The UK, US and Japan will hold regular trilateral military exercises in the Indo-Pacific from 2025 to boost security in the region and further develop the ability of each country’s armed forces to operate together, announced the Ministry of Defence today.

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Jim (@guest_809845)
5 months ago

I really hope we can see Japanese F35 and even Singaporean ones embarked on PoW for CSG 25. This will emphasise the flexibility at the heart of the CVF concept.

No doubt it will also attract the usual trolls banging on about aircraft carriers without aircraft but it will be worth it, CCP won’t be happy but then that’s largely the point.

I wonder how long it will take china with the “world’s largest navy” to operate a carrier strike group on the other side of the planet.

Netking (@guest_809859)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

The latest estimate I’ve seen is that we should expect to see a PLAN CSG sailing the North Atlantic by the end of the decade.

Paul.P (@guest_809861)
5 months ago
Reply to  Netking

Just enough time for France to build PA2 then.

Levi Goldsteinberg
Levi Goldsteinberg (@guest_809872)
5 months ago
Reply to  Paul.P

If that ship ever becomes more than a slick rendering on a powerpoint slide, I’ll eat my hat

Spyinthesky (@guest_809891)
5 months ago
Reply to  Netking

Yep makes sense their new carrier will be fully operational and in service tested by then.

Jim (@guest_809911)
5 months ago
Reply to  Netking

Apparently their a super power 😀

Netking (@guest_809970)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

If we’re being honest I think it’s safe to say that they are an economic superpower already and appear well on their way to being a military one as well.

David Owen
David Owen (@guest_810110)
5 months ago
Reply to  Netking

They will be hard pushed to find any friends in the noth Atlantic a nd they will get a nice little from all of us ,uk ,us ,Canada, Norway, Sweden, Denmark with a nice flotilla waiting for them ,chased out of our waters

Gareth (@guest_810189)
5 months ago
Reply to  Netking

Perhaps we’ll have some air launched anti-ship missiles by then, compatible with F-35 and Typhoon…

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_809879)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

If I’m one of the trolls banging on about getting more aircraft to sea after ten years Labour can prove me completely wrong if they win the election and order Tranch 3 F35’s.😇

Spyinthesky (@guest_809889)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

I think with their new carrier that’s the idea, India is certainly a little concerned. Their present Carriers aren’t really equipped to operate much beyond the inner Island circle.

Expat (@guest_809896)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

I’m not sure that’s there is an immediate military objective. Their primary objective is to show the US that resistance is futile, so don’t bother intervening in Taiwan and then be able to back it up if they did. China has a logistical advantage due to how close Taiwan is to the mainland, no point in stretching that by pushing carriers beyond where they need to be. I don’t think China would plan to hit the US, that would trigger article 5, so again another reason why they would keep carrier strike close to home. They will.use them and other… Read more »

Jim (@guest_809917)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Carrier strike is probably a total waste of money close to home for China. In a shooting war the SCS will be a no go zone for any kind of surface ship either Chinese or US and China will loose a war over Taiwan in the Indian Ocean after its oil is blockaded.

It’s almost impossible to imagine any scenario where china wins a war against the US and its allies unless it builds a bigger navy with power projection capability.

Jon (@guest_810032)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

China attacking the US wouldn’t necessarily trigger a NATO article 5 request. It’s a North Atlantic/European agreement, and just like the attack on the Falklands didn’t being in the South Atlantic, nor would a Pacific assault on the US. (Article 6 expands on the exact area covered.)

Article 5 starts:

“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all…”

Last edited 5 months ago by Jon
Expat (@guest_810057)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jon

Isn’t there a US state in the middle of the Pacific.😅 Any attack.on US soil could trigger Article 5. Falklands are different they’re self governing. They have their own government.

Article 5 trigger NATO involvement in Afghanistan so any attack on US soil could see European forces deployed to the Pacific. If the 911 attack had been on Hawaii it would have trigger Article 5.

Any European politicians who suggest anything less are putting NATO at risk and playing into Trumps hands.

Jonno (@guest_810246)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

I think everyone copped out over the Falkland’s using the excuse it wasn’t British and it was South Atlantic. If it is so, I don’t quite understand their point. Does that mean if Greenland or some of the French overseas territories are attacked NATO wont be involved. Supposing Bermuda was attacked are you going to tell me the USA and NATO wouldn’t get involved? What about the Azores?

