Guest Contributor
The End of the Battleship: Why Britain needs Aircraft Carriers
The Washington Naval Conference of 1922 can be regarded as the high point of the great steel battleships, the former pride of the world’s navies.
NATO needs a new Maritime Strategy for its Northern Flank
NATO's naval power offers much potential to deter and – if necessary – help combat Russia.
The New Entente Cordiale: An Alliance for the 21st Century
Such are Anglo-French relations, imperfect and uneasy, but when the situation has seemed bleakest, we stand together as equals.
Technical, tactical and political: Developments in defence logistics for 2018
With ever-evolving equipment, budgets and geo-political landscapes, military organisations are having to constantly stay on top of technical, tactical and political developments happening in the defence sector.
Why Britain needs aircraft carriers
Aircraft carriers have since replaced the battleship as the capital ships of the modern navy but with the advent of anti-ship missiles and ever more advanced submarines, what is the future of the aircraft carrier and why does Britain need them?
Why doesn’t the sales record of the Typhoon match its combat capability?
BAE is set to cut 2,000 jobs across the UK, mainly from it’s aviation sector. Orders have slowed for the venerable Hawk trainer jet, but the main reason is a slowdown in the orders for the Eurofighter Typhoon.
Why can’t the US Army augment the police the same way the British Army...
Police militarisation in the United States has seen some police forces in the US as heavily armed as army units anyway. So, why can't the army help out?
The Kiev class ‘cruiser-carrier’ hybrid – A flawed design or ahead of its time?
The evolution of the Kiev class ‘cruiser-carrier’ hybrid from the days of the soviet union to its current role as an Indian Navy aircraft carrier.
Military manoeuvres & the prelude to a new cold war: Russian aggression or NATO’s...
NATO and Russia: In the last couple of years we have witnessed important military manoeuvres that demonstrate the heightened tensions between the two blocs.
The rise of China’s ‘blue water’ navy: Will the Pacific turn Red?
The rise of China as a maritime power was further enhanced by the news that China’s first domestically built aircraft carrier will be transferred from the dry dock of the Dalian shipyard, and will soon undergo trials and be fitted with systems to make her fully operational.