George Allison
F-22 Raptors take out aerial targets in missile tests
The F-22 has completed operational tests of air-to-air missiles against an aerial target at the Utah Test and Training Range as part of a major capability upgrade.
HMS Queen Elizabeth could arrive in Portsmouth ‘as early as next Thursday’, Defence Secretary...
Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon has announced that HMS Queen Elizabeth is set to enter her new home in Portsmouth in around two weeks time.
VH-92A US Presidential helicopter achieves first flight
Lockheed Martin has announced the first flight of a VH-92A configured test aircraft in support of the US Marine Corps VH-92A Presidential Helicopter Replacement Program.
Qatar purchases warships from Italy in $5.9 billion deal
Qatar has announced a $5.9 billion deal for seven warships from Italy.
ACA detail how HMS Queen Elizabeth converts seawater to fresh water
The Aircraft Carrier Alliance have published insight into how HMS Queen Elizabeth turns seawater into fresh water.
Baldwin: Typhoon ‘world’s most powerful and reliable swing-role combat aircraft’
Defence Minister Harriett Baldwin praised the Typhoon during the recent Royal International Air Tatoo at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire.
China, Russia complete first phase of joint naval exercises in the Baltic Sea
Chinese and Russian navies completed exercises in what they call the first stage of their ongoing joint exercise code-named 'Joint Sea 2017'.
Royal Air Force JTACs integrate with US counterparts
Royal Air Force personnel recently spent time with the US 93d Air Ground Operations Wing at Moody Air Force Base in the United States.
United Kingdom joins ‘Advanced Extremely High Frequency’ communications satellite system
The United Kingdom connected to the Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) protected communications satellite system.
Royal Navy officers control US Air Force 48th Fighter Wing aircraft in training exercise
Members of the Royal Navy visited the US 48th Fighter Wing at Lakenheath where they gained experience in controlling different types of aircraft. The trip...