Aircrew from RAF Waddington based 51 Squadron, are conducting integrated crew training flying on Exercise Red Flag from Nellis Air Base Nevada.

The aircrew have joined with United States Air Force aircrew to fly a RC 135 Rivet Joint intelligence gathering aircraft as part of the exercise. 

This is the first time that an integrated crew has flown on the exercise for several years and is one element of the newly expanded but long-established exercise.

In addition to this integrated crew, other elements that are new for this year’s exercise are a vastly increased geographical area to challenge participants to overcome what USAF planners are calling the ‘Tyranny of Distance’.  This means that large multi-engine aircraft are now fully integrated into the missions, in addition to the traditional combat air missions of previous exercises.

The 51 Squadron detachment is led by Flight Lieutenant Dan Wilkes, a navigator with the squadron. He said: “this exercise is an extremely important opportunity for us to integrate and work with our USAF colleagues.  With the high operational tempo of the squadron, the opportunity to conduct such high intensity training that the exercise offers, is extremely valuable.  It gives an opportunity to develop 51 Squadron aircrew as a whole, as we will be able to share our experiences on our return to the squadron.”

The RAF RC 135 Rivet Joint Aircraft are fully integrated into the USAF Rivet Joint Fleet flown by the USAF 55th Wing based at Offutt Air Force Base Nebraska and are part of single cycle of upgrades to develop the aircraft.

In addition to ensuring the aircraft of the RAF and USAF are the same, the aircrew is trained to the same standard and are, therefore, qualified to operate each nation’s aircraft.

For Exercise Red Flag the USAF Rivet Joint detachment commander is Major Marc ‘Dirty’ Ramos from the 343rd Reconnaissance Squadron, based at Offutt AFB.

He said: “the benefit of this integration is that we are all able to share our varied experiences from our collective worldwide operations. The RAF crew bring with them their depth of operational experience in Europe which contributes immensely to our wider understanding and planning for our missions on this exercise.  The Rivet Joint community is relatively small, and it is important we maintain this close partnership and open exchange of knowledge.”

During the exercise, the RAF say, the Rivet Joint aircrew are providing intelligence that can be passed directly to the combat fast jets of the RAF, USAF, Royal Australian Air Force, United States Navy and US Marine Corps that are conducting the simulated combat missions.

The intelligence gathered contributes to the understanding of the complex simulated ground-based air defence systems, as well as aggressor aircraft that are simulating a peer adversary, together with cyber and space-based threats that are being faced by the ‘Blue’ forces.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Blimey some joint joined up thinking,I’m pleasantly surprised.
    We in U.K are busily using our 3 RC-135W’s to keep tabs on the Russians along with USAFE’s.
    So far simpler and sensible to just send the crews over and use the USAF ones in situ.
    And it looks like we may be doing more joined up thinking with them.
    Because we are years closer to introducing the E-7 Wedgetail than the US we may be assisting them to speed to certification process pre US build. Doing so could shave years of their process.
    Now if we could just persuade them to let us do a few extra conversions for them and we add 2 extra for us and we both benefit and STS keeps rolling. It isn’t like we are taking manufacturing jobs from the US it is assembling US built components in a US built aircraft.
    Just for once exchange rates could work in our favour.

    And if leaks are to be believed the impending AUKUS announcement may really be a 3 way cooperative effort.

    Exciting times.

    • Have stated previously that AUKUS is the probable tri-national full employment act for scientific, technical and skilled trades workforces for the foreseeable future. SSN production will only be a portion of the iceberg that the PLA/PLAAF/PLAN eventually encounters, much to their chagrin, in the SCS (as well as Mad Vlad and the slobbering Orcs in the NA). ChiComs probably realize that the tide has turned and there is a finite timeline to exploit allied vulnerability.