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_810130)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

“ I’m not sure that’s there is an immediate military objective”

Trouble making and pot stirring are the main PLAN objectives. That keeps NATO running around.

Coupled with bellicose rhetoric if anyone calls them out.

Expat (@guest_809897)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Sorry I should add I think its very likely well see Japanses F35s sharing deck space. They’re are still working up their converted carriers for F35s so this will be extremely valuable for them.

Jim (@guest_809919)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Yes I don’t see Japanese F35 onboard as being that big a stretch, they already crossed decked with USN.

Singapore could be an interesting one though. I think they have 6 F35B already. They have never been officially designated for carrier operations but no reason why they could not hop onboard. I doubt Singapore will be willing to send such a clear message to China though.

Singapore talks up its western allegiances but it’s addicted to Chinese money.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_810131)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

QEC’s are the pioneers of F35B so there is a lot of learning to transfer to allies.

Expat (@guest_810274)
5 months ago

Yes, for instance I wonder if Japan is considering SBRVL.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_810293)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

It is either that or dump payload into the sea? Which gets kind of expensive……

Expat (@guest_809848)
5 months ago

I know this was announced in 2023 but doubling down in it, is this Tories teeing up for when they are in opposition, its bit of guantlet to Healey who already criticised the last deployment. He can off course call it off and that will have the then in opposition Tories calling them out for not supporting allies in the region. Or go ahead and back peddle on his own comments. With Labour being dead cert Tories can act like an opposition party making lots of commitments for next years but knowing they won’t have to deliver them. Just wish… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_809876)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Exactly this. What is your position, Labour? Having been criticising the “Pacific Tilt” ( which is actually primarily trade, AUKUS, GCAP) for the last few years, will any if this ever even happen?

Expat (@guest_809894)
5 months ago

We’ve seen a lot of this, Tories confirming F35, T32 still in play, subs in Australia. I think they know they can’t afford most of it but it won’t be their problem, but it’s great ammunition for them in opposition. But that’s the name of the game when you’re in opposition.

Deep32 (@guest_809905)
5 months ago

Hi mate, I for one believe that AUKUS will go ahead, certainly the SM part. Apart from anything else this is all about jobs, especially in the UK for the foreseeable. It’s also big money involved. At the end of the day, Labour is all about jobs, as it pleases their paymasters (unions). So, can’t see them deep sixing this at all. We will send a SM to Surf-West in 2027 even if we can’t really afford to in terms of our unit availability here in the UK. Despite what Labour have said ref ‘Tilt East’, I also think we… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_809929)
5 months ago
Reply to  Deep32

Exactly. It is, for politicians, all about jobs. One if the biggest problems WRT the defence budget. Providing the right numbers of people, kit, and assets for the commitments a P5 G7 nation such as the UK require is secondary to jobs. That will also play out soon when AW get the FMH order. Yes, they should know where the trade is coming from! It’s the world’s biggest growing market and Labour’s rhetoric endlessly complains or wishes to withdraw from it which is why I have such a problem working out their contradictions and why I trust them on defence… Read more »

Jonno (@guest_810248)
5 months ago

Do Labour know where the East is? Cleethorpes? I thought they always went to Blackpool. They have to get over the fact the 1960’s are over and we have to be seen to be believed especially in Australia. If we don’t turn up, the USA will.

Jim (@guest_809922)
5 months ago

Labour is in opposition, its job is to criticise and oppose but the pacific tilt will remain unchanged.

It’s an Anglo-sphere policy with more to do with the military and civil service than the government of the day.

Most other European governments are doings something similar. Just as pacific governments (Australia, Japan, South Korea) are taking more interest in Europe.

Unless Trump gets elected then labour will double down on NATO and Europe and all bets will be off.

