During Defence Cyber Marvel 2, a large-scale cyber battle exercise in Tallinn, Royal Navy and Ukrainian cyber warfare experts successfully defended against virtual attacks on national infrastructure.
The exercise involved 34 teams from 11 nations, including personnel from Ukraine, the United States, Japan, Singapore, Kenya, and Oman.
While the Royal Navy’s cyber operations specialists based in Portsmouth usually protect ships and RN bases around the world from threats say the Royal Navy, they joined forces with a Ukrainian cyber unit at a cyber range in Tallinn to respond to simulated cyber threats, including attacks on networks, industry control systems, and unmanned robotic systems.
These simulated threats were similar to the tactics used by Russia to disrupt Ukrainian cyberspace during the early days of the invasion one year ago.
The Royal Navy and Ukraine team were declared the most improved at the end of the week-long exercises, which were run as a competition with participants judged on their effectiveness and speed.
You can read more on this here.
Other news, Ukraine have said that they will be receiving 28 Challenger 2s now, along with more artillery from the UK.
Thought it was the same 30 heavy guns?
If true it makes sense. The U.K. army needs to get all its tanks up and running. Last I heard a lot aren’t able to run.
As someone put it that if the British army had to deploy the 3 armoured brigades, divisions or what ever they are called, at 5.30am half of it wouldn’t make it out the car park or be broken down by lunch time.
Ukraine needs them and the U.K. only needs 150 for future needs and can mince to a different platform.
That was corrected later on Monday. Just 14 Ch2s are being sent. Our token contribution got others to offer far more tanks.
Well that’s a shame!
From all accounts from Ukraine, Cyber seems to be an area the UK a is light years ahead in. Another key capability overlooked by the internet fan boys when it comes to military comparisons.
Agreed. Well said.
There was a Signals Capt on my C-IED instructors cse, bit of an IT buff. anyway we got chatting in the bar, and somehow we started talking about Cyber warfare and he mentioned that at a computer fair he visited he was given a free USB drive. At home whilst using it, his computer flagged up that the device was trying to communicate with the outside world , apparently he isolated it and then let it do so , with him following with whom it was communicating with and he claimed he followed the signal back to China.
It wouldn’t surprise me, as a lot blank drives come from China. You can buy a whole batch of blank drives branded up with your company logo etc and then you put your product data or catalogue on there etc etc and give them away. It would be an idea way in for spyware etc
Route One for Cyber would be USB. Delivered straight to the brain.
A similar thing happened at a G7 or G20 gathering in Russia a few years ago,attendees were given a free goodie bag ,in which there was a complimentary USB Stick,when they plugged it into their Laptops afterwards a lot of information was automatically compromised.
Can I assist? I’m good at word documents and have recently learnt the cut and paste…….😂💩
That is my level too!! I don’t like XL at all though.
Good stuff, we don’t hear a lot about Cyber, but it’s obviously only going ot get more important to warfare.
I did read an article some time ago, about Russian cyber attacks against Ukraine both pre- and post-invasion; they said that hardening infrastructure is obviously important, but the ability to get it back up and running again is almost more so. The attacker will always, eventually get in, but if the attack only causes the power network to be down for a couple of hours rather than 6? That’s way less of an impact. Apparently Ukraine had got pretty good at this kind of quick bounceback in the cyber realm- hopefully we’ve been taking notes.
The cyber war has been going on for decades. Even when we were, not even that long ago, fawning over Russian & Chinese money, they were waging that war against us, stealing secrets & industrial know how. They actively undermine our whole society & corrupt our dismal politicians.