Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 Hornet fighter jets practised identification and intercept procedures as B-52 Stratofortress bombers returned to the US from an overseas exercise.

According to NORAD, the B-52s were initially intercepted south of Iceland by RCAF CF-18 Hornets, who were operating under the NATO as part of Operation REASSURANCE – Iceland. The NATO controlled jets escorted the US bombers towards Canadian airspace before returning to Iceland.

A press release said:

“Canadian NORAD Region (CANR) aircraft intercepted the bombers as they approached the Canadian Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) along the east coast of Canada. The CANR fighters conducted safe passage escort procedures, and eventually handed off escort to USAF F-15 Eagles from the Continental U.S. NORAD Region (CONR) near the Canada-U.S. border.

This exercise took place twice over June 15 and 16 as the B-52s were transiting home. These USSTRATCOM long-range bomber flights provided an ideal opportunity for CANR to practice cross-border interoperability and coordination, all of which keeps NORAD forces well-prepared to defend the air sovereignty of Canada and the U.S.”

Major-General Christian Drouin, Commander, 1 Canadian Air Division and the Canadian NORAD Region said:

“Canada’s commitment to working with our American partners to jointly defend the airspace of North America through NORAD is a top priority for the Royal Canadian Air Force.

This exercise provided an opportunity for NORAD forces to work with NATO, to train and ensure they are prepared for the critical mission of defending North America.”

The B-52 Stratofortress bombers were participating in a US Strategic Command bomber assurance and deterrence exercise.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison