strange to see the Type42 in such a state! I would not be surprised if other nations military assets suffer the same decline, as defence cost continue to eat into national budgets?

Ben P
Ben P
6 years ago
Reply to  maurice10

Most countries defence budgets hardly eat in to national budgets. 2% is nothing.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ben P

GDP is not a national budget.

6 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

Indeed. In the UK total government revenue for 2014-2015 was forecast to be £648 billion (37.7% of GDP) so on that figure a 2%-of-GDP defence budget would be 5.4% of national annual revenue. There are presumably more up to date actual figures available, those 2014-15 ones were just the ones that came up easily on a Google search and seem close enough for illustrative purposes.

6 years ago
Reply to  maurice10

The Argentine armed forces now compared to 82 is quite staggering. Then they had 400 aircraft including modern fighters. The navy had a carrier, a cruiser, newly built subs and state of the art destroyers and frigates.
Now they have nothing or as near damn to it.

andy reeves
6 years ago
Reply to  maurice10

looks like they’ve a bigger bug than we have

Peter Shaw
Peter Shaw
6 years ago

Never mind at least we don’t have to worry about Argentina for some time. The Falklands are safe for the foreseeable future.

8 months ago
Reply to  Peter Shaw

Don’t you think it would be a good opportunity for Russia or China? It would be wise if we would help them with military, you know they’re right next door, perfect way for Russia and China or North Korea to come through there in a military situation. We also have to be neighborly with Cuba because Russia.

Geoffrey Roach
Geoffrey Roach
6 years ago

The Falklands aside, and the UK is no threat, I have often wondered why Argentina needs a combative force at all. Geographically at the bottom of the world I would have thought a maritime patrol, rescue and scientifically orientated coastguard and air force together with transport and helicopter units would be very welcome.
Brazil and Chile are no threat and if they renounce their claim on the Falklands I dare say that even the UK would assist with equipment. Perhaps the world could confine one potential conflict to history.

6 years ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Roach

Could cut and paste any number of countries into that post chap – like Russia in the 90s/early 2000s.

The world could just be kewl. Unfortunately however there are people within it that don’t have such liberal ambition as to make love not war.
In cases such as Argentinas though i would wager a military force is just as much to keep stability *within* the state as it is to deter those outside. Because what happens to a nation with no money to keep people happy, no military to keep people in line, on a continent flooded by guns?

6 years ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Roach

Brazil is no treat, its actually a close Argentinian allied. But Argentina has pending territorry issues with Chile and Bolivia that could easily get nasty.

Chile is now a stable and growing country and Argentina cant stand to be that behind them. Chile has f16, Cobras, Scorpenes and type23, that difference tilts the region balance drastically.

Of course I dont think nothing will happen because Brazil would put a stop to it. But Argentinians are very proud (egocentric lol), so u never say never.

6 years ago

This is how defense spending would work under the opposition, continue with 2% every penny spent on perks and administration with nothing to show for it.

6 years ago
Reply to  BB85

In the UK it’s ‘defence’, and the tory government has a record on defence cuts that is shameful. Had they been made by a Labour government the right wing press would have howled loud and long, quite rightly. They are strangely silent.


[…] post Argentina has now ceased to be a capable military power appeared first on UK Defence […]

6 years ago

I agree with above comments-this is not a cause for rejoicing on our part. The loss of lives in the recent disappearance of one of their subs was a sad event and most likely related to the current collapse of the Argentinian Forces. My only thought is that no matter how bad things had become surely the Arg. Navy could have afforded the minimal measures required to at least keep that Type 42 afloat! If they could not afford to go to sea then at least the(free) labour available from enlisted personnel with nothing else to do could have been… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  geoff