      Vote in US HOR to condemn scum-sucking, slimeball ChiCom behavior (419-0). Typically can’t generate that sort of vote to acknowledge Earth is a sphere or whether the sun rises in the eastern sky. US defense funding assured. 😊

      • Honestly I just pray that AUKUS works out in a way that actually increases the wests defence capability.
        If and it is a massive If, the US can overcome the home politics and genuinely act as a senior partner dedicated to a common mutually advantageous outcome then Maybe this could work out.
        The US has hollowed out its supply chain and SSN/SSBN build capacity to build more you need reinvestment building / supplying at greater scale.
        A common design with real input from all partners could deliver the scale and help with cost. Which enable us to be able to afford more boats.
        It isn’t like we haven’t done this before M777 Howitzer is a U.K BAe design, some parts are built in U.K some in US, great weapon. Shame we never bought any.
        F86 Sabre was going nowhere till it got a licence built RR Nene,
        And the A36 was just about useful as a low level ground attack aircraft till some Bright spark stuck a RR Merlin in the front. The result was the P51 Mustang.

        • The magnitude of the potential threat is beginning to dawn on US populace. Polls indicate 80% of populace have an unfavorable view of PRC. US, in spite of internal politics, still retains the capability to mobilize and gear up. Whether our collective enemies will afford us the opportunity/time for rearmament is an open question.

          Recent reports from contractors state the submarine enterprise is finally fully staffed and ready to produce at requested level. AUKUS will be an additional delta. Believe there will be a modular design for next generation SSN(R)/SSN(X)/SSN(OZ) w/ many commonly designed/potentially manufactured components (ala common missle compartments of Columbia and Dreadnought classes), perhaps extending as far as a common modular design. Our collective enemies would truly be concerned if mass production comes to SSN production.

          As useful as cooperation on SSN production will be, that is not the truly big game being hunted. Space operations of varying categories, covering the high ground, are the big game targets for next several generations. It is not mere happenstance that UK is expanding space related activities; there is some party/parties w/in HMG that are providing strategic vision and directing traffic. Not certain re all players, Big Ben is one obvious choice, but there are probably others who don’t desire visibility. 🤔

          The Aussies are going to face a steep learning curve on multiple fronts, but they are descendants of a hearty, problem-solving ancestry and will be afforded significant technological assistance.

  2. Good to see cross-training still taking place between the UK & US.
    Something that has been ongoing for many years!

    Squadron Leader Nick deCandole joined the RAF in 1996 and after tours on Tornado F3, Jaguar and the first Typhoon squadron he joined 17(R) Test & Evaluation Squadron (TES), testing the latest developments on Typhoon.

    When the opportunity arose to fly with the US Air Force he jumped at the chance: “In the beginning of 2011 it was obvious that this exchange, another TES post, was opening up and the timing was going to work out for me so I applied. I was lucky enough to be selected to come out to America to test the F-16 out here with the US Air Force.”

    I fly about the same as a UK front line pilot; approx. three times a week and about 150 hours a year. I fly the F-16 block 40 and 50 primarily in the suppression of enemy air Defence role because that’s the F-16s niche role.

    We also look at all the other roles the F-16 does like combat search and rescue, close air support and air-air.”

    • Standard.
      I believe the RAF, along with the USN, were the only other air forces with an exchange posting on the F117, then B2, and now probably other AC not yet acknowledged.
      Shows how much the RAF is regarded.

      • Correct!

        US President Ronald Reagan had offered Margaret Thatcher the chance to work on US advanced military programs during the 1980s such as the Space Shuttle program and the Lockheed F-117A stealth fighter. The F-117A Nighthawk was the world’s first operational aircraft designed to exploit low-observable stealth technology.

        • Royal Air Force pilot makes history in B-2 Spirit
          “Royal Air Force Squadron Leader David Arthurton is a pilot with the 13th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, flying the B-2 Spirit bomber with the “Grim Reapers” as part of the RAF Personnel Exchange Program. He is the first and only foreign exchange pilot to fly the B-2 as part of this program, and is the only foreign officer to fly the B-2.
          A native of Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England, Squadron Leader Arthurton flew the RAF Tornado GR4 at RAF Lossiemouth and RAF Marham in England, with a six-month assignment at the United Kingdom’s fighter weapons school between assignments, when the opportunity to fly the B-2 came up. “

      • How frequently does RAF participate in either Maple Flag or Green Flag exercises?
        Presume RN FAA will be accorded at least an occasional invitation, after F-35 program matures sufficiently?


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