We’re going to be trying something new.
Basically, we plan on taking a look at the most ridiculous defence tweets on the internet.
The pilot episode is shown below, let me know what you think.
We’re going to be looking at people posting plainly incorrect tweets about carriers with no aircraft, pun intended, and things along those lines.
Super and thank you! A calm and measured response (a lot more measured response that I could come up with!) to those who love to detract from our capabilities. Are you listening SNP?
Twitter is a cesspool of misinformation and outright lies. I canceled my Twitter account last year. Don’t miss it at all. Same with the rest of the social “media” apps like Fakebook, Instagram and the lot. So sad that so many people actually believe all the crap that’s on them. Ugh
Please type MSM. I’ve then got a line on my conspiracy theory bingo card
There is some good stuff on twitter but like you I also cancelled my account. The negatives outweigh the positives by too large a margin. Sites like UKDJ are a better way to keep an eye on the defence world.
yes. i have seen some posts on Instagram saying they apparently there are gonna a military conscription. like as if a civilised country like the uk would do anything like that in times of peace. uggh peace mongers how i hate them.
Wow. So much to choose from you’d need an army of people to review it all.Then there’s all the incorrect & misleading things ministers etc come out with.
Mail online are normally a great source not only from their ‘Defence’ journos but particularly in the comments section!
Thanks George-enjoyed the video!
If you can wade through the endless Royal stories. You’d think that the Mail would give it a rest after their recent setbacks with the spare and his missus!
Indeed Herodotus. Not a serious journal but an occasional interesting story and good for some light relief 🙂
Thanks George, hopefully some politicians and tabloid papers watch the tweet.
Well done George. Keep ’em coming, please. We all need a laugh, at present.
Like Dan, I stay off social media. It ranges from banal to downright dangerouse (Trump?…)
Very welcome iniative George!
A great idea. Apart from having to see these nauseatingly dumb tweets again. Something, I might add I’m absolutely willing to do just to hear you explain what nonsense they are. Keep up the good work.
Hi George I really admire what you are doing. I am a fan of UKDJ. I think it is a good idea.
Honest feedback:
I am more likely to watch if the videos are 5minutes or less.
Perhaps just a voice over footage to keep it visually interesting.
Maybe just a once a week roundup of the worst tweets.
Great stuff, keep the videos coming please!