HMS Spey has arrived in Sri Lanka for the first time to celebrate 75 years of relations between the two countries.

Spey, which is operating in the Indian Ocean for the first time having spent the bulk of her Operation Woodwall deployment around the Pacific Rim/Southeast Asia and Australasia, spent three days in the capital Colombo, say the Royal Navy here.

“The visit paves the way for future co-operation between the two Commonwealth navies in a part of the world key not just to both the UK and Sri Lanka, but global trade and stability. The patrol ship was greeted by a ceremonial welcome provided by the Sri Lankan Navy pipe and drums band – a well-received nod to Spey’s Scottish heritage.

In response, the ship hosted a demonstration evening and reception, attended by British High Commissioner Andrew Patrick, Sri Lanka’s Defence Minister, Premitha Tennakoon, as Guest of Honour and Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, the head of the Sri Lankan Navy, and business leaders looking to forge links between the two countries.

The remainder of the short visit – which took place on the cusp of the 76th anniversary of Sri Lanka’s independence – was focused on military discussions and improving understanding of both the ways of working of the two navies and their capabilities.”

This will prove particularly useful in coming months as the Sri Lankan Navy is integrating in the Combined Maritime Forces – the international coalition of more than 40 like-minded nations dedicated to tackling smuggling, piracy, terrorist and criminal activity in the Indian Ocean/Gulf/Red Sea region, you can read more on this here.

Tom Dunlop
Tom has spent the last 13 years working in the defence industry, specifically military and commercial shipbuilding. His work has taken him around Europe and the Far East, he is currently based in Scotland.
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1 year ago

Oh no, not something else fallen off….😎

Seriously though, It’s just such a great use of these ships making their presence shown in far off climes. Would love a bit of Shore leave there, Sri Lankan food is amazing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank

Is it my eyesight or does she seem to be sitting a little low in the water?

1 year ago
Reply to  geoff

She’s bringing back Spices and Gold again……. It’s a tradition that goes back a long time….. 😆….. Empires were built on this sort of thing…..

John Clark
John Clark
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank

Let’s not forget leaving room on deck for some Egyptian antiquaries and a couple of small ancient Greek temples on the way back, the Captain’s wife wants an interesting garden feature….

1 year ago
Reply to  John Clark

Childish the navy are doing a great job ., the training is tough so less of your sarcasm.

John Clark
John Clark
11 months ago
Reply to  Hazel

Oddly, I’ve just received notification of your reply Hazel, perhaps take my comment as intended, a joke… Do lighten up.

11 months ago
Reply to  John Clark

Not funny you have a strange sense of humour. Comments like yours show disrespect for our service people particularly in these troubled times. Why not try being supportive.

John Clark
John Clark
11 months ago
Reply to  Hazel

It’s called a ‘sense of humour’ Hazel, an old fashioned concept quite popular up to about 10 years ago, before absolutely everything was offensive to everyone.

In Some quarters it’s so referred to as jovial banter, go ahead and Google it.

In these woke times we live in its a difficult concept to understand I know…

11 months ago
Reply to  John Clark

As I said before you have a strange sense of humour, if you think this is banter it shows you have no understanding of the situation. Uttwaste of time replying further to you.

John Clark
John Clark
11 months ago
Reply to  Hazel

I couldn’t agree more, and yet you keep replying, nowt as queer as folk as my nan used to say…..

Have a lovely week….

1 year ago

UK and Great Briton are Great for Sri Lanka .

David Barry
David Barry
1 year ago

Never had any problem with the chicken – indeed bought locally and BBQd, went down a treat.

However, the prawns and calamari were amazing!

I love Sri Lanka, she is a jewel we could polish and support and also leverage; instead, we let the Rajapaksas rape her and put her in hoc to the Chicoms.