Maintenance was the reason it sank. Apparently during maintenance a sea valve let go and flooded the machinery space. The crew couldn’t contain the flood and she capsized alongside. The metacentric height of the vessel was probably very high due to lack of fuel, stores, munitions etc onboard so it did not take a lot of water to make her unstable and tip over. Sea valves are an issue on all ships. A valve letting go is how the RN lost Endurance (No2) when a sea strainer became open to the sea and flooded the engine room. Luckily the water… Read more »

andy reeves
6 years ago
Reply to  geoff

incompetence is contagious, it would appear

Mr J Bell
Mr J Bell
6 years ago

Makes me wonder whether the flaklands do need a new £100 million air defence system? Land ceptor and new radar sets?
Perhaps we could use those systems for UK air defence. Do any of the UK mainland air, army or naval bases have early warning and interceptor radars and defensive missile systems?

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr J Bell

Understand your sentiments but best to keep Fortress Falklands in top condition. Things can change quite quickly and if the Argentinians do acquire new modern jets then the new AD system needs to be in place in advance.

Geoffrey Roach
Geoffrey Roach
6 years ago
Reply to  Mr J Bell

You might well be right Mr Bell. We obviously need to be wary though. History shows that things have a nasty habit if popping out of biting you in the a… when your not looking.
Having said that a decent air defence system and patrol vessel along with the threat that an Astute boat might be there could and maybe should result in personnel savings.
It wasn’t that long ago that we were all concerned about the Royal Marines being cut to save £50 million.

6 years ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Roach

The USN scrapped 24 VLS equipped and modernized Spruance Class DDG to save just 28 million dollars..


andy reeves
6 years ago
Reply to  Helions

could have have passed the best of them to us

6 years ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Roach

Of course the beauty of subs is that you can never be sure but, given the small size of our SSN fleet and the number of deployable boats that generates, together with the low threat environment down in the Falklands at the moment and all the other tasks we need our SSNs for, I would be extremely surprised if an Astute or Trafalgar has shown its face down there for a long time given how stretched they must be.

andy reeves
6 years ago
Reply to  Julian

having personal experience of that part of the world, i can say, it is the most hostile water any ship can operate in. kelp the food of the whale is so dense that it will clog up any system exposed onto the sea. i had to carry out 3 cleanings of filters every watch, those smelly, dense beasties, no wonder the argies are in such a mess.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr J Bell

Nope, the UK hasn’t had anything other than point defence sams since ditching Bloodhound in the early 90’s. The RAF Regiment were forced to give up their Rapier sams under New Labour, only the Army have a ground based surface to air capability now.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
6 years ago
Reply to  Mr J Bell

As Mark says. The RAF maintain the RAP through the ASCS force which gets input from Civil radar stations too. Also Airfields have their own primary and Secondary surveillance radar.

Our UK based radar systems are or have been modernised. I agree with other posters that the Falklands defence posture, minimal as it is, should be left as is.

6 years ago

Don’t cry me Argentina? Sad to see the ship and the country in such a bad way. Seriously I think we should help them out.
If we don’t I would not be surprised to see China offering them cheap loans.

Geoffrey Roach
Geoffrey Roach
6 years ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Very good point.

6 years ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Roach

And cheap hardware.

Sceptical Richard
Sceptical Richard
6 years ago
Reply to  Paul.P

You said it PaulP. Where we walk away, China walks in…

6 years ago

No bucks, no Buck Rogers.

Alejandro Blanco
Alejandro Blanco
6 years ago

Buenas tardes, soy argentino. He leido sus comentarios y me asombra ver lo respetuoso que son con nosotros.
Lamentablemente, el gasto militar no es algo bien visto por las ultimas dirigencias politicas.
Mucha gente en el ultimo tiempo a comenzado a apoyar a los militares. Sin embargo, aun muchos los resisten por lo que pasó en la decada del 70.
Supimos fabricar tanques, submarinos, aviones y destructores, ya nada de eso queda.
Van a pasar decadas para que volver a recuperar muchas de las capacidades que perdimos.
Un cordial saludo

Sceptical Richard
Sceptical Richard
6 years ago

Alejandro, I know Argentina well. It’s a beautiful country full of many riches. I don’t understand why your governments keep screwing things up to the extent that the country is nearly bankrupt again! I wish you the best of luck!