Expat (@guest_810284)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

I don’t follow that if Trump was elected Labour would just focus on Europe that’s putting party ideology a head of commons sense. And its not something Labour has ever done internationally. US presidents come and go so it’s best not to screw things up just because you don’t agree on some things for what might be just 4 years. As you know I’m no fan of our political class but I’m fairly sure Starmer will work with Trump where he can, he’s not stupid. The only ones who benefit from discord between allies are our potential enemies. Labour tilt… Read more »

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_809877)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

In an ideal world they would all stop acting like squabbling bloody children and return some much needed investment into defence of the realm on a long term basis, 3% commitment for the next 25 years. Alas it won’t happen, Labour are looking to go ‘old school’ and attack the wealthy for having the outrageous audacity to be wealthy, same old. Scratch the shiny and the socialists are just under the surface. A new generation of London centric EU enthusiasts, but “keep the red flag flying here”, non the less. They just need to keep it under the carpet for… Read more »

Expat (@guest_809892)
5 months ago
Reply to  John Clark

Sadly both parties are unelectable imo. I think there’s telling signs things won’t end well, this week Shell stated it felt unloved and is looking at listing in the US. If their valuation flies in the US it will put pressure on others to exit also. The finacially nieve will say we don’t need these companies. I’m a socialist at heart but realise the best way to redistribute wealth is to make a load more of it. So increase the top 1% high earners by three fold and that’s pretty much everyone else’s income tax sorted. I really couldn’t care… Read more »

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_809920)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Well said, I have been thinking of pulling my pension pot for the last couple of years since tuning 55 a few years back. An election year and Labour started to lay out their ‘glorious 5 year plan’, has me scrambling into action!! Labour will most certainly pull the plug on 55 pension pot plundering, as they endeavour to nail my generation in the workplace by our feet! I’m self employed, I’ve been paying into my private pension since I was 17, take zero benefits of any kind and pay all my taxes and no bloody socialist is stopping me… Read more »

Jim (@guest_809924)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Where a company is listed on the stock market and where it pays its corporate taxes are rarely the same. Shell only recently moved to the UK from the Netherlands as well for tax reason. The UK stock market is small compared to the US even though it’s the third largest in the world but it’s not necessarily a big problem. US stocks attract crazy valuation prices. Just look at ARM, its market cap would be 3 times smaller if it was listed in the LSE instead of NYSE but it’s still a British company paying tax in the UK.… Read more »

Expat (@guest_809990)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Im no doubt if shell.relists the HQ and oil and gas traders will.follow. also every shell share that’s bought and sold is taxed so there’s a loss to the treasury and the bigger the company leaving the bigger the loss. Unlike ARM shell has no reason to HQ in the UK, despite best efforts to frame its global profits as theft from UK voters Shells UK business is something like 15% of its global business, and that 15% is facing increased hostilities from the government. HSBC is also tipped to.move its HQ, BP and Glencore are also ar risk of… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_809937)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Ah, there it is! Well said. A nation of “peasants on benefits” because making something of yourself resulting in you having some wealth is scorned.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_809936)
5 months ago
Reply to  John Clark

Exactly. You tax the rich too far and they say cheerio and take the tax receipts and income tax elsewhere. Because they can.
Then what?

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_809950)
5 months ago

Then what indeed, the Tories are already hostile to anyone with money, Labour will double down and cost us far more money than they raise in the short term…..

Jim (@guest_809921)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Starmer pledging 2.5% of GDP on defence today.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_809940)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

“When conditions allow” but welcome nonetheless.

Jonno (@guest_810249)
5 months ago

That’s funny to me. Dont conditions allow when there are two major wars going on? Watch what happens and it aint going to be pretty be it Trump abandoning Ukraine and Europe because his wife is from an East European country and he’s fixated on Russia or China, N Korea and Iran causing mayhem. Its planned can’t people see.

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_809944)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

‘When conditions allow’ Jim, so he’s not pledging anything at all … Typical political doublespeak, it means absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_810277)
5 months ago
Reply to  John Clark

Spot on 👍

Expat (@guest_809991)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Yep so have the Tories won’t be voting for them either. 😅

John (@guest_809871)
5 months ago

Will Grant Shapps be allowed to comment when he has a new job? I hear he has applied to pull pints in his local Weatherspoons.

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_809878)
5 months ago
Reply to  John

Might be worth you noticing that all the good news we’ve had recently is since he became Secretary of State, and I don’t even like the guy particularly.

John (@guest_809881)
5 months ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

Mate, do not buy the Snake Oil…..

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_809883)
5 months ago
Reply to  John


Frank62 (@guest_809909)
5 months ago

Good, the free world needs this. I hope POW will have all her defensive armament, paltry as it is, fitted for the deployment in these dangerous times. It will be a boost to all our friends & allies in the far east.