Alejandro Blanco
Alejandro Blanco
6 years ago

dear, thank you

6 years ago

Los tratan con mucho respeto. Pero se quedaron con las islas, huevón!!! Saludos desde Chile

Alejandro Blanco
Alejandro Blanco
6 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m Argentine. I have read your comments and I am amazed to see how respectful they are with us.
Regrettably, military spending is not something well seen by the last political leaders.
Many people in the last time have begun to support the military. However, many still resist for what happened in the 70’s.
We knew how to make tanks, submarines, airplanes and destroyers, and nothing of that remains.
It will be decades before we recover many of the capabilities we lost.
a cordial greeting

Joe B
Joe B
6 years ago

Ah good ol’ socialism, never fails to disappoint

Andy G
6 years ago

We are never going to have a powerful influence in South America until we resolve the issues from the Falklands war. We should offer them a deal, could look like this.. – 50% of all mineral rights around the Falklands – Visa free travel between the islands and Argentina – Development loans from the foreign aid budget, billions of pounds, to extract said mineral wealth – Security, maybe with OPV’s, while they rebuild their navy and air force – With Type 31e and Typhoon tranche 1 – Free Trade Deal This gets us free trade deals with all of south… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Andy G

I agree. We could chuck Jeremy Clarkson in too, they would love to get there hands on him.

6 years ago
Reply to  Andy G

Right direction but probably too agressive a plan I would say. We don’t want to upset Chile who are a good ally in the region and a good customer for our used Type 23s.
I would suggest Hawk trainers maybe with AA missiles and OPVs. Affordable and no threat to anyone.

Alejandro Blanco
Alejandro Blanco
6 years ago
Reply to  Andy G

I applaud your comment. I think the same. God keep our nations

Alejandro Blanco
Alejandro Blanco
6 years ago
Reply to  Andy G

I applaud your comment

6 years ago
Reply to  Andy G

I agree with the attitude but I disagree with how extreme your proposition is. I do not believe that feeling bad or sorry about the Argentine situation is justifiable cause for effectively gifting billions of pounds worth of assets and resources to a fairly recent military aggressor against us. I’ve visited the many graves and memorials across the Falklands and cannot so easily forget my peers who fell there, nor what they achieved in victory. One thing that we and Argentina have in common is our strong sense of pride. Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t view Argentina as… Read more »

6 years ago

The Argentine defence budget is .96% of GDP, whilst that is not exactly stunning it is large enough to support a carefully planned equipment program. The problem is the annual wage and pension bill takes up 70% of that budget! They have serious structural problems within their armed forces: 1) There are too many officers in desk jobs who should have been retired years ago drawing a wage 2) When those officers eventually retire their pension is proportionally larger due to their long (unneeded) service 3) An inability to make tough decisions preferring to avoid laying off unneeded personnel or… Read more »

Sceptical Richard
Sceptical Richard
6 years ago
Reply to  Fedaykin

You mean Macri! Maduro is doing a great job of trashing Venezuela. Leave him there. Don’t take him to Argentina!

6 years ago

Good catch there, Macri it is. Don’t know where that came from chuckle


[…] se remarca en un reciente artículo del influyente UK Defense Journal que señala que “Argentina ha dejado de ser una potencia militar […]


[…] se remarca en un reciente artículo del influyente UK Defence Journal que señala que “Argentina ha dejado de ser una potencia militar […]


[…] se remarca en un reciente artículo del influyente UK Defence Journal que señala que “Argentina ha dejado de ser una potencia militar […]

6 years ago

And we`re not proud of this situation, moreover, I`m personally ashamed. A country without respectful military forces cannot stand proud.

5 years ago

good riddance to this tin pot lousy arrogant country that got trounced in 1982 by Britain. They tried to steal some islands, the Falklands that are not theirs!